Chapter 2902

Kang Zixing, who was walking, suddenly sensed a hint of danger, and instinctively activated the Youyuan Divine Armor.

The Youyuan Divine Armor instantly revealed its divine power, and the blue arc of electric light lingered on the surface of the Divine Armor, exuding a cold and terrifying aura.

Li Ming suddenly appeared in front of Kang Zixing, and at the same time, Shenyan and Shenlei rushed to him.

The divine flame and the thunder and lightning broke through the arc on the outermost layer of the Youyuan Divine Armor in an instant, and then the huge power bombarded the Youyuan Divine Armor.


With a loud bang, Li Ming originally thought that his strongest Divine Flame and Divine Thunder could cause some damage to Youyuan Armor no matter what.

However, apart from the huge momentum, it did not cause any substantial damage, just like a stone sinking into the sea.

Li Ming couldn't help being startled, although he had already expected that the Youyuan Divine Armor was not simple, and he had seen it before when he was in the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao.

However, at this time, the Youyuan Divine Armor completely blocked his attack, and Li Ming was still taken aback.

At this time, Kang Zixing also saw the sneak attacker clearly, and was also surprised: "Li Ming?"

"Yes, it's me." Li Ming said.

"You're not dead?" Kang Zixing asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I am not dead." Li Ming replied.

"Okay, I'll kill you again if you're not dead! It's just to vent the anger in my heart!" Kang Zixing said angrily.

"Then I vent my anger? I'm afraid you're thinking too much!" Li Ming's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes became fierce.

"Otherwise?" Kang Zixing said confidently, "I have the body armor of the Youyuan God, even a great god can't do anything against me, let alone a mere god like you."

"That's right, I can't hurt you, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything about you." Li Ming said.

"What can you do?" Kang Zixing asked arrogantly.

Li Ming focused his eyes, stopped talking nonsense with Kang Zixing, hugged Kang Zixing, and fell towards the deep pit next to him.

"Are you crazy? This deep pit is so dangerous that even the gods can't climb up after falling into it." Kang Zixing's face suddenly became shocked.

Before entering the celestial tomb, General Ling Yu had told Kang Zixing to be careful of the deep pit in the celestial tomb, because there was a great god in it before.

At this time, Kang Zixing never expected that Li Ming would use such an extreme method of killing each other.

However, Li Ming looked relaxed and reminded with a smile: "Kang Zixing, have you forgotten that you pushed me into the pit before?"

"You..." Kang Zixing's expression changed suddenly, and he asked, "How did you escape from the pit?"

"Of course I won't tell you how I escaped from the pit, you'd better make a living by yourself, and I won't accompany you!" Li Ming said with a smile.

Then, Li Ming let go of Kang Zixing and flew towards the top of the deep pit.

"Don't...take me out!" Kang Zixing was terrified, frantically running the divine energy in his body, trying to fly out of the deep pit.

However, the more Kang Zixing struggled, the faster he fell, just like when Li Ming fell into the deep pit, an invisible big hand was secretly dragging him.

Li Mingfei went to the top of the deep pit, but his eyes stayed on Kang Zixing.

Before Li Ming fused with the golden skull, he was always worried that the strange power in the deep pit would disappear.

But now it seems that the strange power is still there, and it has not disappeared because the golden skull was absorbed by him.

Li Ming ignored Kang Zixing, but caught up with the other two little gods.

When Li Ming fell into the deep pit with Kang Zixing in his arms, the two little gods realized that something was wrong and ran away immediately.

Li Ming had already acted murderously against Kang Zi, so naturally he would not leave anything behind, so those two little gods had to die.

Li Ming flew along the passage and quickly flew to the outside of the tomb.

After a little effort, Li Ming came out of the Heavenly Tomb, but there was no trace of the two little gods.

"Huh? Could it be that they have fled back to the camp?" Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and immediately chased after him.

Even after chasing a stick of incense, the roar of beasts kept ringing in my ears, but I didn't see any trace of the two little gods.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help staring, and said to himself: "Could it be that I guessed wrong? Are they still in the celestial tomb?"

Without any hesitation, Li Ming quickly turned back to the Heavenly Tomb.

Li Ming came to the tomb in a hurry and was about to enter.

Suddenly, there was a figure shaking at the exit of the celestial tomb.

Seeing this, Li Ming's gaze sank, and he said to himself, "As expected, they haven't left the Heavenly Tomb yet."

Immediately, Li Ming hid for the time being, preparing for a surprise attack.

After all, the strength of those two guys is not weak, they both have the cultivation level of the middle stage of the little god.

It took a lot of effort for Li Ming to kill them head-on.

It's better to make a surprise attack, solve one first, and then kill the other head-on!
The figure shook, and several people came out one after another.

However, they were not the two little gods Li Ming was looking for.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, then surprised in his heart, and said to himself: "Could it be that the camp sent other people to investigate the celestial tomb?"

"That's not right. Didn't you say that only the small gods can enter the celestial tomb? The true gods at the camp are at least the great gods. Didn't the emperor city send someone over?"

Just when Li Ming was hesitating, those who had just walked out of the celestial tomb suddenly changed into five tall, black-faced and green-bodied mythical beasts with a pair of horns.

"No, this isn't a divine beast, it's a bull demon." Li Ming was secretly startled.

Although Li Ming didn't know much about the Southern Territory, he also knew that the Southern Territory was dominated by the Bull Demons, and the main target of the garrison was the Bull Demons.

The Bull Demon Clan is an ancient god clan that appeared not long after the creation of the world.

It is said that the ancestor of the Bull Demon Clan was a golden divine bull who was successful in cultivating Taoism, and once competed with the Haotian God Emperor in the world.

It's a pity that he lost in the end.

After the Golden God Bull was defeated, he fled to the Southern Region, and within a few years there was the Bull Demon Clan.

The Bull Demons are ferocious by nature, always remembering the precepts of their ancestors, they overthrew the Haotian God Emperor and took back the world.

Therefore, the Bull Demon Race is very hostile to the true gods of the Haotian God Emperor camp, and they will kill them if they see them!

Li Ming was startled when he saw the Bull Demon Clan. He didn't expect that the Bull Demon Clan was also in the celestial tomb.

Li Ming tried his best to restrain his breath, trying to keep himself in a state of not being noticed.

After several members of the Niu family walked out of the celestial tomb, they walked around the vicinity without staying too long, and then turned back into the celestial tomb again.

However, when entering the celestial tomb, he deliberately transformed into a human form.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, wondering why the Bull Demon Clan did this?

After hesitating for a while, Li Ming quietly walked into the Heavenly Tomb and followed the bull demons from a distance.

The strength of these people is not weak, and it feels like they are at least the existence of the middle gods, and they may even be great gods.

Although Shadow Killing is wonderful, but in the God Realm, its advantages are not as obvious as in the Immortal Realm.

Under the same circumstances, perhaps it can be concealed very well.

However, if the opponent's realm is higher than yours, especially when it is two realms higher, it may still be exposed.

After all, divine sense is far more powerful than immortal consciousness, and it can detect and sense more things.

Otherwise, the two little gods who followed Kang Zixing before would not feel that way.

 The normal update resumed today, and there will be another chapter later, and I will have the opportunity to make up for what I owed before.

(End of this chapter)

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