The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2822 Battle of Boyun Lake

Chapter 2822 Battle of Boyun Lake

I only heard that Li Ming replied: "They all underestimate the enemy, or to be precise, their reconnaissance of the enemy is somewhat insufficient."

Hearing this, Big Chen couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and said: "What you said is not wrong, but all failures are caused by insufficient reconnaissance, and there are rarely other reasons."

After a slight pause, I heard that Giant Chen then asked, "Aren't you curious why the investigation is insufficient?"

" really curious." Li Ming said truthfully.

"It's not that our detection is insufficient, but that some alien races are really good at disguising. For example, the Yanshi tribe, they live in the mountains all year round, as long as they stand still, they can turn into stones, and they can't detect at all. Another example, the Phantom tribe , They can hide in any environment without being discovered, and we have no advantage in fighting these alien races." Big Chen sighed.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it was so.

After a slight pause, I heard Juju Chen said: "Your insight is not bad, so let's learn deduction from Lu Xiaolian first."

"Yes, Big Chen." Li Ming replied respectfully.

Immediately, someone took Li Ming to report to Lu Xiaolian.

Lu Xiaolian is a well-known deducer under Mr. Chen, and he once fought against Mr. Kang's two proud generals with his own strength.

Li Ming is no stranger to deduction.

But in the realm of gods, is deduction still useful?
Because God has more uncertain factors.

Is the result of such a deduction still believable?

However, since God Realm has such a deduction master, there must be a meaning for his existence.

After a little effort, Li Ming came to Lu Xiaolian's residence to report.

On this matter, Lu Xiaolian was explaining the main points of the deduction to several students.

Seeing someone coming, he couldn't help but put down his work and asked, "What's the matter?"

"This is Li Ming, the one who saved Shenmenguan, Big Chen asked me to send him to you." The true god who sent Li Ming said.

"Oh? He is Li Ming?" Lu Xiaolian was surprised, and looked Li Ming up and down.

Li Ming felt uncomfortable being watched by Lu Xiaolian, always felt that he had no secrets in front of Lu Xiaolian.

The few students who followed Lu Xiaolian to learn the deduction also looked at Li Ming. They all heard about Li Ming, and they had long wanted to meet this guy who stood out in the battle of Shenmenguan.

However, I didn't expect him to look so ordinary, and he seemed to be just a small god.

After a slight pause, I heard that the true god who sent Li Ming over said: "Brother Lu, I will leave Li Ming to you, let's go first."

"Go slowly." Lu Xiaolian said.

Then, the true god left.

I only heard that Lu Xiaolian said to Li Ming: "Come on, let's watch the deduction of this game first."

"Yes." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Lu Xiaolian continued to explain the deduction in hand.

Li Ming listened for a while, and felt that this deduction was very similar to the battle at Boyun Lake in 4000 years, except that two more races were added, the Yuhai tribe and the Yasha tribe.

However, it was really because of the joining of these two races that the final result of the deduction was completely opposite to the result of the Boyun Lake battle, and the foreign race was defeated in the end.

Seeing this, Li Ming frowned slightly.

Lu Xiaolian noticed Li Ming's strange look, and couldn't help asking: "What's the problem?"

"No." Li Ming said.

"Say it straight, don't hide it." Lu Xiaolian said not very politely.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and then said: "This deduction is very similar to the Battle of Boyun Lake in 4000 years, and as far as I know, there are Yuhai and Yasha tribes living in Boyun Lake. But the two clans never participated in the war from beginning to end, or did not show their faces from beginning to end."

Lu Xiaolian was startled, and asked in surprise, "Do you know about the battle at Boyun Lake?"

"Well, a few days ago, Big Chen asked me to go to the dossier to look up the major battles in the past, so I know." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian nodded, then looked at the other students and asked, "Do you remember?"

The few true gods who studied behind Lu Xiaolian lowered their heads in shame, obviously they didn't remember.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian couldn't help reprimanding in a low voice: "You are usually asked to go to the file room to look up past battles, but you just refuse, now you know the difference?"

Hearing this, several true gods couldn't help but sneak a glance at Li Ming.

Li Ming's heart suddenly jumped, he just arrived here, did he make an enemy?
I knew I wouldn't talk just now.

After a slight pause, Lu Xiaolian asked: "Li Ming, tell me about your hesitation? I see that you have been frowning tightly, and there must be something puzzled."

Faced with Lu Xiaolian's question, Li Ming couldn't refuse, and said: "The battle of Boyun Lake ended in a big defeat for our side, but in this deduction, there were more Yuhai and Yasha tribes participating in the battle, and we won instead. I do not quite understand."

"Good question, why can't the enemy win with two more races? Have you ever thought about why the Yuhai and Yasha tribes didn't show up in the battle of Boyun Lake? You know, Boyun Lake is their Lao Chao, they've arrived at their door, there's no reason for them not to show up." Lu Xiaolian asked emotionally.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused slightly, and subconsciously asked, "Why? Could it be that they are hidden soldiers?"

"Almost, the Yuhai tribe and the Yasha tribe are good at surprise attacks. Our army has been guarding against these two tribes when we swept Boyun Lake, so that the army was weak, and finally ended up fighting each other and losing." Lu Xiaolian said with a long sigh.

Hearing this, Li Ming was slightly taken aback, and said, "I remembered, there seemed to be no unified commander at that time."

"Yes, it was precisely because of this that the battle ended in failure. Because one side advocated searching for the Yuhai and Yasha tribes, while the other advocated sweeping up other races, and then clearing the Yuhai and Yasha tribes." Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned slightly, and asked, "Why is there no unified commander? , Yasha Clan, can win the final victory, and will not be pale."

"Allied forces." Lu Xiaolian explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it was so.

I only heard that Lu Xiaolian continued: "Originally, the Military God Palace wanted to select a supreme commander among the two, but the military achievements of the two of them are almost the same, so whoever they choose, the other will be dissatisfied.

Therefore, it was finally decided to use Boyun Lake as the final measurement point. Whoever can kill the most enemies and win the victory will be the supreme commander of the coalition forces.

I thought this would motivate them, but I didn't expect it to be counterproductive, and eventually caused [-] true gods to fall into Boyun Lake. "

At the end of speaking, Lu Xiaolian became very emotional and almost roared.

Li Ming didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only stand aside blankly.

After a slight pause, Lu Xiaolian asked, "Are you wondering why I'm so excited?"

(End of this chapter)

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