The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2873 Unbelievable

Chapter 2873 Unbelievable
After leaving the hall, Li Ming followed Miss Ziyan to her residence.

I only heard that Miss Ziyan said directly: "Li Ming, I can give you the entry order to the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao, but you must promise me one condition."

"Find out the whereabouts of Long Qingtian for you?" Li Ming asked.

"You guessed it?" Miss Ziyan couldn't help but startled.

"It's not difficult to guess, I agreed." Li Ming said directly.

"Are you sure? Long Qingtian is taboo. Finding out his whereabouts may cause a lot of trouble." Miss Ziyan said.

"Sure." Li Ming said affirmatively, now he has no choice.

Hearing this, Ziyan girl paused slightly, and then said: "It seems that you really have a very urgent matter to enter the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land."

"Indeed." Li Ming replied.

"Okay, here you are, remember your promise." Miss Ziyan said, and then took out the token to enter the ancestral land of heaven.

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked.

Immediately, Li Ming put away the token to enter the ancestral land of heaven, and then left in a hurry.

"Where are you going? My aunt is still waiting for you in the main hall!" Miss Ziyan reminded.

"Please tell Lord Fengshen for me. I have something urgent to go to the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao. When I come back, I will definitely satisfy her." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan couldn't help pouting, and said: "You big liar, you dare to lie to my aunt, and I don't know if what you promised me is true?"

At this time, Li Ming had already left with the entry order of the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao.

After leaving the Fengshen Tribe, Li Ming immediately rushed to the teleportation array in the Imperial City without stopping.

When he arrived at the teleportation array, Li Ming directly showed the entry order.

Then, the big formation started.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming entered the Ancestral Land of Heaven again.

In the Fengshen Hall, Lord Fengshen waited for Li Ming for a long time, and when he saw that Li Ming was not coming, he sent someone to remind him.

However, at this moment, Master Fengshen knew that Li Ming had left.

"Damn it, this Li Ming sneaked away, next time I'll have to skin him!" Lord Fengshen cursed angrily.

Li Ming entered the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dao, and immediately flew towards the pillar of the Heavenly Dao that trapped Xiao Liu, without caring about other things.

After flying for two or three days, Li Ming finally came to the place where he and Lu Xiaolian stayed.

"Yes, that's right here. Brother Lu and I stayed here before, and the Pillar of the Heavenly Dao is near here." Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, Li Ming released his divine sense and began to investigate the surrounding area.

Sure enough, there was a faint black shadow in the thick fog ahead.

Immediately, Li Ming quickly flew towards the black shadow.

Flying closer, it was indeed the Pillar of Heaven, and Xiao Liu was still hanging upside down on it.

Seeing this, Li Ming turned his palm and took out the Heaven-shaking Talisman, and blasted it towards the Pillar of Heavenly Dao without hesitation.


There was only a loud bang, and cracks appeared in the defensive barrier on the outer layer of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao.

Seeing this, Li Ming was overjoyed, and said: "Xiao Liu, wait a little longer, my father will come to save you right away."

Immediately, Li Ming frantically mobilized the divine essence, blasting towards the protective barrier of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao.

Imperial City, Shenyue Palace.

Princess Shenyue is meditating.

Suddenly, Princess Shenyue felt restless.

"What's going on? Why do I feel so uneasy?" Princess Shenyue said with a frown.

Then, I saw Princess Shenyue counting her fingers.

"No, something happened to the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao!" Princess Shenyue's expression changed drastically.

Immediately, Princess Shenyue rushed to teleport the formation.

Princess Shenyue is the daughter of the Haotian God Emperor, and her status is extraordinary. Naturally, she can enter the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao whenever she wants.

In the blink of an eye, Princess Shenyue came to the ancestral land of heaven.

Then, came to the pillar of heaven.

At this time, Princess Shenyue saw only one person constantly bombarding the barrier of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao.

Seeing this, Princess Shenyue's complexion suddenly changed, and with a wave of her hand, she imprisoned the true god who was bombarding the barrier.

At this moment, Li Ming was using his strongest attack, preparing to break the barrier.

Moreover, Li Ming had a premonition that the barrier would be broken soon.

But at this moment, Li Ming only felt his whole body froze, unable to move, as if imprisoned by some kind of force.

"How could this be?" Li Ming was secretly surprised.

But at this moment, Princess Shenyue flew in front of Li Ming.

I saw Princess Shenyue with a sullen face, full of anger.

But when Princess Shenyue saw that this person was Li Ming, she couldn't help being startled.

Then he frowned and asked, "Why you?"

"What?" Li Minghu questioned.

At this time, Li Ming was able to speak, but he was still unable to move his limbs and body.

Princess Shenyue pondered slightly, and asked, "Why did you bombard the barrier of the Heavenly Dao Pearl?"

"My son is trapped inside, and the Pillar of Heavenly Dao is constantly absorbing his blood." Li Ming explained, and then said: "Princess Shenyue, please hold your hands high and let me go. After I rescue my son, I will leave you alone." disposal."

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue couldn't help but startled, pointing to Li Xiaoliu and asked, "Is he your son?"

"Yes." Li Ming said firmly.

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue was silent for a while.

Li Ming didn't understand what was going on, so he could only ask again: "Princess Shenyue, please raise your hand and let me rescue my son."

Princess Shenyue shook her head slightly, and said, "Not only can you not save him, but you will kill him."

"What do you mean?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

At this time, Princess Shenyue flipped her palm and took out two golden pieces.

Li Ming took a closer look, isn't that the two tablets he gave Xiao Liu in the early years?How could it be in the hands of Princess Shenyue?

Li Ming hesitated for a while, and asked, "Why are they in your hands?"

"When I found him, these two fragments were stuck in his chest, and he was almost out of breath." Princess Shenyue murmured.

"What?" Li Ming was taken aback.

"Later, I brought him to the ancestral land of the Heavenly Dao, and the pillar of the Heavenly Dao immediately emitted a strange light, as if calling him. So, I brought him in front of this pillar of the Heavenly Dao." Princess Shenyue continued.

"This..." Li Ming was shocked, looking at Princess Shenyue in disbelief.

Princess Shenyue ignored Li Ming's hesitant gaze, and continued: "After arriving here, the Pillar of Heavenly Dao sucked him in and hung him upside down. Then, his blood seemed to be integrated with the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, and there was a faint vitality. It's getting better."

"So... this Pillar of Heavenly Dao is saving my son?" Li Ming asked in astonishment.

"It can be said that, or more precisely, the Pillar of Heavenly Dao is saving itself." Princess Shenyue said.

"Self-help? What do you mean?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"This pillar of the heavenly law has decayed and will collapse at any time. But since it merged with his blood, it has become more and more solid." Princess Shenyue explained.

"This..." Li Ming was stunned for a while, and he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I'll let you go now, don't mess around, or you'll only harm him." Princess Shenyue said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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