The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2880 Persuading

Chapter 2880 Persuading
Hearing this, Lord Fengshen's anger gradually calmed down, and his face became solemn.

After a slight pause, Master Fengshen said: "It's hard to find special recruiting orders, and the Army God's Mansion hasn't issued a few so far, can we get them?"

"It depends on human effort, there will always be a way. Besides, Miss Ziyan is not a serious criminal. She applied for a transfer order just to serve the country, and the Military God's Mansion should consider it as appropriate. However, if Lord Fengshen goes to Big Kang to If you make a fuss, Mr. Kang will definitely be unhappy, and it may be difficult to apply for a special recruitment order at that time. I heard that Mr. Kang is the most embarrassing." Li Ming said emphatically.

If he could create an enemy for Big Kang, it would mean that Li Ming found an ally for himself.

Hearing this, Lord Fengshen calmed down completely, and said: "You are right, Mr. Kang is not only stingy, but also will take revenge. If I go to his side to make a scene, he will not dare to do anything to me, but in the future I will apply for Ziyan When the special move is issued, it will definitely be a hindrance, so we can only endure it for a while."

Hearing Lord Fengshen's words, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Master Fengshen should remain calm. We will discuss this matter in the long term, and we must get a special move order for Miss Ziyan."

Lord Fengshen frowned, sighed softly, and said, "It's not that easy to get a special move order, let me think about it carefully."

After waiting for a while, Li Ming asked, "Lord Fengshen, what can you do?"

Master Fengshen shook his head for a while, rubbed his temples and said, "It's too difficult, I can't think of it for a while."

"Don't worry, think about it slowly. Besides, if Lord Fengshen knows where there is a war, you can tell me, and I am willing to go there. I heard that as long as you have enough military merit, you can ask for special orders." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Master Fengshen was startled, and then asked: "Are you willing to rush about Yan'er?"

"Yes." Li Ming said affirmatively.

Master Fengshen was startled, and then asked: "Do you like her?"

"This... nothing." Li Ming was embarrassed for a while. He was willing to rush about Miss Ziyan's matter because Li Ming owed Miss Ziyan a huge favor.

However, Lord Fengshen said with a look of disbelief: "Li Ming, if you like it, you like it. Don't hide it. If Yan'er can come back, I support you in pursuing her."

"This...Master Fengshen, you really misunderstood, Miss Ziyan and I are innocent." Li Ming said hastily, he must not let Lord Fengshen mess up the mandarin ducks.

Hearing this, Lord Fengshen's expression darkened, and he asked displeasedly: "What? My Yan'er is not good enough for you? Do you want to push back like this?"

"No, Master Fengshen..." Li Ming really didn't know how to explain, so he could only say, "Master Fengshen, we still need to think about how to recruit Miss Ziyan back, and we will talk about other things later."

"That's true." Lord Fengshen let out a long sigh, and said with a sigh: "Outside the pass is no better than inside the pass. The barbarians over there are extremely cruel. Yan'er has never even been on the battlefield. I'm worried about her..."

Speaking of this, Lord Fengshen couldn't help but tears flashed in his eyes.

"If something happened to Yan'er, how should I explain to her late father?" Master Fengshen blamed himself.

Ziyan's father is the elder brother of Lord Fengshen, who used to be in charge of the Fengshen tribe.

Later, in the First World War, Ziyan's father died, and now Master Fengshen took over the Fengshen tribe.

In fact, according to normal circumstances, the position of Miss Ziyan's father should be passed on to her son or daughter.

Ziyan's father had only one daughter, Ziyan, and Ziyan was involved with Long Qingtian, so the position of the main god of the Fengshen tribe was finally passed on to the current Lord Fengshen.

After a while of consolation by Li Ming, Lord Fengshen calmed down.

When Lord Fengshen really calmed down, Li Ming got up to leave.

Although the matter of Miss Ziyan has been explained to Lord Fengshen, the matter of the special move has been pressing on Li Ming's heart, as well as the matter of his son Li Xiaoliu.

Back at the Military God's Mansion, Li Ming took out three fragments of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, but he didn't think too much about it.

Finally, it was put away again.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Lu Xiaolian's voice came, asking: "Brother Ming, are you there?"

"Brother Lu?" Li Ming was startled, then opened the door.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "Brother Lu, what's the matter?"

"Let's go, drink in the Spring Breeze Building." Lu Xiaolian said directly.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and the fox asked: "Is there a happy event?"

"No, I just want to take you to relax because you are in a bad mood." Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming gave a bitter smile, and said, "Brother Lu, no need, I'm fine by myself, and you don't go to Chunfenglou, it's not a good place, it's not good for the goddess of Yungong to misunderstand."

"It's okay, I'm just drinking tea. Let's go, don't shirk, my students are still waiting at the door, don't spoil their interest, you will have to rely on them to do things in the future." Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled.

Indeed, the three students of Lu Xiaolian are not low in strength, and they are all in the Great God Realm.

One great god in the middle stage, two great gods in the early stage.

However, up to now, Li Ming still doesn't know their real names.

At this moment when Lu Xiaolian mentioned them, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "Brother Lu, what are their names?"

"It's called... I don't know." Lu Xiaolian said awkwardly.

"You don't know either? Aren't you their Master Lu?" Li Ming asked dumbly.

"I never asked their names, they were called by you, him, and me every time. Later, I got used to it, so I didn't ask again. If you want to know what their names are, you can ask them yourself later." Lu Xiaolian murmured.

Li Ming was speechless for a while, this Lu Xiaolian was very nervous, and he didn't even know the names of his three students.

And it seems that if he hadn't mentioned it today, Lu Xiaolian would not have realized it at all.

What's more, after Lu Xiaolian found out about this, he didn't even think about asking their names, but asked Li Ming to ask.

Li Ming had no interest in Lu Xiaolian at all, and didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, they are all waiting." Lu Xiaolian said.

"Okay, let's go." Li Ming said speechlessly.

Afterwards, Li Ming followed Lu Xiaolian out of the house.

Sure enough, the three students who were hanging out with Lu Xiaolian had been waiting at the gate of the Military God Mansion for a long time.

At this time, seeing Lu Xiaolian and Li Ming coming, they hurriedly greeted them, and asked flatteringly, "Master Lu, can we go now?"

"When you went to Chunfeng Building today, you all took advantage of Brother Ming. If Brother Ming wasn't in a bad mood, I wouldn't have taken you to Chunfeng Building to be chic." Lu Xiaolian said hastily.

Hearing this, the student immediately saluted Li Ming.

"No, no, just what's your name? We've known each other for so long, but I don't even know what to call you?" Li Ming asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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