Chapter 29 Flying

Li Ming woke up early in the morning, refreshed, and the beautiful scenery of the beautiful day last night was very unforgettable.

Turning his head to see Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming who were still sleeping beside him, Li Ming felt a burst of happiness.

Home, this is what home feels like!
After a while, Tan Xiaoling also woke up, her face was still a little tired, the wind and rain last night was so strong that she could barely bear it.

Seeing Li Ming looking at her stupidly, Tan Xiaoling felt ashamed and asked, "Why?"

"Look at you, you look good." Li Ming said subconsciously.

"Poor mouth." Tan Xiaoling said shyly.

"Xiaoling, let's get married." Li Ming said with a smile.

"Marriage?" Tan Xiaoling was surprised, very surprised, but in anticipation, she held her mouth and said arrogantly: "Haven't you asked?"

"Then I beg now." Li Ming said, climbed out of the bed, knelt down on one knee in front of the bed, "Tan Xiaoling, marry me."

"That's it? No ring, no sincerity." Tan Xiaoling muttered.

"Go shopping now!" Li Ming picked up the clothes and was about to go out to buy them.

"Idiot, I'm teasing you." Tan Xiaoling smiled and dragged Li Ming back to the bed.

Li Ming smiled stupidly, kissed Tan Xiaoling, and involuntarily climbed his big hand towards the subtle point, Tan Xiaoling's breathing suddenly became rapid.

At this moment, Tan Siming opened his sleepy eyes and asked in confusion, "Dad, Mom, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Tan Xiaoling hurriedly pushed Li Ming away.

Li Ming looked embarrassed, and said to himself: Son, you woke up at the wrong time, did you deliberately make things difficult for your father?

"Oh." Tan Siming replied very seriously, and really believed Tan Xiaoling's words, and then saw him say: "Father, I'm going to take you to a place today."

"To a place?" Li Ming was surprised and looked at Tan Siming suspiciously.

"Well, a good place, my secret base, I want to get my radar back." Tan Siming said seriously.

"Radar? What radar?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"It's a satellite pot that receives TV signals." Tan Xiaoling explained.

"Well, it was used to receive your dad's signal. Now that dad is back, you don't need to accept it anymore. I promised brother Xiaoxiao that I will give him the radar. By the way, dad, I also promised to give Brother Xiaoxiao an Ultraman and a comic book, and you have to return it for me." Tan Siming said seriously.

Li Ming agreed.

After breakfast, Tan Xiaoling went to the hospital to take care of her mother, and Li Ming and Tan Siming went to his secret base.

It was a mountain not far behind the town. Tan Siming had been there many times and knew the way.

After taking a taxi to the foot of the mountain, Li Ming hugged Tan Siming and climbed up. He felt that this was too slow, but when he looked around and saw no one, Li Ming smiled and said, "Son, dad will take you flying, how about it?"

"Fly? Fly like a bird?" Tan Siming looked at Li Ming in surprise, and muttered, "Mom said that only birds can fly, people can't."

"Well, Dad can barely do it, but you can't tell this secret to others, you know? Otherwise, Dad will be gone." Li Ming worried about the little guy talking nonsense, and said to scare him.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I want a father." Tan Siming's face became tense.

Li Ming smiled, the little guy should stop talking nonsense, even if he said it, no one would believe it, right?

"Dad, can you tell Mom?" Tan Siming asked in a low voice.

Li Ming thought for a while and said, "It's fine, but no one can tell it except mother, neither grandma nor uncle."

"Brother Xiaoxiao, can you?" Tan Siming asked.

"It's not okay to laugh." Li Ming said.

"Then I will only tell my mother, not others." Tan Siming said seriously.

Li Ming hugged Tan Siming well, and as soon as he stretched his legs, his body flew out, and he stretched more than ten meters, and reached the top of the mountain in a few strokes.

(End of this chapter)

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