The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2940 2 request

Chapter 2940 Two Requirements
In a blink of an eye, a few months passed, and the miasma in Li Ming's body was almost eliminated, and he could enter the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land for retreat at any time.

On this day, Li Ming was about to leave, but Hua Fairy stopped Li Ming.

Li Ming was startled, and asked, "Aunt Hua, what else can I order?"

"This is for you." Hua Xianzi said, then turned her palm and took out a white jade token and handed it to Li Ming, saying: "There is a maze outside my manor, unless you have the strength of the God Emperor, it is difficult to enter here. With this token, you will not be disturbed by the fog."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, and immediately put away the white jade, and then asked: "Aunt Hua, do you have any other orders? If not, I'm going to the Ancestral Land of Heaven."

"Don't worry, I still have something to tell you." Hua Fairy said.

"Aunt Hua, please tell me." Li Ming said sincerely.

"Li Ming, I don't think it's a thing in the pool. It will definitely become a god in the future. At that time, I would like to ask you to do two things for me." Fairy Hua said.

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled, he didn't expect Hua Fairy to see his extraordinaryness.

In fact, Li Ming also felt that he was extraordinary.

At least after absorbing the Golden Skull, Li Ming's task is like this
Also, can a guy who can directly absorb the fragments of the Pillar of Heaven be an ordinary person?
I only heard that Li Ming said humbly: "My nephew is grateful to my aunt for not abandoning me and helping my nephew in this critical time. If my nephew really succeeds in the future, I will never forget my aunt's kindness today."

Hearing this, Hua Fairy nodded in satisfaction and said, "The first thing is to kill Old Man Kang for me."

"Old man Kang? Big man Kang?" Li Ming was slightly surprised.

"Yes, that old man!" Hua Fairy said through gritted teeth.

"That's for sure, even if my aunt didn't make such a request, my nephew would not let that old man go!" Li Ming said.

Fairy Hua nodded slightly, and continued: "The second thing should be simpler, smashing the Lingxiao Temple for me."

"What?" Li Ming was suddenly surprised. The Lingxiao Temple is the residence of the Haotian God Emperor. Let him fight against his old father-in-law?
"Don't you dare?" Hua Fairy's expression darkened.

"Aunt Hua, it's not that my nephew doesn't dare, it's just that Emperor Haotian is Yue'er's father after all, if she does this, Yue'er..." Li Ming expressed his concerns.

"Don't worry about this, I will comfort Yue'er for you. Maybe Yue'er will help you when the time comes." Hua Fairy said confidently.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, Yue'er would do this?

After a slight pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Aunt Hua, as long as I have the strength and Yue'er doesn't stop me, I will smash the Lingxiao Temple for you."

"Alright, remember your promise today!" Hua Fairy said solemnly.

"Nephew will never forget." Li Ming nodded in response.

Li Ming didn't have any burden in his heart, it was just a big talk, he had just entered the middle god realm now.

If you want to smash Lingxiao Temple, you have to cultivate to the same strength as the old man, that is, the emperor.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it will take until I become a god emperor.

At this time, Fairy Hua continued to say: "The pillar of the Heavenly Dao collapsed back then, and the fragments were scattered all over the world, and even left behind in the world. However, most of the fragments remained in the Ancestral Land of the Heavenly Dao. When you go to retreat, you can Search carefully."

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, Wen Hua Fairy said slowly: "Go, I think those fragments should have a great effect on you."

Hearing this, Li Ming's back suddenly felt cold.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested. Did Hua Fairy know that she had absorbed the golden skull?

who told her?
Or did she see it herself?
However, at this time, Hua Xianzi had already walked to her residence and ignored Li Ming.

Li Ming's heart was pounding, he couldn't see through this flower fairy more and more now.

In other words, no one sees through her.

Find a chance to ask the goddess Xin'er to find out what the origin of this flower fairy is.

Li Ming didn't bother anymore, anyway, Fairy Hua didn't have any ill intentions towards him, at least so far.

Li Ming kicked dozens of Tiandao ancestral land entry orders, and left here.

In the room, Hua Fairy murmured to herself: "Brother-in-law, you probably didn't expect me to pick up a treasure, did you? When I raise this kid, I will give you a big surprise!"

Then, Hua Fairy took out a piece of paper and wrote a few strokes.

With a flick of the finger, the piece of paper flew out.

In the end, it fell to the Military God Mansion.

Li Ming left the manor, but he didn't go directly to the ancestral land of Heavenly Dao. Instead, after he entered the imperial city, he passed a magic trick to Lu Xiaolian and asked him to come out to meet him.

In less than a stick of incense, Lu Xiaolian arrived at the teahouse agreed by Li Ming, and it was a private room.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian was slightly surprised, and asked, "Why did you ask me to come here? Why can't you just go back to the Military God's Mansion and tell me to make this trip? Also, where have you been these past few months? No news at all."

Li Ming didn't know what to answer Lu Xiaolian's question, so he just turned his palm and took out a few tokens of the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao.

Not much, just like eight or nine yuan.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian's eyes almost straightened, and he asked, "Where do you get so many entry orders?"

"It's a secret, I can't say it, anyway, it came from a legal channel." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian paused, then seemed to have guessed something, and said with a smile: "It must have been given to you by Princess Shenyue."

"This..." Li Ming didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either.

I only heard Lu Xiaolian said sourly: "Li Ming, I thought I was already very difficult, but I didn't expect you to be more powerful than me."

"What?" Li Ming asked blankly, not knowing what Lu Xiaolian was referring to.

"Pick up girls!" Lu Xiaolian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming's forehead darkened, and he said, "The matter between me and Yue'er is more complicated, not as simple as you think."

"Even the title has changed. It used to be called Princess Moon." Lu Xiaolian said critically.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about business with you." Li Ming said.

Then, he pushed the entry order in his hand towards Lu Xiaolian.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolian was surprised and asked, "What are you doing?"

"These are for you." Li Ming said.

"Give it to me? Are you crazy? This is the order to enter the ancestral land of heaven, how precious is it?" Lu Xiaolian suddenly cried out.

Li Ming picked out his ears, and said lightly: "Keep your voice down, lest others can't hear you?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiaolian immediately shut his mouth.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Brother Lu, I don't lack these now, you can just take them. If you don't need them by yourself, you can give Zhu Er and the others a few, or give them to the goddess Xin'er."

"This..." Lu Xiaolian paused, but he didn't refuse, and said, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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