The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2763: Divine Sovereign Gate

Chapter 2763: Divine Sovereign Gate

The moment he stepped on the golden light, Li Ming's endless reluctance was pushed aside by him.

Because Li Ming knew that no matter how reluctant he was, it was useless, because it was impossible for him to stay.

Moreover, attracting Jin Guang will not let him leave.

In just an instant, Li Ming arrived at a brand new place.

"Is this the God Realm?" Li Ming looked around in a daze, asking with the surging immortal energy.

Now, Li Ming only has expectations for the God Realm in his heart.

The God Realm is above the Immortal Realm, there must be many differences. I still remember that when I first entered the real world, a fire rain almost killed Li Ming. Fortunately, he was smart, otherwise if the fire rain Among them, the Immortal World will not give birth to such a character as the Eternal Emperor.

Suddenly, there was a gate in front of it, a white marble pillar with golden characters on it, shining brightly and shining with golden light.

"Shenjun Gate."

Li Ming took a closer look and saw the words "Shenjun Gate" written on the pillar.

I only heard Wu Changkong said: "After passing the Shenjun Gate, you will enter the God Realm."

"Oh? Behind the Shenjun Gate is the God Realm?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, full of anticipation in his heart.

"Okay, let's say goodbye here, and see you later." Wu Changkong said suddenly.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, Hu asked: "Senior Wu, why did you leave suddenly? Aren't we going to the God Realm together?"

Wu Changkong smiled bitterly, and said, "You are ascending to the God Realm when you are rightfully bright, and I am taking your light and sneaking back to the God Realm. How can we go together? The Shenjun Gate is guarded by true gods. If they find me, they will be killed." Trouble, don't worry, I will suffer, and you will also be implicated."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, then looked at Jintong Nihuang, and asked, "What about you, senior?"

"I'm not the same as him. He made a mistake and was demoted to the Immortal Realm. I came down to the God Realm to meet the new God. I don't have to hide." Jintong Nihuang said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in surprise: "Senior Jintong Ni Huang, did you come down to the fairyland to welcome me?"

"It can be said that the God Realm has already sensed that the five-color god stone is about to come out, and also sensed that the new god is about to be born, so it ordered me to go down to the fairy world. However, when I first came down to the fairy world, I didn't know it was you until I saw Only the Sky-shaking Talisman will make everything clear." Jintong Nihuang murmured.

Hearing this, Li Ming seemed to understand.

I only heard Wu Changkong said: "Okay, I'll go first, and you all go back to your life."

After finishing speaking, Wu Changkong could not help but fly away.

At this time, Jintong Nihuang said: "Li Ming, we should go too."

After finishing speaking, Jin Tong Ni Huang led Li Mingfei to the Shenjun Gate.

When they came to Shenjun's gate, Li Ming and Jintong Nihuang were stopped by two true gods.

I only heard one of them shouting and asking: "Who is here? How dare you break into the gate of the gods?"

"Blind your dog eyes, I don't know the god ape?" The golden pupil Ni Huang was furious, and at the same time revealed his true body.

Seeing this, the two true gods guarding the gate hurriedly confessed: "I don't know if it's the Pioneer of the God Ape. I offended him, but this is it?"

"This is naturally the new god who has just ascended to the God Realm. I was ordered to secretly protect the new god to gain the Tao. Now that the task is completed, I am in a hurry to return to my life. You all get out of the way quickly." Jintong Nihuang said rudely.

"Yes, yes." The two guards stepped aside quickly.

Afterwards, Jin Tong Ni Huang led Li Ming across the gate of Shenjun.

After stepping through the Shenjun Gate, Li Ming only felt that he had entered a brand new world. The immortal energy was so strong that it was outrageous. Taking a breath was better than retreating in the immortal world for a hundred years.

As expected of God Realm!
Slightly startled, Li Ming asked, "Senior Jintong Nihuang, where are we going now?"

"Li Ming, now that you are a true god, don't call me senior anymore, just call me a god ape." Jintong Nihuang said.

"Okay." Li Ming nodded.

I only heard that Jin Tong Ni Huang continued: "I will take you to meet the king of the gods, the Haotian God Emperor."

"The king of the gods?" Li Ming paused for a moment, and then asked: "God ape, the ancient god who gave me the sky-shaking talisman is the Haotian God Emperor?"

Jin Tong Ni Huang shook his head and said: "No, that ancient god is not under anyone's jurisdiction and is at ease."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and asked curiously, "Which ancient god is that?"

"Hehe..." Jintong Nihuang smiled and said, "I don't dare to talk nonsense about this, so don't ask any more. If that ancient god wants to see you, he will find you."

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled bitterly.

Slightly startled, Li Ming asked, "God ape, there should be ranks among gods, right?"

"Yes, the weakest one is the little god, just like the two guards of the gods' gate just now." Jintong Nihuang said.

"What about the strongest one?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"The strongest is of course the God Emperor. There are only four God Emperors in the entire God Realm." Jintong Nihuang replied.

"Then what is there between the little god and the god emperor?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"Above the lesser god is the middle god, then the great god, then the main god, the god emperor, and the god emperor." Jintong Nihuang introduced.

Hearing this, Li Ming had a superficial understanding of the God Realm, the minor gods, the middle gods, the great gods, the main gods, the god emperors, and the god emperors.

"Wait, why is there no ancient god?" Li Minghu asked in question.

"The ancient gods are not grades, but the honorary titles they get because they have lived for a long time." Jin Tong Nihuang explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, and then asked: "What is the realm of Senior Zhu and Senior Mo?"

"Lord God." Jin Tong Ni Huang said.

"What about you, senior?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"Me?" Jintong Nihuang smiled bitterly, and said modestly: "I'm not talented, I'm just a mere god."

Li Ming nodded secretly, and then asked: "Then I should be considered a little god?"

"No, you are not yet." Jin Tong Ni Huang said.

"No?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking suspicious.

"Yes, true gods have divine books. You can be regarded as a wild god at most now, and you can only be considered a real god after the Haotian God Emperor canonize you." Jintong Nihuang explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, and then said: "Is this like the authentic disciples and casual cultivators in the fairy world?"

"Almost, but wild gods are a very dangerous thing in the God Realm. Once they are discovered, they will be shot or killed." Jintong Nihuang said.

"Why?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"No reason, it's always been like this." Jin Tong Ni Huang said.

Li Ming frowned, and then asked: "Then what level are the gods of water and gods of fire?"

"The god of water, Gong Gong, and the god of fire, Zhu Rong, are both main gods. However, it is said that the god of fire is about to break through the emperor, and I don't know if he will succeed." Jintong Nihuang said.

Hearing this, Li Ming secretly took a deep breath, these two ancient gods are really powerful, main god, god emperor?

Fortunately, when he was in the Immortal Realm, he didn't kill Zhu Rong's family cleanly, otherwise, what would happen in this God Realm?
Slightly startled, Li Ming continued to ask, "What about the ancestors of Zu Luo?"

"Their ancestors are not good, just like me, they are only middle gods." Jintong Nihuang said.

Hearing this, Li Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I only heard that Jintong Ni Huang said: "Don't worry, no matter if it is the god of fire, god of water, or any other god, they dare not openly make things difficult for you."

"Why?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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