The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2802 The situation is critical

Chapter 2802 The situation is critical

Spreading rumors before the battle is a serious crime, and Lu Yunsheng is afraid that he will be put in prison.

The battlefield is not the same as the training barracks. The battlefield is a discipline of iron and blood. No one is allowed to act without authorization, let alone disobey the orders of Shangfeng.

Today, Zhu Buzhou ordered to guard Shenmen Gate to the death, that is to say, until the end of the fight, there is only one soldier left, and he must guard Shenmen Gate to the death.

The recruits were broken up and went to three different places.

The recruits from the Wind Camp were assigned to the Tiger Roar Camp, the recruits from the Fire Camp to the Longteng Camp, and the recruits from the Thunder Camp to the Zhenlei Camp.

Although these recruits have been strictly selected, their strength is not much worse than that of the veterans.

However, the on-the-spot response ability is a little weaker after all, and I can't stand on my own. I can only wave the flag behind the veterans for the time being, hoping to get through this difficulty.

Soon, Li Ming and the others arrived at Wind Howl Camp.

The general of the Tiger Roaring Battalion had been waiting for a long time, when he saw Liu Chengfeng leading his troops, he rushed up to greet him and said, "Brother Liu, we have been separated for several years, I never thought we would fight together again."

"Mongolia, I didn't expect to be able to come to your Tiger Roar Camp, I hope you can take care of these new recruits!" Liu Chengfeng sighed.

Hearing this, the Huxiao Camp general Mongolian smiled bitterly, and said: "Under the nest, how can there be any eggs?"

Liu Chengfeng's expression froze slightly, and he asked, "Has the situation reached such a serious situation?"

"I'm afraid it's more serious than you think." The Mongolian side said.

"How to say?" Liu Chengfeng asked immediately.

"Just now there is news from the Feitian Battalion that the foreign race is organizing a new round of charge. It is said that even giant spirits and idols have been dispatched." The Mongolian side said.

"What? The giant spirit idol? The idol family also joined this turmoil?" Liu Chengfeng asked in shock.

"I haven't seen the God Elephant Clan so far, but the Ben Leihu Clan has already had a master. The last charge also injured the leader of the Longteng Battalion." The Mongolian side said.

Hearing this, Liu Chengfeng gasped again.

This turmoil was caused by the Holy Fire Clan living outside the Shenmen Pass.

The Holy Fire Clan is just a nomadic people, and almost every year at this time will launch small-scale unrest.

However, he was ruthlessly suppressed by Commander Zhu every time.

I don't know what's going on this year, the holy fire clan is coming aggressively, and the more they fight, the more brave they are, and they even invited several other big clans to join.

Among them, the Ben Leihu, the Frost Lion Clan, and the legendary Idol Clan are the most conspicuous.

After a slight pause, Liu Chengfeng asked: "Brother Meng, just now I heard Lu Yunsheng say that the foreign troops are twice as strong as ours. Is there such a thing?"

"Twice?" The Mongolian side shook his head and said, "A few days ago it was twice as large, but these days the aliens have suddenly increased their troops, and now they are almost two and a half to three times."

Hearing this, Liu Chengfeng couldn't help but gasped again.

Li Ming at the side couldn't help but gasp when he heard this. There was a huge disparity in the number of troops, and seeing the posture of the foreign race, he would continue to hoard troops.

At this time, the recruits couldn't help but agitated and talked about it.

"How can we fight this battle? Isn't it asking us to die?"

"Yeah, the disparity in military strength can't stop the charge of alien races at all!"

"I'm dead this time. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be greedy for this military achievement. Be a little god with peace of mind."

Li Ming saw that the army was so excited, he yelled angrily, and said: "Shut up, everyone, the battle has not really started, how can you give up? Who dares to criticize again, and the military law will deal with it!"

Hearing this, the recruits immediately fell silent.

I only heard someone say: "Boss Li is right, it's not the last moment, don't give up easily."

"Yes, no defeat is allowed."

"Eat Boss Li's barbecue in this life, even death is worth it."

All of a sudden, the morale of the army stabilized.

Seeing this, the Mongolian side of the Tiger Roaring Camp paused slightly and asked, "Who is that kid? It seems that he is very cohesive among the recruits."

"His name is Li Ming, he is a team leader, and he is indeed quite cohesive." Liu Chengfeng said.

"The most important thing now is people's hearts. People's hearts can't be scattered. Once they are scattered, it will be over." Meng Fang said with a long sigh.

"I understand." Liu Chengfeng replied.

After a slight pause, Liu Chengfeng asked puzzledly: "The battle situation is so urgent, why didn't you send more reinforcements?"

"You ask me? You just came from the Imperial City, so you should know better than me." Meng Fang said.

Liu Chengfeng shook his head and said, "We only know that the battle at Shenmen Pass is urgent, but we don't know that we have reached the bottom."

Hearing this, the Mongolian side couldn't help but look serious, and said to himself: "Could the rumors be true?"

"What rumor?" Liu Chengfeng asked.

The Mongolian side looked around, and then placed a prison, and said: "Our Commander Zhu flew back from the fairy world and directly replaced the original Commander Kang of Shenmenguan, and this Commander Kang is really the younger brother of the giant Kang of the Army God's Mansion. ,so……"

"No way? How can Mr. Kang be so bold? This Shenmen Pass is an important place. Once it is lost, who will be responsible for the crime of the Haotian God Emperor?" Liu Chengfeng said in surprise.

"Who knows? I'm just guessing randomly, otherwise there is no reason to send only [-] recruits for reinforcements?"

"That's true." Liu Chengfeng nodded, and then asked: "Then what should we do now?"

"What can we do? Commander Zhu has given the order to stick to it, even if it is death, we must stick to it." The Mongolian side said helplessly.

Hearing this, Liu Chengfeng couldn't help but gasp again. He came to the Shenmen Pass battlefield to make meritorious deeds, but what's the difference between this situation and dying?
"Okay, let's not talk about it. I will arrange a task for the recruits. The foreign race will charge again in a few days. I hope that these recruits will not be scared to pee." The Mongolian side said.

"Okay!" Liu Chengfeng responded.

Although Li Ming did not hear the follow-up conversation between the Mongolian side and Liu Chengfeng, he could guess the current predicament, and felt a little uneasy.

At this time, the Mongolian deputy general came over.

I only heard Liu Chengfeng said: "General Meng will arrange a task for you, everyone listen carefully."

"Yes." All the recruits responded in unison.

General Meng said: "You are all recruits, I don't expect you to be at the forefront. However, when the supreme commander gives the order to charge, I hope you will not hold back."

"No!" Li Ming said first.

"No, no!" the soldiers ordered.

"Okay, then I will give you a detailed arrangement of tasks." The Mongolian side nodded in satisfaction.

A group of soldiers listened carefully. Completion of this mission is a battle achievement, and failure to complete it means that they may fall on this battlefield.

The Mongolian side considered the strength of the recruits, their psychological quality, and their tacit understanding during joint operations, so the assigned tasks were relatively easy, mainly to deal with the charge of the Holy Fire tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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