Chapter 288
At this time, Li Ming noticed the body of the male monk on the couch, with a chain hanging around his neck and a green pendant on the chain, which looked like a magic weapon for storage.

Li Ming wanted to reach out to grab it, but remembered Lu Changsheng's warning that the corpse should not be touched.

I saw a sword appeared out of thin air in Li Ming's hand, and when he picked up the long sword, he picked up the chain.

After careful identification, it really is an extraordinary storage magic weapon.

Then, Li Ming released his consciousness and entered the green pendant.

The space inside the pendant is very large, I don't know how much larger than Li Ming's included jade tablet, let alone a thousand flats.

Li Ming was shocked, not to mention the treasures in this storage magic weapon, just this storage magic weapon is a rare treasure!

Li Ming scanned it a little, and there were treasures and spirit stones piled up like a mountain.

I only heard Li Ming muttering: "It is indeed the magic weapon of the Tang Dynasty prince!"

"How is it, big brother?" Niu Wudi asked.

"There are a lot of treasures and spirit stones, half of them will be shared with you later!" Li Ming said.

"No big brother, I got the guillotine, that's enough, the rest is yours." Niu Wudi said.

"Then I won't be polite!" Li Ming said with a smile.

After a short pause, Li Ming said: "Let's go, there is not much time left, and the effect of the Spiritual Source Pill is about to disappear. Let's see if there are any other big shots."

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi searched the rest of the house, but found nothing else.

After leaving this house, Li Ming and Niu Wudi searched for a few more mansions, but they didn't gain much, just small profits.

The effect of Lingyuan Dan gradually disappeared, and the smell of blood gradually became stronger.

Li Ming knew that it was time to leave!
Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi flew towards the gate of the city.

After a while, Li Ming and Niu Wudi went out to slaughter the city!

After a while, Lu Changsheng and the three of them also flew out.

Zhang Heng had a happy face, and it seemed that he had gained a lot of benefits!

I only heard that Zhang Heng asked: "How is it? How did you gain? I met a general!"

"Then you are lucky." Guan Bin said.

"What about you? Guan Bin?" Zhang Heng asked.

"It's not bad, not too big and not too small." Guan Bin said leisurely.

"What about you? Brother Lu, Li Ming." Zhang Heng couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

"I'm lucky, I met a princess." Lu Changsheng said.

Li Ming shrugged slightly, with a helpless face, and said, "They're all trash fish, not worth mentioning."

Li Ming didn't claim to be a prince's magic weapon, it's better to keep a low profile on such matters, after all, people's hearts are unpredictable!Everything is unpredictable!
"Let's go, this is not a place to stay for long." Lu Changsheng said.

"Yes, let's talk after leaving here." Zhang Heng said.

Immediately, everyone was ready to leave.

However, at this moment, a shout came from not far away, "Want to leave? How can it be so easy!"

Immediately, more than ten figures flew over, instantly surrounding Li Ming and his party.

Lu Changsheng frowned, and asked, "Who are you?"

The leader of the other party snorted and sneered, and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, hand over all the treasures on your body, otherwise no one will leave!"

Guan Bin groaned slightly and said, "It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable!"

With that said, Guan Bin sacrificed the Wolf's Head Blade, preparing for a bloody battle.

Li Ming and Zhang Heng also sacrificed the three-pointed double-edged sword and the Yin-Yang Nine-Jie Ruler respectively!

Seeing Li Ming and the others offering their treasures one after another, the other party couldn't help reminding: "Are you sure you want to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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