The best immortal emperor

Chapter 296 Brotherly Love

Chapter 296 Brotherly Love
Niu Wudi slowly exhaled his turbid air, stood up, cast his eyes on the lightning and thunder field not far away, and said firmly, "Brother, I'm here to save you!"

With that said, Niu Wudi resolutely walked towards the minefield.

Li Ming didn't know how many times he was struck by lightning, his whole body was numb, his head was dizzy, his feet were floating, and his whole body was like a walking dead!
However, the only thing Li Ming can be sure of is that he is still alive!

After the thunder subsided, Li Ming's mental state gradually improved, and he became sober.

However, this time is not long, after a few hours, the thunder and lightning will come again!

After a brief lucidity, Li Ming took out a huge stone and drew a line on it.

I saw vertical lines densely drawn on this boulder, and each vertical line represented a lightning strike.

Four vertical lines represent a day.

After a cursory look, there are at least a few hundred vertical lines on it, and it's been almost a month!

Li Ming took a deep breath, circulated his true energy to heal his wounds.

More than a month, what a horrible time.

One must know that those Nascent Soul masters of the Golden Flame Sect only stayed at the edge of the thunder field for two days before they were struck by lightning and fled in embarrassment.

And Li Ming, just a mere Golden Core cultivator, has survived for more than a month in a place where the minefield is deep!

This is simply a miracle, so incredible!
During this time, Li Ming has been groping for a way out, but so far without success.

This minefield is like a cage, trapping Li Ming in it!

At this moment, a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly came from a distant place.

Li Ming was slightly stunned, thought for a while, and murmured: "I have been trapped in the minefield for more than a month, and in less than two months, the barrier of the ancient world will be closed. Let's look at the current situation first. I’m afraid we won’t be able to get out of the minefield. Even if we can, we won’t be able to reach the gathering place in less than two months. I just don’t know if Niu Wudi has escaped from the minefield?”

This is the only thing Li Ming can't let go of, after all, he brought Niu Wudi to the ancient world!If there is something wrong with Niu Wudi, how should he explain to the three-eyed musk ox?

However, it is superfluous to think about these things now. Trapped here, there is only one dead end. What else should I explain?What else do I have to explain?

After a slight pause, Li Ming smiled, gloomy and optimistic, and said: "In this case, then simply risk your life and fly to the depths of the minefield to see what kind of shocking secrets are hidden in the depths of the minefield !"

Obviously, Li Ming regards the place of energy fluctuations as the depths of the minefield!
Immediately, Li Ming used the art of turning the rainbow and flew towards the place where the energy can fluctuate!
For more than a month, Li Ming discovered that besides injuring, paralyzing, and comatose himself, these lightning bolts seemed unable to kill him!
Li Ming didn't think he was lucky, because at least a thousand lightning bolts hit him.

Li Ming himself couldn't figure out why, and his intuition told Li Ming that it was most likely related to the thunder attribute contained in his body.

Although it is far away from the place of energy fluctuations, the distance is limited after all, not to mention that Li Ming is still a strong Jindan.

Therefore, in less than half an hour, he was approaching the place of energy fluctuations.

Li Ming was very curious, what exactly is hidden in the place of energy fluctuations?
At this moment, a figure appeared within Li Ming's reach.

Because the distance is really far away, I can only vaguely see that it is a figure, but I can't see clearly what it looks like.

At this time, the figure also noticed Li Ming's existence and flew towards Li Ming.

Slightly startled, Li Ming secretly said: "Could it be a disciple of the Golden Flame Sect?"

However, thinking about his current situation in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but smile, and said freely: "How bad can the situation be? When the ancient barrier is closed, I will still die. If the other party is a disciple of the Golden Flame Sect, even if he dies now, it's nothing. "

The figure flew closer and closer, Li Ming only felt that the figure looked very familiar.

At this time, a roar came from a distance, "Brother!"

Li Ming was slightly taken aback, his face full of disbelief, and he asked, "Niu Wudi, is that you?"

"Brother, it's me!" Niu Wudi shouted.

Immediately, Li Ming flew towards Niu Wudi.

After a while, when the two met, tears filled their eyes.

I only heard that Niu Wudi said: "Brother, you are still alive, I know you must be alive!"

Li Ming smiled bleakly and asked, "Did you not escape from the minefield?"

"Escape." Niu Wudi said.

"Then why did you come in again? Could it be that the monks of the Golden Flame Sect have been guarding the edge of the thunderfield?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"The monks of the Golden Flame Sect left long ago. I was worried about big brother, so I came in to look for it. Unexpectedly, I found it!" Niu Wudi said honestly.

"You..." Li Ming was dumbfounded, his heart was trembling, the danger of Lei Yu would not be expressed, and Niu Wudi actually risked himself for himself, Li Ming couldn't speak out excitedly, but said in a deep voice: "Good brother!"

"Well, we are good brothers!" Niu Wudi replied.

"Do you still remember the direction you left? After a while, a group of thunder and lightning will sweep over." Li Ming asked.

Niu Wudi hesitated a little, pointed in a direction, and said, "I should be from there."

"Over there?" Li Ming was startled, very surprised.

"What's the matter? Brother?" Niu Wudi asked doubtfully.

"Not long ago, there was a huge energy fluctuation over there, and I was about to fly over there." Li Ming said.

"Energy fluctuation?" Niu Wudi was startled slightly, and explained: "Brother, that energy fluctuation should be caused by my breaking through Nascent Soul."

"What? Have you broken through Nascent Soul?" Li Ming was really taken aback and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, brother. After you were swept away by the hurricane, I escaped from the minefield by chance, and retreated at the edge of the minefield to attack the Nascent Soul. Because I know that the Jindan state is not enough to break into the minefield." Niu Wudi Said.

Li Ming paused in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

The golden core state is not enough to forcibly break into the minefield, the Nascent Soul state is enough?
Look at the strong Nascent Soul of the Golden Flame Sect, how embarrassed they are.

Li Ming was not very grateful in his heart, Niu Wudi forcibly broke into the minefield for himself, this kind of gratitude is owed!
I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go, I feel that the thunder and lightning group is coming soon!"

"Okay!" Niu Wudi responded, and then turned into his real body, saying: "Brother, get on my back, it's faster!"

Li Ming was stunned, the pride of the beast does not need a lot, Niu Wudi was willing to let him ride, Li Ming was extremely grateful.

Not daring to hesitate too much, Li Ming jumped onto Niu Wudi's back.

I only heard that Niu Wudi took care of him and said, "Brother, sit still."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Niu Wudi performed the technique of turning the rainbow, and took Li Mingfei away, leaving only a long white streak in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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