The best immortal emperor

Chapter 277 Guillotine

Chapter 277 Guillotine

"No wonder it is so!" Li Ming suddenly realized.

During the conversation, the fight between Zhang Heng and Taoist Nuhu has entered a fierce stage.

I saw Zhang Heng swung the Yin-Yang Nine-Jet Ruler violently, and Taoist Nuhu, who was cornered, had to block it with a middle-grade treasure in his hand.

However, how can a middle-grade treasure be able to resist a high-grade treasure?
With a clang, the weapon in Taoist Nuhu's hand was directly broken by Zhang Heng's Yin-Yang Nine-Jieru, and Taoist Nuhu himself suffered serious injuries.

Fortunately, Taoist Furious Tiger retreated in time, otherwise he would really become Taoist Dead Tiger!

Nuhu Taoist was not convinced, and shouted: "You just rely on the high-grade treasure, and if you are capable, we will fight again with bare hands!"

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes and angered Taoist Tiger, and said unhurriedly: "Are all the Jinyan sects who can't afford to lose?"

"You..." Nuhu Taoist shouted loudly.

"You two, listen to me!" At this time, the leader of the other team said, "Everyone is here to seek wealth and treasure, so why hurt your peace?"

"I want you to be troublesome!" Taoist Nuhu said casually.

"Looking for death!" The person acting as the peacemaker was furious immediately, and the aura of his whole body was released, Taoist Nuhu suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and a huge force came from him.

The person headed by Jin Yanzong jumped out and stood in front of Nuhu Taoist.

Immediately, Taoist Nuhu's complexion slightly improved.

It was only heard that Jin Yanzong's leading disciple apologized: "I'm really sorry, my brother said something but didn't mean it."

He knew that once he offended the other party, it would likely attract the joint encirclement and suppression of the other party and Yao Shenzong.

"Hmph!" The man snorted, then removed his coercion, walked aside, and ignored the grievances between Jin Yanzong and Yaoshenzong.

I only heard that the leading disciple of the God of Medicine Sect said to Lu Changsheng: "My surname is Lu, put aside the grievances between our two sects for now, the treasure hunt is important!"

"As you wish!" Lu Changsheng said.

"Okay!" The disciples headed by Jin Yanzong replied.

Immediately, the disciples of the two sects stopped fighting!
Immediately, the group of people walked forward a little bit, and came to a flat ground made of stones. On the flat ground, there was a guillotine that had been abandoned for a long time!

Seeing this, Li Ming thought in his heart: "It seems that this is really the execution ground for slaughtering gods!"

That sharp chill emanated from here.

Everyone walked into the flat ground, feeling inexplicably shivering, and involuntarily used their true energy to resist the cold, but there was no effect.

I only heard Guan Bin said: "What a strong breath of death, how many people have been beheaded by the guillotine to have such a strong breath of death?"

I saw a disciple of Jin Yanzong walked under the guillotine and touched the guillotine.


Suddenly, there was a scream, and the palm of the disciple of the Golden Flame Sect suddenly turned black, his face was terrified, and he was in great pain.


The leading disciple of Jin Yanzong had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he took out a sword, which cut off his hand and prevented the black air from spreading.

The palm fell, filled with black air, and in an instant, the flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a few white bones.

"Ah...ah..." The disciple whose palm had been cut off couldn't stop screaming in pain.

"Give him a pill." The disciple headed by Jin Yanzong said.

The disciple of the Golden Flame Sect who had his hand cut off took the elixir, and his pain became better.

"This guillotine cannot be touched!" said the disciple headed by Jin Yanzong.

Obviously, the guillotine is untouchable!That inexplicable black energy can corrode flesh and blood, and it is extremely fast.

Everyone took a deep breath. Fortunately, they didn't mess around, otherwise they would be the ones who were unlucky!
(End of this chapter)

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