The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2900 Underground Palace

Chapter 2900 Underground Palace
Go to the exit of the passage, in front of it is an underground palace.

The underground palace is resplendent and resplendent, with ever-burning lamps lit.

Kang Zixing was born into a wealthy family and has seen the world.

But when he saw this resplendent underground palace, he still couldn't help showing shock.

As for the two little gods beside him, they were even more startled and opened their mouths.

Li Ming stood far behind them, but he couldn't see the underground palace.

However, judging from the expressions of the three of them, Kang Zixing, there must be something extraordinary at the end of the passage.

Otherwise, she would never have shown such a shocked expression.

The three of Kang Zixing were a little shocked, and flew towards the underground palace one after another.

After Kang Zixing and the others left the passage, Li Ming quietly moved towards the end of the passage.

Immediately when Li Ming walked to the end of the passage, he was also shocked by the grandeur of the underground palace, with carved dragons and painted phoenixes, crouching dragons coiled around, and real phoenixes flying over.

"Wait, those dragons and phoenixes don't seem to be carved out of stone." Li Ming was startled suddenly, and couldn't help but release his divine sense to investigate.

This investigation was really surprising.

Those dragons and phoenixes are real dragons and phoenixes, but they were completely imprisoned by some powerful magic.

Later, because of the age, these dragons and phoenixes turned into fossils.

Li Ming was startled, and said secretly in his heart: "How many years will it take to turn a living dragon and phoenix into fossils?"

A little shocked, Li Ming came back to his senses and flew towards the underground palace.

"I don't know who is buried in the tomb today? It's really extravagant to have a dragon and a phoenix as funeral objects." Li Ming murmured to himself.

Falling into the underground palace, the three of Kang Zixing have disappeared.

Li Ming ignored them and began to explore the underground palace by himself.

There are many precious funerary objects in the underground palace, gems, magical weapons, armor and so on.

However, Li Ming dare not touch them yet.

No one knows whether these treasures have been smeared with poison, or if there are traps.

Li Ming walked deep into the underground palace, bypassing the Dragon Court, and there was a door in front of him.

The door was ajar, presumably it was because Kang Zixing and the others didn't close it properly when they entered.

Li Ming walked sideways, not touching the half-covered door, so as not to let Kang Zixing and others notice.

After passing through this door, the temperature inside suddenly dropped.

It turned out that the temperature in the celestial tomb was lower than outside.

Arriving here, it is undoubtedly lower.

Li Ming couldn't help shivering, but he didn't dare to move the Shenyan body.

Continue to walk in and see a coffin.

The coffin was opened, and when I looked inside, it was empty.

"Did Kang Zixing and the others do it?" Li Ming couldn't help thinking to himself.

Looking at the overturned coffin cover on the ground, there are indeed several new handprints on it.

It seems that Kang Zixing and the others just opened it, and they don't know what's in the coffin?
Li Ming ignored it and continued walking forward.

The coffin just now should not be the owner of the tomb, but more like it was buried with him.

Walking in, there are three coffins in a row.

These three coffins, without exception, were all opened, and the insides were all empty.

Li Ming frowned, and couldn't help thinking about the golden bones in his heart, wondering if there were any golden bones in these coffins?
Li Ming stopped thinking about it and continued to walk in.

The layout of the underground palace is wonderful, not wide, but long.

One palace after another, arranged in a row.

There is a door between the palaces.

I don't know who designed such a tomb, it's really weird.

There are seven or eight doors in a row, and finally come to the last one.

"This should be the tomb of the tomb owner, right?" There was only a hesitant voice coming from the door.

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled suddenly, presumably it should be Kang Zixing and the others.

Gently pushed the door open a gap, looked inside, it was Kang Zixing and the three of them.

However, they did not appear to be in good condition, with unkempt hair and disheveled hair, and one injured.

"Could it be that a hidden weapon was encountered when opening the coffin?" Li Ming couldn't help thinking.

Regardless of these for the time being, quietly watching the situation inside.

I saw a huge coffin in the last palace room, which was two or three times the size of the previous coffin.

I don't know who it is, to use such a big coffin?
The three of Kang Zixing said eagerly: "This is the last coffin. There must be the golden bone we are looking for inside. Let's work together to open it. When you find the golden bone, you can go back and return to life, and you can also receive great military achievements." .”

Hearing this, the other two were suddenly frantic.

Li Ming knew that if there were really golden bones in the coffin, Kang Zixing would definitely assassinate him secretly and take the golden bones for himself.

And with Kang Zixing's treasures, it couldn't be easier to kill the two little gods.

After a while, one of the little gods came back to his senses and said, "This is the last coffin, and the organs inside must be the most dangerous, everyone be careful."

"Understood." Another little god replied.

Immediately, a group of three people sacrificed their armor one after another, preparing to open the coffin together.

The Youyuan Divine Armor on Kang Zixing's body was flickering, and it looked a bit like a bad contact.It should be the previous collision that hurt the Divine Armor itself.

Or, for other reasons.

In short, the defensive power of the Youyuan Divine Armor is definitely not as good as before.

The three of them worked together to pry open the last coffin.


The huge and heavy coffin lid was pushed away, only to see a cloud of black air coming out of the coffin, and the three of Kang Zixing retreated a few meters subconsciously.

Obviously, this black gas is poisonous.

The black air gradually dissipated, and the three of Kang Zixing returned to the coffin.

Looking inside the coffin, the expressions of Kang Zixing and the three of them froze like frost.

"What's going on? Why is this coffin empty?" Kang Zixing asked, frowning.

The two little gods shook their heads for a while, and they didn't know what was going on.

Li Ming behind the door was taken aback when he heard Kang Zixing's words. Why is the last coffin empty?

"Damn, it's a waste of time!" Kang Zixing couldn't help cursing angrily.

"Young Master Kang, could it be that we chose the wrong road at the beginning and shouldn't take the leftmost fork?" A little god said.

Hearing this, Kang Zixing frowned, and said solemnly: "It's Li Ming who led the way indiscriminately, causing us to waste time."

"Then what do we do now?" A little god asked.

"What else can I do? Of course, I turned back on the original road, and then entered another fork." Kang Zixing said angrily.

"That's the only way." The two little gods sighed.

"It's all Li Ming's fault. If he didn't die, I would like to tear him to pieces now!" Kang Zixing scolded angrily.

Hearing this, Li Ming's face suddenly sank, and a murderous intent burst out of his eyes.

I only heard Li Ming said in a dark heart: "Well, you are a Kang Zixing, you blame me, I didn't let you follow me, you are the ones who want to follow me. Well, if you want to tear me into pieces, then I'll let you crumble to ashes!"

(End of this chapter)

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