The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2848 kill that Liu Jin

Chapter 2848 kill that Liu Jin

Immediately, a group of people disguised themselves.

Some turned into a tree, some turned into a stone, and some simply buried themselves in the soil.

Li Ming was no exception, and hid quietly.

After waiting like this for four or five days, there was finally a movement from Luoyunsai.

I only heard Liu Jin order: "Spread out and be on guard everywhere, the people from Luoyunsai are coming."

"Okay." Everyone responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and his party dispersed and took charge of guarding.

Li Ming thought for a while, and then wore another magic tie, he would not miss a great opportunity to deal with Liu Jin.

Once he returned to the bandit's lair, Li Mingke had nothing to do with Liu Jin.

After a while, a figure flew from a distance, and Liu Jin immediately greeted him.

Obviously, the person who came was the spy planted by the bandits in Luoyunsai.

Li Ming remained calm and let them trade.

In fact, the old devil was not far away at this time, and he saw their deal in his eyes.

However, the old devil did not act rashly.

The close contact was only Bai Xi's effort, the two quickly separated, one flew towards Luoyun Sai, and the other flew towards the bandit's lair.

Li Ming and others immediately joined Liu Jin and prepared to return to the bandit's lair.

No one knows what they said and what they traded.

It flew like this for two days without any stop.

It was night, and a strange light suddenly flashed not far away.

Seeing this, Liu Jin was like a frightened bird, and said: "There is a situation, pay attention to vigilance."

Immediately, a group of people lurked immediately.

The strange light flashed past, and everyone waited for a while, but they didn't see anything unusual, so they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I heard one of them ask: "Liu Tou, what was that strange light just now?"

Liu Jin shook his head and said, "I didn't see clearly either."

"Would you like to check it out?" the man asked.

Hearing this, Liu Jin thought for a while and said, "Forget it, it's important to go back and return to life now."

"That's right, it's important to return to life, and this place is too close to Luoyunsai, if the patrol soldiers of Luoyunsai find it, they will be disabled." Another person said.

"Yes." Liu Jin nodded in response.

Immediately, the group was ready to move on.

However, at this moment, the strange light that subsided suddenly flashed again.

Seeing this, Liu Jin and the others were startled again.

"What's going on? What is the strange light?" one person asked in a panic.

The atmosphere suddenly froze, and each of them was like a frightened bird.

It is not to blame for their timidity, because they are really close to Luoyunsai.

Once discovered by patrolling soldiers, there is only one dead end.

Of course Li Ming knew what the strange light was, he asked Lu Xiaolian and the others to arrange it.

At this time, I only heard Li Ming whispering: "Could it be some strange treasure?"

"Extraordinary treasure?" Everyone couldn't help being stunned, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they didn't see the panic just now.

Sure enough, people die for money, birds die for food, this truth has never changed!
After a slight pause, only one person asked in a low voice: "Liu Tou, do you want to go over and check?"

Liu Jin hesitated slightly, and then asked: "Who wants to go and investigate?"

"This..." Everyone hesitated for a while, and no one wanted to take the risk.

Because everyone felt that it was unlikely to be a strange treasure.

After all, this place has been deserted for so many years, how could it be possible to suddenly give birth to a strange treasure?
At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Well, I'll go over and have a look, if there are any strange treasures, I'll send you a message."

"Okay, be careful." Liu Jin urged.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Immediately, Li Ming cautiously flew towards the place where Yiguang was.

After a little effort, Li Ming arrived at the place where the strange light shines.

I saw that the strange light came from a crypt, the entrance of the crypt was extremely hidden, if it wasn't for the collapse of the upper part, the strange light wouldn't be able to shine out at all.

Li Ming entered the crypt and walked directly inside.

The crypt is very deep, covering thousands of meters.

At this moment, Lu Xiaolian and the others had already received the magic stick from Li Ming, so they couldn't help but greeted them.

I only heard Lu Xiaolianhu questioning: "Brother Ming, why are you alone? Where are those bandits?"

"Those guys are too timid. No one dares to come and check, so I will be the vanguard. I guess they will come soon." Li Ming murmured.

"Okay, you three go to the entrance of the cave to be vigilant. Before they come, I'll tell Brother Ming about the situation." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Yes, Master Lu." The three students following Master Lu said.

Immediately, the three of them went to the entrance of the crypt to take charge of the guard.

At this time, I only heard Lu Xiaolian say: "Brother Ming, your situation is a little dangerous. Just now the old devil commander captured the spy of Luoyunsai and interrogated some things from him. He has already placed Luoyunsai here. Go undercover into the bandits and report to your correspondents just now."

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled suddenly, and asked, "Does Liu Jin already know that I'm an undercover agent?"

"I don't know yet. I only know that there is an undercover agent, but I don't know who it is." Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't know it was me. It's just how did the spies from Luoyunsai know about the undercover incident? Aren't we the only ones who know about this?"

"I'm not too sure, maybe something went wrong in the process of leading you into the bandit's lair. Just now, the boss of the old devil passed on the magic trick to me, and asked me to tell you that it's time to evacuate." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Evacuate?" Li Ming paused, shook his head and said, "No, I just sneaked into the bandit's lair, and there are still many things I haven't figured out, how can I just evacuate like this."

"But you are very dangerous now." Lu Xiaolian said with a frown.

Hearing this, Li Ming remained silent for a while, and said after a while: "For the sake of suppressing the bandits, I can't control so much. Why can't we both go to the frontier as hard labor?"

"But... once you are exposed, your life will definitely be lost." Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming fell silent again.

I only heard Lu Xiaolian continue to say: "Li Ming, although it is not good to be a hard laborer, you are still alive anyway, and if you die, you will have nothing."

"Okay, don't scare me. I'm not very courageous. When those bandits come in later, you play by ear and kill that Liu Jin." Li Ming said bluntly.

"Liu Jin?" Lu Xiaolian was startled slightly, and asked, "Who is he?"

"It's our team leader." Li Ming said.

"Okay, what about after that?" Lu Xiaolian asked.

"It's enough to drive away the other bandits later." Li Ming said.

"No more?" Lu Xiaolian was slightly surprised.

"It's gone." Li Ming said.

"This..." Lu Xiaolian was at a loss for words.

However, at this time, the three students came to report and said, "Master Lu, those bandits are here and have already entered the crypt."

"Okay, I understand, you guys hide first." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Yes, Master Lu." The three students responded.

Immediately, Lu Xiaolian and the three students hid.

(End of this chapter)

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