The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2963: Divine Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2963: Divine Dragon Cauldron

It wasn't until the spy said it three times that Big Kang was sure that he had heard correctly, and Ao Bubai challenged Ao Changfeng.

"God help me, God help me too! This Ao Bubai will not really believe in the list of foreign gods and emperors, right? However, once they fight, the Shenao clan and the Shenlong clan will surely become enemies, and the foreign allied forces will not attack themselves Broken." Big Kang said excitedly.

"God bless the giant." The lieutenant quickly said flatteringly.

"God bless the giant."

"Investigate again, and report as soon as there is news." Big Kang ordered.

"Yes." The spy responded immediately.


After Ao Bubai challenged Ao Changfeng, the relationship between the two clans couldn't help becoming tense, and the Patriarch of the Lightning Clan hurriedly persuaded him: "Clan Chief Ao, this list of gods and emperors of different races is a tactic to separate the gods, we must not be fooled .Besides, there is no doubt that Xingfeng is powerful, even if he wins the first place in the alien god emperor, who can defeat him?"

"Do you dare to say that I am not as good as Xing Feng?" Ao Bubai suddenly became annoyed.

"I'm just telling the truth. After all, you and Xingfeng fought three times and lost three times." The patriarch of the Lightning Clan said.

"You..." Ao Bubai was exasperated when his scars were exposed, and he said, "I was unfit back then, and that's why I defeated him. Let him fight me again now, and see if I don't beat him to the ground .”

"As far as I know, Xingfeng will be in the Tianhu clan." The lightning patriarch said.

Ao Bubai's expression changed, of course he knew that Xing Feng was in the Tianhu clan.

Otherwise, how would he have the guts to make trouble in northern Xinjiang?
Subconsciously, Ao Bubai is still a little afraid of Xingfeng.

However, Ao Bubai is a very face-saving person, and he will definitely not admit it.

Ao Changfeng couldn't get used to Ao Bubai, so he couldn't help but said: "Ao Bubai, since you are so concerned about being number one on the list of alien god emperors, then I will simply let you go, and you can go directly to the Tianhu clan to challenge Xingfeng. If you really win, the Emperor Treasure will also belong to you."

"What you said is true?" Ao Bubai asked in surprise.

"One word from a gentleman, it's hard to chase after a horse." Ao Changfeng said.

"Okay! Then I'll go to the Sky Fox Clan." Ao Bubai said.

Immediately, Ao Bubai left the camp and went to the Tianhu Clan.

Seeing this, Ao Changfeng sighed and said: "This reckless man, who never uses his brain when doing things, actually ran to the Tianhu Clan. This time he is out of luck."

"What about the Cloud Swallowing Fortress?" asked the Patriarch of the Lightning Clan.

Swallowing Clouds is the last checkpoint in northern Xinjiang.

Ao Changfeng frowned, and said: "Wait until that reckless man comes back. With my strength alone, I still can't forcefully break through the cloud swallowing fortress."

"That's the only way to go," said the Patriarch of the Lightning Clan.

Swallow cloud plug.

The spies came to report suddenly, saying: "Master Kang, Ao Bubai left the camp suddenly, it is said that he went to the Tianhu Clan to challenge the God of War."

"That idiot really believed in the list of gods and emperors of different races?" Big Kang looked stunned, and then asked: "Did Ao Bubai fight Ao Changfeng? Did he get injured?"

"Not really, Ao Changfeng directly gave up the title of No. [-] to Ao Bubai." The spies replied.

Hearing this, Big Kang couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, a counselor was heard saying: "Giants, Ao Bubai is not here, the camp of foreign races is empty, it is a good time to counterattack!"

"Yes, giant, let's counterattack!"

Big Kang thought for a while, then made a decision, and said, "Fight back with all your strength!"

Immediately, all the true gods in Tunyunsai rushed towards the camp of alien races desperately.

The alien camp was completely unprepared, and the gate of the camp was broken down in an instant.

Seeing this, the Patriarch of the Lightning Clan quickly asked: "Patriarch Ao, what should we do now?"

"Forget it, I don't care. My Dragon Clan has few people. Ao Mangfu is not here. I don't want any casualties. Goodbye." Ao Changfeng said, and then left with a few clansmen.

The Patriarch of the Lightning Clan saw that the only God-Emperor had left, so naturally he would not love to fight, so he quickly ordered: "My Lightning Clan will evacuate immediately, and we must not love to fight."

The characteristic of the Lightning Clan is just one word, fast!

In less than a hundred breaths of time, they withdrew from the camp.

In the end, only the Shen'ao clan remained.

Without Ao Bubai in charge, the Shen'ao clan is like a mess.

Facing the charge of Giant Kang, it collapsed in an instant.

In the distance, Ao Changfeng watched quietly, without any pity, but with a smile in his eyes.

At this moment, a young woman asked, "Grandpa, why are we leaving? It seems that Mr. Kang is not your opponent?"

"Indeed, I can beat that Kang with one hand. But, it's not necessary." Ao Changfeng said.

"Grandpa, I don't understand." The girl asked puzzled.

"Grandpa can beat Kang, but he can't kill him. At that time, as long as Kang returns to Tunyunsai, everything will be fine." Ao Changfeng said.

The girl looked confused and asked, "What about the Shen'ao clan?"

"What does their life and death have to do with me? What's more, the Shen'ao clan has developed too fast these years, and has already faintly threatened our Shenlong clan. This time, it is just right to use the hands of the God Realm to consume the strength of the Shen'ao clan." Ao Chang said the wind.

"But aren't we allies with the Shen'ao Clan?" the girl asked puzzled.

"It's true that it's an ally, but that Ao Bubai is so stupid that he fell into a countermeasure. Originally, I planned to wait for Ao Bubai to come back, and then join forces to take Tunyunsai. But judging by the current situation, Ao Bubai might not be able to come back Even if he comes back, he will probably be seriously injured." Ao Changfeng said.

"Isn't he the opponent of the God of War?" the girl asked.

"Xing Feng is known as the No. 1 under the God Emperor, and it is by no means a vain name. Besides, do you think there are no traps set up by the Tianhu Clan? With Bubai's stupidity, there are eight or nine times out of ten that he will fall. "Ao Changfeng said that he hated iron for being weak.

Hearing this, the girl nodded approvingly, and she also felt that Ao Bubai was too stupid.

Then, I heard that the girl asked again: "Grandpa, since Ao Bubai is so stupid, why do we still have an alliance with him?"

Ao Changfeng pondered slightly, and said after a long time: "Because Tunyunsai has what grandpa wants, but there is no hope now."

"What?" asked the girl.

"Shenlong Cauldron." Ao Changfeng said.

"Shenlong cauldron?" The girl was taken aback, and asked: "The most precious treasure of our family, the Shenlong cauldron, which has been lost for many years, is swallowing clouds?"

"Nine out of ten." Ao Changfeng said.

Hearing this, the girl couldn't help but sighed, and said: "It's a pity that this is the case. We have already attacked two checkpoints before, and only the last Luoyunsai is left."

"It's a pity." Ao Changfeng looked helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

Two days later, Big Kang led his troops to regain the two lost checkpoints.

In a few days, the Military God's Mansion received a good news.

Lu Xiaolian rushed into Li Ming's room with a full face of joy, and said, "Did you know? Great victory in Northern Xinjiang, the two lost checkpoints have been regained."

"Oh? You took it back so soon? It seems that Uncle Jiang hasn't taken out that emperor treasure yet?" Li Ming asked slightly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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