The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2797 We Only Recognize Boss Li

Chapter 2797 We only recognize Boss Li (three more)
After eating the barbecue and chatting briefly, the team leaders went back.

However, Li Ming's good temper spread among the Qinglong group.

When the other captains heard about the barbecue, they expressed that they would save their rations and let Li Ming process them.

At this time, I heard an ordinary soldier muttering: "You all have barbecue, what should we do? Does it make us look greedy?"

"How about we also save the rationed meat and ask the team leader to process it?" a soldier suggested.

"Can this work? We are no better than the squad leader. The squad leader has an official position. We are just ordinary soldiers. Can the leader Li Ming give us barbecue?"

"Try it, if it doesn't work, forget it."

"What if I offend Team Leader Li Ming?"

"It's okay, let's all speak together, the law does not blame everyone, even if Team Leader Li Ming is angry, it is not easy to punish us."

"Okay, that's it."

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

After a night's rest, the vitality in Li Ming's body has recovered.

Fortunately, there are divine beasts to nourish it, otherwise it would take at least a few days to recover just by absorbing the air of the outside world.

Everyone came to the training ground early in the morning to receive a new day of training.

After the daytime training, Li Ming continued to stay in the training ground for personal training.

Liu Qingfeng is completely on the bar with Li Ming, and also trains with Li Ming.

However, Liu Qingfeng's stamina was really not that good, and he was exhausted in less than a stick of incense.

However, Li Ming still had more ideas.

In fact, Liu Qingfeng's stamina was already very good, almost catching up with the veterans from the previous year.

Only when he meets a monster like Li Ming, will he look fast.

It wasn't until late at night that Li Ming finished his training and returned to his camp.

Liu Qingfeng also returned to his tent.

As soon as Li Ming arrived at the entrance of the tent, he saw hundreds of people from the Qinglong Group guarding the entrance of their tent.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and Fox asked, "What happened?"

"Team leader, we also want to eat barbecue." A group of soldiers showed their raw meat.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, a little ashamed.

However, since everyone opened their mouths, Li Ming didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, so he said, "My camp can't fit so many people, everyone, come with me to the training ground."

Hearing this, the soldiers couldn't help but startled.

One of them was surprised and said, "Is the leader Li Ming agreeing?"

"It should have been agreed, otherwise we wouldn't have been asked to go to the training ground."

"Haha, I just said that Team Leader Li Ming has a good temper, but you guys are not good enough."

"Let's go, let's have a good meal tonight."

All the soldiers said with a smile.

After a little effort, a group of people came to the training ground.

I only heard Li Ming said: "You gather all the raw meat in your hands and divide it into three piles. I will roast it later."

"Okay, okay." All the soldiers responded.

Immediately, a group of soldiers gathered the raw meat in their hands and piled it into three teams.

With a thought in his mind, Li Ming immediately fired three divine fires and roasted them at the same time.

After a while, the smell of meat came.

"smell good."

"I'm so hungry, I really want to take a bite now."

"Be patient, be patient, wait until Team Leader Li Ming is done baking."

The smell of meat became stronger and stronger, almost spreading throughout Xinying.

Soldiers from the thorn dragon group and the dragon guard group surrounded them one after another.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Qinglong team laughed and said, "It's our luck that we followed the team leader Li Ming, otherwise we wouldn't be so lucky."

"Li Ming will be our eldest brother from now on."

"Yes, Brother Li."

"No, no, it's too intimidating. It should be called Boss Li."

"That's good, Boss Li!"

All the soldiers of the Qinglong team said in a hurry.

Li Ming was speechless for a while, he didn't expect that this barbecue meal would buy so many people's hearts.

Soon, the fresh meat will be roasted.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Now the meat is roasted, but before we start eating, I have a few words to tell everyone."

Hearing this, all the soldiers fell silent immediately, and said in unison: "Boss Li please teach me."

"It's not teaching, it's just some heartfelt words." Li Ming said, and then said: "Everyone comes from different places, some may know each other, and some may not. But since we entered the Qinglong group, we are a family , Respect and love each other. Only in this way, when you are on the battlefield, you can rest assured that you can hand over your back to your comrades. I think everyone should understand this truth, and the formations trained in the past two days are also for this purpose. I hope everyone can see each other sincerely , at least in the Qinglong group."

Hearing this, the soldiers burst into tears of gratitude, and were unconsciously brought into a wonderful atmosphere by Li Ming, shouting in their hearts: brother, brother!

"Okay, let's eat. I'll try to get some Huyun wine for my brothers when I have a chance." Li Ming murmured.

"Huyun wine? That's a special wine that only the upper echelons of the Fengshen tribe can drink."

"Haha, we are blessed. Our Boss Li not only cooks good meat, but also has great connections. He was able to get Huyun Wine."

"Tsk tsk, from now on, I will only recognize Boss Li alone, and no one will come."

"Yes, I only recognize Boss Li."

Immediately, all the soldiers of the Qinglong group ate the barbecue, and the soldiers of the Thorn Dragon Group and the Dragon Guard Group drooled while enjoying themselves.

"It's delicious. The happiest thing in this life is to eat the barbecue made by Boss Li."

"Blessed, really blessed."

"Tsk tsk, delicious, delicious."

Soon, everyone ate up the barbecue, and the soldiers of the thorn dragon group and the dragon guard group could only watch helplessly.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Okay, the meat is ready, everyone go back to recover their powers, and they have to train tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, everyone, hurry back and recover your divine power. Tomorrow's training must be competitive, and compare the thorn dragon group and the dragon guard group, or I will be sorry for the barbecue of Boss Li."

"Yes, let's fight. As the leader of the three groups, our Qinglong team should overwhelm them!"

A group of soldiers returned to the camp contentedly and began to recover their divine power.

Li Ming also returned to his tent and began to recover his divine power.

After these two days of training, Li Ming found that the divine essence in his body was further condensed, and his divine power also increased greatly.

However, the effect of self-cultivation is far inferior to the nourishing golden liquid.

However, Li Ming also knows that it is not so easy to obtain the nourishing golden liquid.

Even Lieutenant General Ziyan is not willing to give it away easily.

In a blink of an eye, the night passed.

The soldiers of the Qinglong team came to the training ground early to assemble. Seeing their vigor and gearing up, it seemed that they were really going to do a big job.

After a little effort, soldiers from the thorn dragon group and the dragon guard group also came.

I only heard someone say: "Yesterday the Qinglong team said that we would compare our thorn dragon team and the dragon guard team, today we have to make them look good. Our thorn dragon team and the dragon guard team are not vegetarians."

"Yes, just compare, who is afraid of whom?"

"Yo, how dare you bar our Qinglong team? Brothers, can you bear it?" A captain of the Qinglong team asked.

"I can't bear it!" The soldiers of the Qinglong team said in unison.

"Okay, work hard with them later and see who is the best!" said the team leader of the Qinglong team.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense, and it looked like a fight was about to start at any time.

Li Ming shook his head for a while, fortunately the two lieutenants Liu Chengfeng and Ziyan arrived at this time.

 During this period of time, there are three shifts every day, so I have the audacity to ask for a recommendation ticket and give it a reward.In addition, Boss Li's military career in the God Realm is about to begin, the battle of Shenmenguan.

(End of this chapter)

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