The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2930 Confusing the Enemy

Chapter 2930 Confusing the Enemy (Fifth Watch)
"Well, Miss Ziyan is in their hands." Li Ming nodded in response.

"Then what are you waiting for? I'll rescue Miss Ziyan right now." Zhang Jinxiong said directly.

"Wait a minute." Li Ming stopped Zhang Jinxiong.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Jinxiong looked at Li Ming suspiciously.

"If you go out like this, it's hard to guarantee the safety of Miss Ziyan. You lay in ambush first, and I'll meet them first, and then I'll find a chance to make a surprise attack. Remember, you must leave a life alive." Li Ming warned.

"Okay." Zhang Jinxiong replied.

Immediately, Zhang Jinxiong lurked down.

Li Ming quickly flew towards those men in black, and shouted as he flew: "The few in front, please stay."

The voice is very powerful, spreading beyond mathematics and science.

The men in black who were on their way were startled when they heard the sound, and immediately became alert.

Miss Ziyan was overjoyed when she heard Li Ming's voice. Rescue is here?

However, Miss Ziyan didn't change any expression on her face, just in case the men in black saw something.

The leader of the man in black saw the stranger flying in this direction, and immediately said to a man in black, "Go and see what's going on?"

"Yes." The man in black replied.

Immediately, the man in black flew towards Li Ming.

On the way, the man in black grabbed Li Ming and asked, "Who are you?"

"My next Holy Fire Clan, Zhao Wenming, Zhao Wenjun's elder brother." Li Minghu made up a name, just for the time being, Zhao Wenjun's advantage.

Hearing this, the man in black frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, I just see that you look cool in this black outfit, and I want to ask where you bought it?" Li Ming asked like an idiot. ,

Sure enough, the man in black was looking at Li Ming with the eyes of a fool.

At this time, Hei Yi, who only heard the leader, asked, "What's the matter?"

"Head, here comes a fool who says he is Zhao Wenjun's elder brother, Zhao Wenming." The man in black replied.

Hearing this, the leading man in black couldn't help being startled, he had heard of Zhao Wenjun's name.

After thinking about it for a while, the man in black said, "Send this idiot away."

Zhao Wenjun's identity is extraordinary. This second idiot claims to be Zhao Wenjun's brother, but he doesn't know if it is true or not.

However, one thing more is worse than one thing less, let's send these two idiots away first.

Immediately, the man in black wanted to drive Li Ming away.

However, at this time, Li Ming looked at Ziyan girl like a pig brother, drooling and said: "What a beautiful girl, can you be my wife?"

Hearing this, Miss Ziyan's face blushed immediately, she didn't expect that Li Ming, who usually looks like a cold storage room, would sometimes be dishonest.

However, the man in black had a headache.

Normal people are easy to deal with, but how can you compete with a fool?

The key point is that the other party also claimed to be Zhao Wenjun's elder brother. If it was someone else, he would just kill him.

Li Ming looked like a pig brother, flew directly to Ziyan, and said: "What a beautiful girl, what a beautiful girl."

The leading man in black stopped Li Ming immediately, and shouted: "Get out, this is not a place for you to mess around."

"I don't care. I want that beautiful girl. If you don't give it to me, I'll go back and tell my sister." Li Ming said angrily.

Hearing this, the leader of the man in black couldn't help laughing, and said, "Your sister's strength is not as good as yours, but she's just a small god. What's the use of telling her?"

Li Ming was startled when he heard this. He didn't expect that the leader of the man in black actually knew Zhao Wenjun.

In fact, Li Ming didn't even know that it was because he reported Zhao Wenjun's name that the leader in black didn't directly kill him.

Li Ming's expression didn't change, he still looked like a second idiot.

After a while, Li Ming snorted and said: "My sister is not strong, but she is ugly, I will make her ugly and cry to you."

"..." The man in black headed by him was suddenly embarrassed. I'm afraid only two fools can say such a thing.

However, the leading man in black was already very impatient, and directly ordered the two men in black: "You drive him away forcibly."

"Yes, sir." The two men in black replied.

Immediately, the two men in black were about to forcibly drive Li Ming away.

How could Li Ming allow them to drive him away, he directly raised his hand, and said while beating: "Give me the beautiful girl, I will leave immediately."

"Take it away!" the leading man in black shouted angrily.

The two men in black immediately used all their strength to take Li Ming away by force.

However, just as they were doing it, Zhang Jinxiong, who was lurking, also started doing it.

His target is none other than the leading man in black.

The man in black headed by him is not weak, and he is also a great god.

However, it is only the early stage of the Great God.

Facing Zhang Jinxiong's surprise attack, the leader of the men in black was shocked and quickly activated the armor.

However, after all, it was still a step too late, Zhang Jinxiong's sledgehammer had already hit his chest.

On the spot, the leading man in black vomited blood and flew more than ten meters away.

"Miss Ziyan, are you okay?" Zhang Jinxiong asked.

"I'm fine." Miss Ziyan said, and then said: "But I was imprisoned by them, and the spirit in my body couldn't function."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinxiong immediately released the confinement in Miss Ziyan's body.

As soon as the confinement was released, Miss Ziyan immediately sacrificed the divine treasure.

At this time, Li Ming also showed a strong and decisive side, which is what a second fool should have?
Seeing this, the face of the leader in black suddenly changed, and he said, "No, it's been tricked."

Zhang Jinxiong was brave, and the sledgehammer in his hand was extremely powerful. If he hit the man in black in the Middle God Realm, he would either die on the spot or be seriously injured.

"Run away." Another man in black said.

The leading man in black also knew that something was wrong, so he ran away immediately.

Seeing this, Li Ming quickly shouted: "Quick, grab a living one."

"Understood." Zhang Jinxiong replied.

Immediately, Zhang Jinxiong flew towards the nearest man in black.

When the nearest man in black saw Zhang Jinxiong flying towards him, his face changed drastically.

I only heard Zhang Jinxiong said solemnly: "You can't escape."

"Even if you catch me, it's useless." The man in black said decisively.

Then, I saw blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Take poison?" Li Ming immediately recognized it.

"Yes, great poison, goodbye." The man in black said.

On the spot, the man in black collapsed, lifeless.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and said, "So decisive, what kind of organization is this?"

"I'm going to chase the others." Zhang Jinxiong said.

"No need, even if we catch up, we will only get one corpse." Li Ming said, and then said: "Let's go back to Shenmen Pass first, I have something important to report to Brother Zhu."

"Okay." Zhang Jinxiong replied.

Immediately, a group of three people stepped on the dragon horse and rushed to Shenmen Pass.

On the way, I heard Li Ming asking, "General Zhang, how is the situation in Dongyang Valley?"

 Fifth watch, ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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