The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2889 Under whose orders?

Chapter 2889 Under whose orders?

"That's right, it's Princess Shenyue, come with me." The left guard said majestically.

Li Ming didn't understand what was going on, but got out of the car anyway.

At this time, I only heard the Great God of Shooting Sun Palace remind me: "Guard left, this Li Ming is still alive, and the Army God Mansion sent him to the Southern Region..."

"Is the order of the Military God's Mansion important, or the will of Princess Shenyue?" the left guard asked bluntly.

The Great God of the Sun Shooting Palace was at a loss for words and had to say: "Princess Shenyue's will is important."

"That's fine. If the Military God's Mansion has divine meaning, let them come to the Shenyue Hall." The left guard said.

"Don't dare, dare not." The God of Shooting Sun Palace hastily apologized.

"Okay, you guys are busy with your work. Li Ming, come with me." The left guard murmured.

"Yes, the left guard." The God of Shooting Sun Palace had no choice but to respond.

Immediately, Li Ming followed the left guard and left the place.

The God of Shooting Sun Palace had no choice but to report this matter to the Lord.

No one expected that Princess Shenyue would suddenly want to see Li Ming, including Li Ming himself.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked politely: "Guard Zuo, may I ask Princess Shenyue what she wants from the little god?"

"I don't know about this. We servants are not qualified to ask what the princess wants to do. You just follow me. When you see the princess, you will know." The left guard said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't ask any more questions.

Along the way, without any delay, they went straight to Shenyue Hall.

Entered the Shenyue point, but did not see Princess Shenyue.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help hesitating for a while.

At this moment, a servant girl next to Princess Shenyue said, "Li Ming, come with me."

"Okay." Li Ming replied, but he hesitated for a while, where is Princess Shenyue?
After a little effort, the princess's personal maid brought Li Ming to a unique small courtyard.

I only heard the servant girl say: "Go in."

"The princess is inside?" Li Minghu questioned.

"Not here." The servant girl replied.

"Not here?" Li Ming was startled, and looked at the servant girl suspiciously.

I only heard the servant girl say: "You stay here for a while."

"Why?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"For your own good." The servant girl said angrily.

"No, didn't Princess Shenyue want to see me? Why didn't I see the princess when I came?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"How can there be so many questions? Go in." The servant girl said bluntly, and then pushed Li Ming into the small courtyard with force on her wrist.

Don't look at this woman as just a maid, but her strength is not weak, she is a great god.

Li Ming had no room to resist at all, so he could only obediently enter the yard.

After entering the courtyard, the courtyard door automatically closed.

Li Ming was speechless for a while, feeling that he was under house arrest.

At this time, Shenyue's blunt, erratic and distant voice came from outside the courtyard, saying: "Li Ming, you are staying here for the time being. This trip to the Southern Region is full of dangers, so don't go."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, Princess Shenyue is protecting herself?
After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Princess Shenyue, the little god doesn't understand."

"If you don't understand, then don't understand, and you don't need to understand, just stay here, and I will do other things." Princess Shenyue's voice sounded again.

Li Ming was stunned, and asked, "Princess, will this cause you trouble?"

Princess Shenyue was silent for a while, before she said, "No."

Obviously, the words were insincere.

Li Ming also heard the meaning behind the words, so he said: "Your Highness, if it will cause you trouble, I'd better go."

Princess Shenyue's voice was silent again, and after a long time she said: "This trouble is nothing compared to your life. Don't worry about it, and live here with peace of mind. If you have nothing to do, you can comprehend the fragments of the Pillar of Heaven."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but fell silent. He and Princess Shenyue were not related, so why did she help him?
After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Your Highness, why are you helping me?"

However, this time, Princess Shenyue's voice did not resound, and the surroundings were completely silent.

Li Ming tried to open the gate of the courtyard, but found that the courtyard was enchanted.

It seemed that Princess Shenyue didn't want to leave by herself.

Li Ming was stunned. Since Princess Shenyue didn't want to leave by herself, she simply stayed here.

There was nothing to do, so Li Ming took out the three fragments of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao and began to comprehend.

Princess Shenyue knew about the fragments of the Heavenly Dao Pillar, so she had nothing to hide.

The process of comprehension was not very smooth, after all, it was a fragment, and many things were missing.

After Li Ming was taken away by the left guard, the news quickly spread to the Military God Mansion.

Both Mr. Chen and Mr. Kang knew about this.

I only heard that Big Brother Kang asked: "Old Chen, are you going to ask for someone, or am I going to ask for someone?"

Big Chen was silent for a long time, and said, "Let me go."

"Can I get it?" Big Kang asked.

"It's difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, we have to go." Giant Chen rubbed his temples and said.

"Then let's go together." Big Kang said.

"Alright." Big Chen nodded.

Immediately, the two went to Shenyue Hall together.

Li Ming sat cross-legged, trying to get the secrets in the fragments.

However, at this moment, there were bursts of roars and strong shocks outside.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help shouting, "What's going on?"

However, no one answered Li Ming.

Outside the courtyard, I saw two old men staring at a young woman.

It was none other than Mr. Chen, Mr. Kang and Princess Shenyue.

Princess Shenyue had a sullen face and asked angrily, "You dare to fight with me?"

"Princess Yue, I think you have misunderstood, we are only here for Li Ming." Giant Kang murmured.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Princess Shenyue said coldly.

"Princess Yue, everyone has seen that it was the left guard who took Li Ming away." Giant Chen said.

"So what?" Princess Shenyue asked back.

"The left guard has received the order of the princess, so I also ask Princess Yue to hand over Li Ming." Giant Chen continued.

"Li Ming is not with me." Princess Shenyue said.

"Where is it?" Big Kang asked.

"I don't know." Princess Shenyue said coldly.

Hearing this, Big Kang's expression darkened immediately, and he said, "Princess Yue, you should know who wanted Li Ming to go to the Southern Region. If it wasn't for his will, how could we let Li Ming go, and please Princess Yue not to embarrass us. "

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but this is Shenyue Palace, not a place where you can mess around! If you leave now, I can let the past go, otherwise don't blame my ruthless subordinates!" Princess Shenyue said solemnly.

Hearing this, Big Kang and Big Chen's faces darkened, and they asked in a low voice: "Princess Yue, do you really want to make things difficult for us? We are only following orders."

"It's a good sentence to act on orders. Whose order is it? My father?" Princess Shenyue asked coldly.

 There is another chapter, it is estimated to be one or two o'clock, or even later, don't wait, read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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