The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2820 Big Kang has been waiting for you for a long time

Chapter 2820 Big Kang has been waiting for you for a long time
This meal lasted for three days and three nights.

In the end, Li Ming was slightly drunk, with tears in his eyes, holding back the pain in his heart, and went to the Military God's Mansion to report.

That's right, anyone would collapse, obviously he made great military exploits on the battlefield, obviously he was the one who saved Shenmenguan.

But now, a transfer order sent him to hell.

Staggering, Li Ming finally came to the gate of the Military God's Mansion heavily.

"It's not fair!" Li Ming raised his head and asked loudly, but no one answered him.

Looking at the vermilion gate, Li Ming's heart sank.

Gradually, the drunkenness dissipated.

I saw Li Ming took a deep breath, and said secretly: "Since you can't choose, then struggle to survive, isn't it the Military God Mansion, I don't believe you can't survive!"

That's right, Li Ming is not an ordinary true god. He has gone through thousands of hardships and countless deaths to get to where he is today!

Li Ming sorted out his emotions and walked towards the Military God's Mansion.

The guard blocked Li Ming's way and shouted: "The important place of the Military God's Mansion, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

"Li Ming, deputy general of the Tiger Battalion of the Fengshen Tribe, came to repay you." Li Ming paused word by word.

Hearing this, the guard couldn't help but pause, and asked, "Are you Li Ming?"

"Yes." Li Ming replied forcefully.

"Come with me, Big Kang has been waiting for you for a long time," said the guard.

Hearing this, Li Ming's scalp felt numb. Big Kang is waiting for him?
The guard turned around and took Li Ming to meet Big Kang.

Li Ming only felt that his legs were filled with lead, they were so heavy that he couldn't even take a step.

Seeing Li Ming standing still, the guard couldn't help urging: "Let's go."

Li Ming took a deep breath and followed the guards.

Although Li Ming had expected that he would be seen by Big Kang sooner or later, he did not expect it to be so soon.

However, Li Ming also believed that Giant Kang would not dare to ignore God Emperor Haotian's way of governing the country and kill himself directly.

Walking, I heard the guard say: "Li Ming, I heard about you."

"Huh?" Li Ming looked at the guard suspiciously for a while.

The guard gave Li Ming a thumbs up and said, "One word, great!"

"Thank you, it's really nothing, just opportunistic." Li Ming said modestly.

"No, that's not opportunistic, but a trick. Originally, we were prepared to miss Shenmenguan, but we didn't expect it to turn around. It's a dead end!" said the guard.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned slightly and asked, "Do you know the situation at Shenmenguan?"

"I know." The guard nodded.

"Then why don't you send more reinforcements?" Li Ming asked with a bit of anger.

"It's not for me to decide." The guard also looked helpless.

"Sorry, I shouldn't get angry with you." Li Ming apologized, after all, the other party was just a guard.

"It's okay, I can understand you. Originally, I wasn't the doorkeeper. I just made a mistake, so I was here to guard the door." The guard said.

"A mistake?" Li Ming was startled, and looked at the guard suspiciously.

"Let's not talk about this, let's take you to see Big Kang first." The guard didn't want to say more about his mistakes.

Li Ming didn't want to ask too many questions, but just followed the guard silently.

After a little effort, they arrived at the residence of Kang Dajue.

Yes, it's Big Kang's private residence, not his office.

"Dong dong dong..."

The guard knocked on the door, only to hear a questioning voice from inside: "Who?"

"Guard Luo Sancheng, Li Ming will bring it here." The guard replied just in time.


The door opened from the inside, and a young man in a green shirt looked out.

In the end, his eyes fell on Li Ming, and he asked, "You are Li Ming?"

"Yes." Li Ming replied solemnly.

"Come in with me, General Luo, please come back." The young man in green said.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused slightly. He didn't expect that the guard was a general, and he didn't know what wrong he had committed, so he was fined to guard the gate.

After entering the courtyard, Li Ming's heart suddenly lifted.

Although Li Ming believed that Judith Kang would not dare to violate the way of governing the country of the God Emperor Haotian, this was after all Judiciary Kang's private residence, who knows what tricks he has to deceive the sky, what if he really kills himself?
However, now Li Ming has no way out, he can only move forward.

At this time, I heard the young man in green shirt say: "Li Ming, I heard about you, you are really amazing, I admire you very much!"

The corner of Li Ming's mouth twitched, forcing out a smile.

The other party's words sound so awkward, just like the criminal's father telling the police, you are so brave, I admire it very much.

Li Ming walked forward, and every time he took a step, his heart felt cold.

"Dong dong dong..."

The young man in green clothes knocked on the door of the inner room and reported: "Grandpa, Li Ming is here."

It turns out that this young man is the grandson of Big Kang!

"Let you in." Came from inside the majestic voice of Big Kang.

Li Ming could feel Big Kang's anger through the door.

The young man in green shirt opened the door, motioned to Li Ming, and said, "Go in, my grandpa is waiting for you inside."

"Okay." Li Ming said calmly.

Afterwards, Li Ming walked in.

The interior of the house is very simple, without complicated decorations.

I saw an old man flipping through the classics on the bookshelf.

Seeing Li Ming coming in, he closed the book in his hand, but did not put it back on the shelf, but asked, "Are you Li Ming?"

Li Ming couldn't hear the emotion, his heart became colder, and he replied: "Yes, Senior Kang."

"Senior?" Big Kang murmured for a while, "In this Military God Mansion, others always call me Big Kang, you call me senior?"

Hearing this, Li Ming felt a panic in his heart, he had already offended Mr. Kang before discussing the business.

I heard that Li Ming quickly changed his tune and shouted: "Big Brother Kang."

Big Kang turned around, put the classics in his hands back on the bookshelf, and continued: "You performed very well in the battle of Shenmenguan, and I am even gratified."

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart sank, and finally he was about to talk about business.

I only heard Li Ming humbly said: "It's all due to the good leadership of the Shenmenguan Headquarters. The little god is just talking nonsense. I didn't expect it to be adopted."

"Nonsense?" Giant Kang frowned slightly, and said, "Commander Zhu praised you a lot when he reported his military achievements. How could it be nonsense?"

Facing the oppression of Big Kang, Li Ming only felt cold sweat on his forehead, and he didn't know how to answer.

The atmosphere was slightly silent, only to hear that Big Brother Kang continued: "You are very talented in military affairs. I like you very much. Would you like to work under my command?"

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart sank to the bottom.

If Big Brother Kang is rejected, how many small shoes will be arranged in this Military God's Mansion in the future.

If this is agreed to, doesn't it mean that he will be sent to his door and wait to be slaughtered by Big Kang?

Li Ming's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Don't want to?" Big Kang frowned suddenly, squinting his eyes and looking at Li Ming.

 The third watch is over.Continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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