The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2954 Scarlet Spar

Chapter 2954 Scarlet Spar ([-])
Back at the manor, the flower fairy is still cultivating Qingyuan flowers.

Qingyuanhua is not so easy to survive, and needs to be taken care of all the time until it sprouts.

Li Ming returned to his room and began to absorb Shenyuan.

Flower Fairy's manor planted a large number of divine flowers and herbs, so the air inside the manor was stronger than outside.

Li Ming absorbed as much as he could and quickly improved his strength.

Accompanied by the absorption of air, the spirit in Li Ming's body also gradually surged.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a year passed, and Li Ming woke up from He's retreat.

There is no doubt that Li Ming's strength has increased a lot, and he is only one step away from the Middle God Realm, and even his divine sense has increased a little.

Without any delay, Li Ming rushed to the Ancestral Land of Heaven with the entry order of the Ancestral Land of Heaven.

This time it was not for Li Xiaoliu, but to find the broken pieces of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao.

Goddess Xin'er said before that the ancestral land of Heaven and Dao may be closed, so hurry up!
When he arrived at the ancestral land of heaven, Li Ming took out the entry order, and the formation started by itself.

In an instant, Li Ming entered the ancestral land of heaven.

In the ancestral land of Heavenly Dao, the fog became thicker, and it was almost impossible to see anything with the naked eye, only relying on divine thoughts.

However, the range of divine sense detection is also extremely limited, only about five or six meters.

Seeing this, Li Ming smiled wryly. Originally, he thought that with the improvement of strength and divine sense, the scope of investigation would also increase.

But now it seems that the effect is not great.

No longer thinking about it, Li Ming controlled his divine sense to search the surroundings carefully. Yue'er said that when the Pillar of Heavenly Dao collapsed, most of the fragments were left in the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao. You should be able to find some fragments, right?

Li Ming moved forward slowly, his divine sense was like a searchlight, covering an area of ​​five to six meters around.

Li Ming was a little curious, where did the dense fog come from, and why did it become so dense?
However, no one answered him these questions.

When he came here with Goddess Xin'er last time, Li Ming asked Goddess Xiner about it.

However, Goddess Xin'er did not answer.

I don't know if she doesn't know, or doesn't want to answer.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

The dense fog in the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao seems to have thickened a bit, and the range of Li Ming's exploration has also narrowed, from the original five or six meters to the current four or five meters.

Seeing this, Li Ming only felt a headache.

However, at this moment, Li Ming suddenly noticed a metal fragment at the foot of the mound in front of him.

The fragment was half buried in the soil, and half exposed outside, showing a dark golden luster.

"A fragment of the Pillar of Heaven?" Li Ming was surprised, and immediately flew to the mound two meters away.

After removing the gravel, Li Ming picked up the piece of metal.

It's slightly cool in the hand, a little heavy.

However, there is no inscription on it.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being disappointed for a while, this metal fragment was not a fragment of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao.

Li Ming was depressed for a while, and casually threw the fragment into the distance.

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to release his divine sense to search.


However, at this moment, a scream came from not far away, and then he cursed: "Who the hell attacked me? If you have the ability, let me see if I don't kill you!"

The voice was forceful and full of anger.

Li Ming was startled, and thought to himself: "No way? Just throw it away and hit someone?"

If this is the case, that guy is really unlucky.

"You bastard, come out to me!" the voice roared again.

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart tensed immediately, and he ran away without saying a word.

If the other party is only a small god, or a middle god, Li Ming will go forward to say sorry, and even compensate the other party with some nourishing golden liquid.

However, if the other party claims to be a great god, that can't be offended.

Although Li Ming has the Immortal God King, the main god-level servant and thug, but for this matter, there is no need to go to war.

Furthermore, it was also Li Ming's own fault.


Li Ming flew away quickly, and suddenly felt all over his body for a while, and then realized that he had hit something.

However, Li Ming is also a god after all, and ordinary mountains are not worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, after bumping into something, Li Ming didn't feel anything, and ran straight over.

"Bastard, come out to me! How dare you sneak attack on me, I will never spare you!"

"Come out! My God has already seen you!"

The great god who was attacked with a hidden weapon kept calling, but no one answered him.

Li Ming flew all the way until he couldn't hear the voice of the great god, and then stopped.

However, Li Ming doesn't know where he is now.

"Forget it, no matter where he is, continue to search for the fragments of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Land." Li Ming thought to himself.

Immediately, Li Ming released his divine sense and continued to search.

In the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao, there are many broken divine weapons and divine armor left behind by the true gods who came here to retreat.

Some were lucky enough to escape the pursuit of their enemies.

Some unlucky ones even stayed here with their lives.

In just half a month, Li Ming discovered two divine corpses here.

Under normal circumstances, the corpse of the gods will not rot for thousands of years.

Only by using special means can they be corrupted faster.

Of the two god corpses that Li Ming saw, one had turned into bones, and the other was a headless god corpse.

Moreover, they are all wild corpses.

After Li Ming saw it, his expression froze, and without thinking too much, he dug a hole and prepared to bury them.

After all, this is not such a complicated matter, and it is just a tool for raising one's hand.

Li Ming released Shenyuan and moved the two corpses.

Among them, something fell from the headless god corpse, like a spar, blood red.

Li Ming was stunned, and sucked in his hand, and the blood-red spar fell into Li Ming's hands.

After looking it over, Li Ming didn't see what the blood spar was.

Seeing this, Li Ming felt astonished for a moment, and released his divine essence, trying to see how it would change.

The divine essence was poured into the blood spar, but the blood spar remained unchanged.

However, it looks more red, as if it is about to bleed.

"Interesting." Li Ming secretly hesitated.

"Forget it, go back and ask Fairy Hua, maybe she knows this blood spar." Li Ming said inwardly.

Then he said to the headless corpse: "I buried you, it's useless for you to keep this blood spar, just take it as my reward."

Afterwards, Li Ming buried the two bodies.

Just as Li Ming was about to leave, he suddenly remembered the Immortal God King.

I only heard Li Ming whispering in his heart: "The Immortal God King is the existence of the main god realm. He has far more knowledge than me. Maybe he knows this thing."

Thinking of this, Li Ming turned his palms and took out the Prisoner Crystal.

"Come out for me!" Li Ming pinched a formula and smashed into the Prisoner Crystal.

The magic formula entered the God Prisoner spar, and a black smoke wafted out of it.

The black ring turned into a human form, none other than the Immortal God King.

Looking at the God Prisoner spar again, the match-like figure inside has disappeared.

The Immortal King glared at Li Ming, his face full of unwillingness and anger.

 There is still a chapter, try to finish it before 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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