The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2725 Conjecture

Chapter 2725 Conjecture
"Hate?" Jintong Ni Huang was startled, shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't hate."

"Why? But he shattered your godhood and burned it completely." Wu Changkong asked strangely.

Jintong Nihuang was startled, and then said after a while: "The Xingfeng God of War is only following orders, and the ones who really want to hate are them!"

Hearing this, Wu Changkong couldn't help falling into silence.

After a long time, I only heard Wu Changkong say: "They say this is the general trend, and there will still be real gods who will be wiped out and break the godhood."

"It's all an excuse, it's just to eliminate dissidents." Jin Tong Ni Huang said bitterly.

Wu Changkong couldn't help falling into silence and remained silent for a long time.

After a slight pause, Wu Changkong sighed and said, "Forget it, it's useless to say these things now, I'll go first."

"Where are you going?" Jin Tong Ni Huang asked.

"The sky is so big, you can go wherever you want." Wu Changkong was free and easy.

Immediately, Wu Changkong turned around and flew away.

Jintong Nihuang looked at Wu Changkong's retreating back and fell silent for a long time.

After a long time, Jin Tong Ni Huang came back to his senses, looked angrily at the surrounding immortals, and asked angrily, "What are you looking at? Are you watching a joke from me?"

"No, no." The immortals said again and again.

"If you don't, get out!" Jin Tong Ni Huang said rudely.

Hearing this, all the immortals ran away immediately, this golden pupil Ni Huang really had a bad temper.

Jintong Nihuang has been stripped of his godhead, so he is no longer a real god.

However, no one dared to offend him.

Not to mention anything else, the god-level treasures on him are enough to make the immortals fear, let alone others.

Li Ming can walk sideways if he has a magical treasure.

One can imagine how powerful the Shenbao is!
Everyone fled in a hurry, and no one dared to stay longer.

Jintong Nihuang looked at the background of the gods in a hurry, and his heart was relieved immediately.

After a while, Jintong Nihuang himself left.

Li Ming and others returned to the Immortal Palace and couldn't help talking about the relegation of the true god.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Listening to the conversation between Senior Wu and Jintong Nihuang, the God Realm has really undergone major changes, and from their tone, it seems that there will be true gods relegated."

Hearing this, Ye Wudao and the others couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "Their godheads were shattered and burned into seven-color fire rain. If we can collect these seven-color fire rain, maybe we can find some secrets about the godhead."

Hearing this, Ye Wudao and the others raised their brows and stared straight away.

However, Long Zu shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's very difficult. If we don't say anything else, the scale of the rain of fire is beyond our control. Besides, everyone has seen the power of rain of fire. Only one person, It's hard to resist."

"It's really difficult, and I just put forward this idea. If you can really find out the secret of the godhead from the fire rain, it will be a good thing for everyone." Li Ming said.

"This is true." Long Zu nodded and said.

"Do you think their godheads will not be exhausted?" Ye Wudao said suddenly.

"Huh?" Li Ming and the others were stunned for a moment, their eyes suddenly brightened.

I only heard that Emperor Fu Hai said: "We can search carefully in the area where the fire rain fell, and maybe we will find something unexpected."

"Go, start now!" Ye Wudao said.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Immediately, Li Ming and his party left the Immortal Palace again, and turned back to the area where Jintong Ni Beast had descended.

After half a stick of incense, Li Ming and his party returned to the place where Jin Tong Ni Huang was exiled.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Everyone spread out and look around."

"En." Ye Wudao and others responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and his party carefully searched the area.

The area where the fire rain fell was very wide, and Li Ming and the others just searched in the central area as much as possible, because there is a relatively high possibility of godhead fragments here.

After half a stick of incense, Li Ming and his team finished searching the area.

However, nothing was found.

I only heard Ye Wudao said bitterly: "Li Ming, this kind of search is not a problem, in case the godhead fragment is not what we thought, it is just a plain fragment without any unusual features, even if it is in front of us I can't find it either!"

"Indeed." Long Zu nodded and said.

At this time, Li Ming also realized the problem.

At first, everyone thought that the godhead must be extraordinary and full of peculiarities.

However, the area was searched, but nothing was found.

After a slight pause, Long Zu said: "Li Ming, why don't you find a chance to ask Senior Xia Wu what his godhead looks like? You can find out if you search like this. Otherwise, it's useless for a blind man to light a lamp!"

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and said, "It's not long since Senior Wu's godhead was shattered, so I'm afraid it's not appropriate to ask him now. Wait for a while and find a suitable opportunity to ask again."

"That's true." Long Zu said.

"Then shall we go back now, or continue searching?" Immortal Emperor Fu Hai asked.

"Let's go back first." Li Ming said bitterly.

"Okay, then go back." Immortal Emperor Fu Hai nodded in response.

A group of people came here excitedly, but in the end they returned disappointed.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly received a celestial piercing message from Yuan Ting.

When I opened it, it turned out that Concubine Zhang Ye was planning to settle in a fairy city called Guanhai.

However, because of his lack of cash, he simply couldn't afford the house price in Guanhai City.

In fact, Yuan Ting can solve this trivial matter.

However, Li Ming has taken photos before, and if there is no danger, don't show up easily.

That's why Yuan Ting didn't take action to solve this small problem for Concubine Zhang Ye.

Immediately, I heard Li Ming say: "You guys go back first, I'll go somewhere."

"Li Ming, what's the happy event? You look so happy." Ye Wudao asked curiously.

"Private matter." Li Ming said with a smile.

"Private matter?" Ye Wudao paused slightly, pinched his fingers, pretended to be a fortune-telling posture and said: "Let me figure it out, what kind of private matter will it be?"

"Stop thinking about it." Li Ming said angrily.

"It must be related to women!" Ye Wudao said decisively.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you! Let's go first." Li Ming said without hesitation.

"Haha... I guessed it right!" Ye Wudao laughed.

At this time, Li Ming had already flown away.

From Yachongtian to Guanhai City, there is some distance.

However, for Li Ming, it was not a problem.

In less than a stick of incense, Li Ming arrived at Guanhai City.

When Li Ming arrived at Guanhai City, he immediately released his immortal consciousness and immediately locked on Concubine Zhang Ye's position.

At this moment, Concubine Zhang Ye was walking on the street.

Judging by her appearance, she is not very interested, and she is a little downcast, probably because she cannot settle here.

At this time, Yuan Ting sensed Li Ming's arrival, and immediately greeted him, and shouted respectfully: "See Emperor Eternal."

Li Ming nodded slightly and said, "Don't follow me, find a place to live by yourself."

"Yes, Emperor Eternal." Yuan Ting replied respectfully.

Afterwards, Li Ming was seen walking towards Concubine Zhang Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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