The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2922 My surname is Long...

Chapter 2922 My surname is Long...

The voice fell silent, and Li Ming didn't want to take the initiative to ask questions, for fear of saying something wrong and offending the other party.

After a long time, the voice asked leisurely: "Don't you ask who I am?"

"This..." Li Ming was stunned, a little confused about what the other party was doing, but he still complied with the other party's wishes and asked, "May I ask who is the senior?"

"My surname is Long." The voice replied.

"Surnamed Long?" Li Ming suddenly burst into words, and the words Long Qingtian popped up in his mind.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked weakly: "Senior Long, dare I ask you, but I, Long Qingtian?"

"I..." Just as the voice was about to answer, there was a sudden bang from the sea of ​​fire on the north side of Yuhuang Mountain, and then the calm sea of ​​fire broke out into stormy waves, and billowing magma poured down the channel dug by Li Ming.

The magma was like a wave, like a frenzied tide, and Li Ming flew away immediately.



There was a loud rumbling sound in the sea of ​​fire, and the fire waves piled up to a huge height, like a tsunami.

"Hurry up, you can't stay here." The deep voice came from the bottom of the col.

"Senior, are you Long Qingtian?" Li Ming asked again.

"Is it that important?" the voice sighed.

"Senior, I have a friend named..."

Before Li Ming could finish his words, there was another rumbling noise in the sea of ​​fire, and at the same time, the [-]-meter-high fire wave rushed towards him like a tsunami.

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled inwardly, and quickly moved away.

"Senior, are you Long Qingtian?" Li Ming asked vigorously.

However, the senior at the bottom of the mountain did not answer.

In an instant, the fire wave engulfed the entire mountain col.

However, the rumbling sound in the sea of ​​fire did not stop, and the fire waves grew higher and higher, almost engulfing Yuhuang Mountain.

Although Li Ming practiced Divine Flame, the fire wave was more powerful than Li Ming could bear.

Li Ming could only withdraw from Yuhuang Mountain for the time being, and come back to investigate after the sea of ​​fire calmed down.

As soon as he left Yuhuang Mountain, Li Ming saw several people flying from a distance.

Take a closer look, it's not the men in black who left before!

Seeing this, Li Ming was startled and immediately hid his figure.

The men in black who hurried over didn't notice Li Ming, and headed straight to the depths of Yuhuang Mountain.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and secretly said: "Are they going to the mountain?"

Thinking of this, Li Ming suddenly realized something was wrong, and he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he ran away immediately.

After a little effort, those men in black came to the depths of Jade Emperor Mountain.

"No, someone has been here before." A man in black said in surprise.

"Damn it, the magma in the sea of ​​fire was sent to the mountain, no wonder the sea of ​​fire suddenly rioted."

"Who did it?"

"You guys check it out for me, and I'll calm down the big formation in the sea of ​​fire." The leader said.

"Yes." The other men in black replied.

Immediately, a group of people searched Yuhuang Mountain.

Li Ming left Jade Emperor Mountain and flew straight there without stopping.

After flying for four or five days, Li Ming finally stopped.

But at this time, Li Ming didn't have the guts to go back to Yuhuang Mountain to investigate.

Moreover, his intuition told Li Ming that Yuhuang Mountain must be a place of great danger.

After a little thought, Li Ming decided to go to Shenmen Pass and tell Brother Zhu about the news about Yuhuang Mountain.

At that time, brother Zhu will accompany me to investigate, so I am not afraid.

After reading this, Li Ming immediately flew towards Shenmenguan.

It's just that this place is at least three months away from Shenmen Pass, and I don't know what will happen to Yuhuang Mountain by then?
However, these are not what Li Ming can worry about now.

Those men in black searched all over the Jade Emperor Mountain, but they couldn't find the culprit who opened a channel and led the magma into the mountain depression.

However, the large formation in the sea of ​​fire calmed down.

The leader of the man in black let out a long sigh, and then asked: "How is your investigation? Have you found anything?"

"I didn't find anything. That guy ran very fast and didn't leave a trace." A man in black said.

Hearing this, the leading man in black narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "He's a master!"

"Then what do we do now?" Another man in black asked.

"Here has been exposed, that guy must be transferred as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble." The leader in black said.

"Just with the few of us, I'm afraid there is no way to transfer that person? And, where will he be transferred?"

Hearing this, the face of the leading man in black gradually became serious.

After being silent for a while, he said: "You are here to take care of me, I will ask my superiors for instructions."


Immediately, the man in black quickly left Yuhuang Mountain.

Li Ming flew all the way, day and night, without any delay.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Li Ming, who had been on his way, felt a little tired, so he couldn't help but stop to rest.

He took out the map and saw that there was only half a month away from Shenmen Pass.

Look around again, it's quite close to Dongyang Valley.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and thought to himself: "I don't know if Miss Ziyan has returned to Dongyang Valley?"

"Anyway, Dongyang Valley is near here, so it's okay to go over there to have a look, it won't waste time." Li Ming said secretly in his heart.

Immediately, Li Ming flew towards Dongyang Valley.

Two days later, Li Ming came to Dongyang Valley.

Dongyang Valley is still as quiet as ever, and the lake in the valley looks sparkling.

However, just as Li Ming entered Dongyang Valley, a figure flew out from the vines behind the mountain wall.

Li Ming was startled for a moment, then took a closer look, she was not the girl Ziyan!

Seeing this Ziyan girl, Li Ming couldn't help feeling relieved.

Similarly, Miss Ziyan smiled knowingly when she saw Li Ming.

Miss Ziyan asked, "Are you back?"

"Well, how long have you been here?" Li Ming asked.

"It's been less than half a year." Miss Ziyan replied.

"Let's go, follow me to Shenmenguan." Li Ming said.

"Go to Shenmenguan?" Miss Ziyan couldn't help but look at Li Ming suspiciously.

I only heard Li Ming said: "I found something, and I have to report it to Commander Zhu. However, my identity is a bit embarrassing, so I can't show up. However, it is good to have you."

"This..." Miss Ziyan hesitated for a while.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but answer: "What's the problem?"

"After a while, at most a month, or even less, the ice at the bottom of the lake will completely melt." Miss Ziyan said.

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled, and asked, "Is it a treasure at the bottom of the lake?"

"Yeah." Girl Ziyan nodded in response, and then said: "Then Zhao Wenjun told me that the treasure at the bottom of the lake is the golden holy dragon boots, and I once gave Long Qingtian a pair of golden holy dragon boots."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized what Miss Ziyan meant.

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and then said: "Zi Yan, I'll tell you something, but you must not get excited, let alone act emotionally."

"Tell me." Miss Ziyan asked.

"Two months ago, I was in Jade Emperor Mountain..." Li Ming then told Miss Ziyan about what happened to Jade Emperor Mountain.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan was startled suddenly, and asked: "Is there such a thing?"

"Well, I suspect that Senior Long may be Long Qingtian." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan flew towards Yuhuang Mountain without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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