The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2791 Won't you wear small shoes for me?

Chapter 2791 Won't you wear small shoes for me? (three more)

Since Lord Fengshen summoned him, Li Ming's status in the kitchen has been increasing day by day. Even Guanshi Liu wants to curry favor with Li Ming, not daring to offend him in the slightest.

After all, Li Ming can see Lord Fengshen every day.

If he accidentally tilted his mouth or mouth and made a small report, he would be in trouble for Manager Liu.

At first, Manager Liu was wary of Li Ming, thinking that Li Ming would take away his position as manager.

But later, Guanshi Liu was relieved when he knew that Li Mingzhi was in the barracks.

On this day, Guanshi Liu found Li Ming mysteriously.

Seeing Guanshi Liu's smiling face, Li Ming asked, "Guanshi Liu, what do you like, so happy?"

"It's not my business, it's yours." Guanshi Liu said with a smile.

"My business?" Li Ming couldn't help but asked, "Is there another general rewarding me?"

"It's not about this, it's that our Fengying wants to recruit new soldiers." Liu Guanshi said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and said suspiciously: "Guan Liu, isn't that right? I heard Brother Jiang said before that our wind camp has finished recruiting new recruits this year."

"It's over, but the battle at Shenmen Pass suddenly became urgent a few days ago, and Fengying temporarily decided to add another battalion of recruits as a backup." Liu Guanshi explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it was so.

Guanshi Liu continued to say, "I've already signed up for you, and the recruit assessment will be in five days."

"Okay, thank you, Guanshi Liu." Li Ming thanked him, then remembered the God of War at Shenmen Pass, and asked curiously, "Guan Liu, what happened at Shenmen Pass?"

"I'm not very clear about this, it's a military secret, so don't inquire about it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Manager Liu warned.

"Okay, I see." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Guanshi Liu went to work.

Li Ming also got busy. He wanted to bake enough for the five days, because he planned to drink the nourishing golden liquid in these five days to improve his divine power, so that the probability of passing the examination would increase.

After finishing the barbecue, Li Ming entrusted it to Jiang Su, and then went to the residence, ready to take the nourishing golden liquid.

Back at the residence, Li Ming couldn't wait to take out the nourishing golden liquid.

Regardless of the fact that there is only this small bottle, it is worth 6000 to [-] million, and you can definitely buy it if you have money.

Li Ming regarded it as a treasure, and carefully opened the bottle cap, only to smell a faint fragrance of orchids, Li Ming only felt his spirit lifted, and his whole body woke up several times.

Originally, Li Ming planned to take it after the shift change, but there is still half a month before the shift change, and Li Ming couldn't wait any longer.

The shifts in the kitchen are changed, and the normal situation is to take turns once a month.

In fact, it can’t be said that there is a shift, because after the shift, I go out to purchase.

Li Ming took a deep breath, picked up the nourishing golden liquid, and drank it down in one gulp.

Li Ming suddenly felt a cool feeling after drinking the nourishing golden liquid, which slowly spread throughout his body.

Immediately afterwards, that cool and warm current poured into Li Ming's mind.

Li Ming only felt that his brain was running fast, and he could see things around him more clearly.

No, it cannot be simply described as clear, it should be described as thorough.

Yes, it is thorough.

At this moment, Li Ming probably entered into a mysterious artistic conception of looking at mountains but not mountains, and seeing water not water.

However, this state did not last for too long, and it took only half a stick of incense.

Then, Li Ming woke up from this mysterious artistic conception.

"As expected of the Golden Liquid of Mental Cultivation, it's really extraordinary." Li Ming secretly said in surprise.

In just that little half stick of incense, Li Ming had a little more in-depth understanding of the Dao he had understood before.

"Unfortunately, there is only one small bottle." Li Ming shook his head helplessly.

After a slight pause, Li Ming remembered the divine essence in his body.

After this inspection, Li Ming was secretly surprised. Li Ming found that his spirit had become more solid, more than double what it was before.

Li Ming heaved a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself, "Should I be able to pass the recruit assessment this time?"

Afterwards, Li Ming went out.

Originally, Li Ming thought that it would take several days to refine the Nourishing Golden Liquid, but he didn't expect it to take less than half a day.

Li Ming returned to the kitchen and continued to do his work.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed, and it was the day of the recruit assessment.

Li Ming and Liu Guanshi asked for leave to attend the assessment.

In the entire dining room, Li Ming signed up alone, and the others didn't seem to have any interest in it.

Li Ming wanted to pull Jiang Su to join the army, but Jiang Suzhi was not here, so Li Ming couldn't force it.

When Li Ming arrived at the assessment site, many true gods had already arrived.

It seems that there are quite a few people, there are thousands of people.

However, in the end, only 300 people were selected, and one of the three was selected. The pressure of competition was not too great, and Li Ming was confident of passing the assessment.

At this time, the two lieutenants of Xinying came over and began to invigilate the exam.

When Li Ming saw that one of the lieutenants was Miss Ziyan, he was in a bad state.

At this time, Miss Ziyan was wearing a military uniform and a red-tasseled helmet on her head.

Li Ming was startled, and murmured to himself: "This...she won't wear small shoes for herself, will she?"

The last time I said goodbye to Dafeng City, Miss Ziyan said to give Li Ming a month to think about it.

Nearly two months have passed now, seeing that Miss Ziyan hasn't come to trouble him yet, Li Ming can't help but forget about it.

However, he did not expect to meet Ziyan girl here.

At this moment, girl Ziyan who was standing on the examination platform also noticed Li Ming.

Miss Ziyan smiled meaningfully and winked slightly at Li Ming.

Ziyan girl's beauty is so beautiful that it is overwhelming to the whole country, and these things are even more calamitous, making people want to stop.

However, Li Ming couldn't raise any desire. On the contrary, he felt a chill down his spine.

After Miss Ziyan smiled, her complexion quickly darkened.

Li Ming's complexion was very ugly, but he had no choice but to take one step at a time.

At this time, another lieutenant general said: "The primary selection is very simple, just move the stone ball on the examination table from one end to the other, and the re-election is to be determined."

"Next, the school exams will start and proceed sequentially."

As he said that, he saw the lieutenant general wave his hand, and there was an extra sequence card in everyone's hand.

Li Ming's number is 246, and it will be Li Ming's turn to take the test for a while.

So, Li Ming took advantage of this time to secretly look at the stone ball carried by the examination school.

I don't know what's so special about that stone ball that it can be used in school examinations.

At this time, No. [-] had already boarded the examination platform.

That number one has a round waist and thick legs, and is more than two meters tall, making him a giant.

He walked to the stone ball in two or three steps, and then stretched out his arms to directly hold the stone ball.

"Get up!" The true god shouted loudly, using all his strength to move the stone ball.

However, the stone ball seemed to weigh tens of thousands of catties, and it seemed to be integrated with the examination platform, so it didn't move at all.

"Get up!" The true god shouted again, his face flushed.

However, the stone ball remained motionless.

At this time, I only heard that the deputy general who invigilated the examination said: "Go down, you have failed."

"This is a failure?" The true god was startled, shook his head for a while, and walked down the examination platform with a face full of unwillingness.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but become serious. No. [-] looked so powerful, why couldn't he even move the stone ball?
Is there a mystery hidden in it?

(End of this chapter)

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