The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2811 Unrecognized Military Merit

Chapter 2811 Unrecognized Military Merit (One More)
In a few days, Zhu Buzhou reported the general's merits to the Military God's Mansion.

The response from the Military God's Mansion was also very fast, giving out corresponding rewards within three days.

However, the rewarded items are still on the way to be delivered, and it will take a few days to reach the gate of God.

At the end of the war, all the soldiers in Shenmenguan were in the process of repairing except for some necessary patrols.

The additional recruits are also being rectified. If it weren't for waiting for rewards, they would have left for Beijing long ago.

The reinforcements belong to the Babu Congregation, and when the war is over, they will naturally return to the Babu Congregation to report on their duties.

A few days later, Brother Zhu suddenly sent someone to pass on Li Ming.

Entering the meeting hall, all the deputy commanders are there.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and the fox asked: "What's the matter? The aliens are making a comeback?"

"That's not true, it's a matter of military merit." Brother Zhu said.

"Military merit?" Li Ming looked at Brother Zhu suspiciously for a while, and asked, "What's wrong? Could it be that Mr. Kang can really cover the sky with one hand?"

"No, there is something wrong with your military achievements." Brother Zhu said.

"Mine?" Li Ming looked at Brother Zhu suspiciously for a while.

Brother Zhu shook his head helplessly, and said: "The Military God's Mansion rejected your military merits for offering advice with an unfounded excuse, and only recognized your military merits for killing the enemy in battle."

"Ming's unfounded excuse? What excuse?" Li Ming asked curiously.

Brother Wenzhu explained: "For any appointment in the army, you have to consult the Army God Talisman Mansion. I temporarily appointed you as a military adviser. They don't recognize it, so they don't recognize your military merits."

"Oh." Li Ming responded, but he didn't care too much, he just said: "If you don't admit it, then don't admit it, at least I didn't give me a label of trespassing."

Hearing this, Brother Zhu couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "You are so free and easy, do you know how great the military merit of offering advice and suggestions is?"

"How big is it?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"At least half of all military achievements." Brother Zhu said.

Hearing this, Li Ming was surprised, "So big?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhu said.

"What about the corresponding reward?" Li Ming couldn't help asking.

"I can enter the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land to retreat seven times." Brother Zhu said?
"The ancestral land of heaven?" Li Ming was startled, and asked curiously, "What is that place?"

"The original land where the Dao of Heaven evolved, there are still some remnants of the Dao of Heaven, and it is a place that the gods dream of." Brother Zhu said.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned slightly, and said: "The reward is really extraordinary, what a pity."

"It's a pity." Brother Zhu also looked helpless.

After a slight pause, Li Ming seemed to have realized something, and couldn't help asking: "The Military God's Mansion doesn't recognize that this military merit is mine, so it can't completely deny this military merit, right? Someone must come out to receive the reward, right?"

"Yes, there are indeed people who need to stand up to receive the reward, so I called them all over." Brother Zhu said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and looked at all the deputy commanders present.

At this time, the six deputy commanders present took out a token and said in unison: "Li Ming, this is what you deserve. If you return to the imperial capital in the future, if you encounter trouble, you can hold this token Go to our family for help."

After finishing speaking, the six deputy commanders handed over the tokens in their hands to Li Ming.

Li Ming was stunned, and at the same time understood what was going on. It should be that the military merits fell to these deputy commanders.

At this time, I only heard Brother Zhu said: "The military merit that originally belonged to you fell to me and the six deputy commanders."

Sure enough.

Li Ming shrugged his shoulders and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as the Military God Palace admits it."

"You are open-minded, I have nothing to give you, I owe this favor first." Brother Zhu said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled and said, "You and I shouldn't be so polite before."

"Haha." Brother Zhu laughed heartily, and continued: "In a few days, you will return to the imperial capital with the reinforcements. I don't know that goodbye is the year of the monkey. Let's have a drink today."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

"I have good palace wine here." A deputy commander said.

"I also keep a nine-headed black turtle here." Another deputy commander said.


The six deputy commanders took out their own goodies and entertained Li Ming.

But they knew that even so, they still owed Li Ming a favor.

The Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao is not a joke. Some people have spent their entire lives working hard and cannot enter it. They really took advantage of Li Ming!
Afterwards, set up a banquet with wine and eat and drink.

A few days later, the rewarded items arrived and were distributed one by one without any mistakes.

Many people received the nourishing golden liquid, and Li Ming was no exception.

In addition to the nourishing golden liquid, some military exploits also have items such as divine treasures.

Li Ming and the others did not.

Seeing that he received the Nourishing Golden Liquid, Li Ming felt a little dull.

Brother Zhu gave him a big tank before.

Moreover, Brother Zhu once told him not to rely too much on the nourishing golden liquid.

Li Ming shook his head for a while, and said bitterly: "It's really depressing. I planned to come to Shenmenguan to make contributions, but I didn't expect to end up with these dispensable things."

It's true that the Mental Cultivation Liquid is really dispensable to Li Ming now, and it is no longer as important as before.

A few days later, reinforcements set out to rush back to the Babu people.

Li Ming bid farewell to Brother Zhu, and Brother Zhu and the six deputy commanders sent off far away.

Without the order of Emperor Haotian, the soldiers guarding the frontier cannot easily leave the frontier.

And the true gods in the inland area can't enter the frontier without the permission of the Haotian God Emperor or the Military God Mansion.

This farewell, I don't know how many years it will take to see each other again.

Sitting on the Tianqi Longju, Li Ming suddenly became a little melancholy.

Seeing that Li Ming was unhappy, Taohua couldn't help asking: "Team Leader Li, why aren't you happy after winning the battle?"

"No, I just feel a little uncomfortable when I think of those fallen brothers." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Taohua couldn't help falling into silence.

When they came, there were 300 of them, but now there are less than 200 left when they go back.

After a long time, Li Ming exhaled and said, "The deceased is gone, I don't think about it anymore."

"En." Taohua replied.

Tian Qilong galloped and returned to the eight tribes of the imperial city a few days later, and was greeted by Fengshen himself.

I only heard Master Fengshen said: "Very well, I have heard about your glorious achievements, especially Li Ming, who performed very well. Now, I will appoint you as the deputy general of the new battalion out of the ordinary."

"Thank you, Lord Fengshen." Li Ming thanked him.

It is indeed an exception, because under normal circumstances, only Zhongshen is eligible to be appointed as a lieutenant general.

However, this time, Li Ming's advice and suggestions played a great role in defeating the war against the alien race.

Although the Military God's Mansion does not recognize it, the Fengshen Tribe will not ignore it.

Now, Master Fengshen has regarded Li Ming as a key training object.

At this time, I only heard Liu Chengfeng say: "Lord Fengshen, after the baptism of this war, our new battalion is no longer a new battalion, and should be formally nominated."

"If you don't mention this, I will say it next time, let's call it Tiger Camp." Lord Fengshen said.

"Thank you, Lord Fengshen, for your name." Liu Chengfeng thanked him.

"Okay, each of you will rest for a while, and return to the camp for training in three months," Lord Fengshen said.

"Yes, Lord Fengshen." Liu Chengfeng replied.

At this time, Wen Taohua asked, "Li Ming, what are your plans for these three months?"

 Update one chapter of the town building first, guarantee three updates, if the condition is good, four updates, if you can't write four updates, don't scold me.Thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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