The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2910 The crime is nothing

Chapter 2910 The crime is nothing
Big Kang looked as usual, and was not frightened by Princess Shenyue's threat at all.

Only Wen Kang said unhurriedly: "The crime of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country was not decided by me alone, but a joint trial by the three giants, with all witnesses and material evidence."

"What is certified, what is unlicensed, show it to this princess!" Princess Shenyue said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Chief Kang snorted and laughed, and said, "Princess Shenyue, although you are a princess, you probably don't have the right to intervene in military affairs, do you?"

"No right to ask?" Princess Shenyue's face sank, she turned her palm and took out a token, and shouted: "Old man Kang, open your dog eyes and see, what kind of token is this?"

"Haotian Yuling?" Big Kang was taken aback, and said incredulously, "You actually have Haotian Yuling?"

"What's so strange about this?" Princess Shenyue asked back.

"Okay, I dare not disobey you with Haotian Imperial Order." Big Kang said with gritted teeth.

Then, I saw Giant Kang passing an order to the military shrine, saying: "Bring people to give evidence."

Immediately, several people flew out of the Military God Mansion.

Among them were the two little gods who escaped that day.

Only Wen Kang pointed to the two little gods and said, "They are the certification."

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue couldn't help but look at the two little gods.

I saw that Princess Shenyue was not angry and arrogant, exuding an aggressive aura.

I only heard that Xin'er, the goddess of Yungong, introduced to the two little gods: "This is the jewel in the palm of Emperor Haotian, Princess Shenyue, you tell everything you know, and you dare to say half a lie, absolutely Doomed to die!"

Hearing this, the hearts of the two little gods suddenly jumped.

At this time, Princess Shenyue said solemnly: "This princess has an extraordinary relationship with Li Ming. If you dare to slander him, this princess will definitely report to the emperor, and I will chop you into meat paste."

"Princess Shenyue, you are a naked threat." Big Kang said in a low voice.

"Threat? A hero who saved the catastrophe of Shenmenguan, a capable man who quelled the banditry in the river, you tell me now that he is collaborating with the enemy and traitorous? Do you believe it yourself?" Princess Shenyue asked back.

"You..." Big Kang was suddenly speechless.

I only heard that Princess Shenyue continued to ask aggressively: "Master Kang, I'm afraid you don't even believe it yourself?"

"It's all about seeking truth from facts, and I didn't make up witness and material evidence." Big Kang said angrily.

"Okay, let me ask you, how did Li Ming collude with the enemy and betray the country?" Princess Shenyue asked solemnly.

"This..." The two little gods hesitated for a while, and looked at each other, looking very timid.

At this time, Xin'er, the goddess of Yungong, shouted: "Princess Shenyue is asking, why don't you just say it?"

"Princess, please forgive me. We didn't see Li Ming collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country with our own eyes. We only saw Li Ming walking with the Bull Demon Clan." A little god said.

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that things were turning around.

At this time, only Wen Xin'er asked: "Old man Kang, is this how your Military God's Mansion handles the case? Just by being together, you can conclude that you are collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country? Isn't it too hasty?"

Big Kang turned blue with anger, looked at the two little gods and shouted angrily: "That's not what you said that day, but now you're turning back?"

"Big Kang Mingjian, Princess Shenyue Mingjian, someone threatened us that day, saying that if we don't follow his words, we will be killed. Then, he gave us some perjury evidence." A little god said.

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue's expression darkened immediately, and she asked: "Who forced you? Is it this old man Kang?"

"Shenyue, don't you want to spout blood!" Big Kang suddenly became anxious.

I only heard that little god said quickly: "We don't know who that person is, that person circulated his divine energy to cover his face, and we didn't see his true face."

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue frowned, and then said: "Old man Kang, you also heard that Li Ming was just walking with the Bull Demon tribe, and did nothing? What are you talking about collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country?"

"It's very suspicious that Li Ming is walking with the Niumo tribe. Who knows if he is collaborating with the enemy and traitorous?" Big Kang said and waited.

"Maybe Li Ming is on some special mission? Do you think so, Xing Feng?" Princess Shenyue looked at Xing Feng and asked.

Xingfeng Shenhuang felt bitter in his heart. Although he was unwilling to get involved in this matter, he still couldn't refute Princess Shenyue's face, otherwise he might really not want to enter the Yun Palace in the future.

I only heard that Xingfeng Shenhuang said: "There is indeed such a thing. I gave Li Ming a special person to infiltrate the Bull Demon Clan. No one knows this, only me."

"You..." Big Kang didn't know that Emperor Xingfeng was talking nonsense with his eyes open, but what could he do?
After all, it was the people on his side who perjured Li Ming first.

It's just that these two little gods are too spineless to insist on Li Ming collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, otherwise it would definitely not be like this now.

At this time, Princess Shenyue said: "Old man Kang, you have also heard Xing Feng's words. Li Ming was carrying out secret orders, so the charge of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country is not established at all."

Big Kang's face was very ugly, and he said in a low voice: "Then what about him killing my nephew? The murderer pays with his life. This is the iron law set by your father. Do you want to protect him?"

Hearing this, I only heard that Princess Shenyue looked at the two little gods and asked: "Have you seen Li Ming kill Kang Zi with your own eyes?"

"This..." The two little gods couldn't help but hesitate for a while.

"If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it." Princess Shenyue shouted angrily.

"No, but we saw him push Kang Zixing down the pit." A little god said.

"Deep pit?" Princess Shenyue couldn't help being startled, and looked at Xingfeng Shenhuang suspiciously.

I only heard Xingfeng Shenhuang explain: "The deep pit in the tomb is extremely dangerous, let alone a small god falling into it, even a big god falling into it, it is impossible to escape death."

Hearing this, Big Kang said: "Princess Shenyue, have you heard it all?"

Princess Shenyue's expression darkened, and she said, "I don't believe that Li Ming would push Kang Zixing into a deep pit for no reason."

The two little gods hesitated for a while. Facing the majesty of Princess Shenyue, they finally did not dare to hide anything, and said, "Before, Kang Zixing had sneaked up on Li Ming and pushed Li Ming into a deep pit. I don't know how Li Ming escaped." Later, Li Ming also pushed Kang Zixing into a deep pit in order to avenge him."

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue couldn't help laughing, and said: "Old man Kang, you heard it too, it was your nephew who killed someone first, and pushing into the deep pit does not mean killing someone, after all Li Ming survived. If your grandnephew If he died in a deep pit, he can only blame himself for his incompetence."

"You..." Big Kang was suddenly speechless.

I only heard that Princess Shenyue held Haotian Imperial Order and said: "This matter is very clear. Li Ming's charges are purely fictitious. I ordered the Military God's Mansion to immediately withdraw the arrest of Li Ming and rectify his name. In addition, we will do our best to investigate this matter." The mastermind behind the second frame-up!"

 There is one more chapter today, and two more chapters in the new book.

(End of this chapter)

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