The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2857 The Goddess of Yungong is here

Chapter 2857 The Goddess of Yungong is here
Walking out of Mr. Chen's house, Lu Xiaolian said angrily: "I really didn't expect Mr. Dekang to slap us in such a way. The ancestral land of Heaven and Dao is not any other place where there is no restriction. I'm afraid this trip will be a disaster for us. "

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and the fox asked: "Do they still dare to kill us?"

"It's absolutely not dare to change it to other places, but Tiandao Ancestral Land is an exception, they dare!" Lu Xiaolian said bitterly.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but froze, and said: "Then let's wait for those two guys to leave the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land before going in to study."

Lu Xiaolian shook his head involuntarily.

"No?" Li Ming asked suspiciously.

"On the date of receiving the token, you must go to the ancestral land of heaven within ten days, otherwise it will be regarded as giving up." Lu Xiaolian explained.

"Damn, there is such a rule. I knew we would be back a few days later." Li Ming couldn't help cursing.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian couldn't help but look bitter, and said: "It's useless, Giant Kang will definitely send people in again at that time. You know, Giant Kang has a very high right to speak about the ancestral land of heaven and earth, even our Giant Chen Can't compare."

"Well, pretend I didn't say it." Li Ming said depressedly.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian said comfortingly: "But don't worry too much. The two juniors arranged by Big Kang are comparable to us in strength. One is in the middle god level and the other is in the small god level. It’s not that they don’t have the power to fight.”

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly regained his spirits.

If Giant Kang arranged for the existence of two great gods, or even if there was only one great god, Li Ming would give up this opportunity to enter the ancestral land of heaven.

However, if it is only the Middle God Realm and the Lesser God Realm, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Brother Lu, go back and prepare, we will go to the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao tomorrow."

"There's no rush, it's not too late to go until the last day, it's best not to meet them." Lu Xiaolian said.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, a student said.

"What else?" Lu Xiaolian asked.

"Master Lu, you just said that Giant Kang only sent people from the Middle God Realm and Little God Realm to join?" the student asked.

"That's right, Mr. Chen told me privately just now." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Then why don't you let me go with Li Ming? I'm in the Great God Realm anyway. If I really meet those two juniors sent by Big Kang, I can keep Li Ming safe." The student said.

"Let me go, I'm also in the Great God Realm, so I might as well keep Li Ming safe." Another student said.

"This... sounds reasonable." Lu Xiaolian was stunned, then looked at Li Ming, and asked, "How about I give up the place to enter the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land to one of them?"

"Master Lu, give it to me, and I invite you to go to the Spring Breeze Building to have fun."

"Master Lu, give it to me, and I will be your cow and horse in the future."

"Master Lu, let me give it to you. If the Xing family fights again, I will serve as a human shield for you."

The three students rushed to say.

However, Li Ming shook his head and said, "No need, it might be more troublesome."

"How do you say that?" Lu Xiaolian asked puzzled.

"You also said that Giant Kang has a very high right to speak to the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao. If he learns that a great god accompanied me into the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao, do you think he will also send a great god? Or even send two Great God?" Li Ming murmured.

"This..." Lu Xiaolian and the other students were startled.

A little bit, I only heard a student say bitterly: "It shouldn't be possible, right?"

Li Ming shook his head slightly, and said: "I think it's very possible that Mr. Chen and Mr. Kang should have reached an agreement. Otherwise, Mr. Chen knew that Mr. Kang arranged for people to go in, so why would he give us the token now?" ? Why didn't you wait a few days before giving it to us?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian couldn't help but nodded and said, "It seems very reasonable, so I'm afraid to go with you."

The three students suddenly looked disappointed.

"Okay, don't be disappointed, please feel free in the Spring Breeze Building," Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, the three students suddenly regained their spirits.

One of them said with a smile: "Master Lu, are you still going to the second floor today? Shall I introduce you to a girl?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian's face darkened immediately, and he said bluntly: "You will pay for all your consumption in Chunfenglou later."

"Master Lu, why? Didn't you say you invited him?" the student suddenly called out.

"I'm going to invite you, but you're too stingy, am I the kind of person who goes looking for girls?" Lu Xiaolian reprimanded angrily.

"Master Lu, I know I was wrong, I apologize, and I promise, I will never talk nonsense in the future." The student said hastily.

"Are you serious?" Lu Xiaolian asked.

"Seriously, it can't be truer." The student said hastily.

"Okay, I'll just trust you once, and never again." Lu Xiaolian murmured.

Hearing this, the student breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't think he is a great god, but the monthly ration of nourishing golden liquid is less than one-fifth of Lu Xiaolian.

Therefore, for him, it would be an extreme waste to go to the Spring Breeze Building for a while.

Afterwards, the group went to Chunfeng Building.

As always, the three of them went upstairs to have fun, while Lu Xiaolian and Li Ming drank tea on the first floor.

While drinking tea, suddenly a few majestic people walked in.

Li Ming glanced at them, but didn't pay much attention at the beginning of the period.

However, when they saw that their clothes were solid, their expressions changed slightly, and they turned out to be people from Yungong.

And judging by their appearance, it seems that they are here to find someone.

Li Ming gently pushed Lu Xiaolian, pointed in a certain direction and said, "Are they here to look for you?"

Lu Xiaolian was startled, turned his head to look, and couldn't help being surprised: "The right guardian of Yungong?"

At this time, Yungong Right Protector also saw Lu Xiaolian, and walked over involuntarily.

Lu Xiaolian stood up and bowed to the right protector of Yungong, "God has seen Elder You."

"Master Lu, our young lady is here to invite you." Elder You said directly.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian's expression changed slightly, and he asked in surprise, "Xin'er wants to see me?"

"Yes." Protector Yungong nodded in response.

"Okay, I'll go see her now." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Follow me, please." Yungong Right Protector said.

Afterwards, Lu Xiaolian greeted Li Ming, and left with the right protector of Yungong.

Only then did Li Ming know that the goddess in Yungong was called Xin'er.

But what is she doing with Lu Xiaolian at this time?
Could it be because of what happened last time?
It shouldn't be, with the strength of Yungong Goddess and Goddess Emperor Realm, it should be investigated clearly.

And if he was looking for Lu Xiaolian because of this matter, he would have done so long ago.

Li Ming didn't think about it anymore, anyway, the goddess of Yungong would not hurt Lu Xiaolian.

However, Li Ming was a little curious, how did Lu Xiaolian capture the heart of the Goddess of Yungong?
After all, the Goddess of Yungong is an existence in the God Emperor Realm!
(End of this chapter)

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