The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2984 Promise

Chapter 2984 Promise
Afterwards, Hu Xiaoxian came to the place where Li Ming grazed.

At this time, Li Ming was not grazing, but a group of divine sheep surrounded Li Ming.

Li Ming was lying on the grass, motionless, with nothingness, no difference from being dead.

Li Ming is very familiar with Hu Xiaoxian's aura, when Hu Xiaoxian first came to the grassland, Li Ming sensed her.

Li Ming smiled bleakly, he didn't hate Hu Xiaoxian, but every time Hu Xiaoxian came, something bad happened, either the Tianhu tribe persecuted him more, or dug a hole for him.

"I don't know what tricks she has waiting for me this time?" Li Ming said secretly in his heart.

As soon as Hu Xiaoxian came, she immediately dispersed the surrounding god sheep, and couldn't help being slightly stunned when she saw Li Ming lying on the ground. She still remembered how handsome the envoy was when he rode a dragon horse from the sky, but in a blink of an eye, unexpectedly In his dying years, he became a bad old man.

"What advice do you have?" Li Ming's voice was weak, but the stubbornness in his bones was not weak.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say what advice?
Hu Xiaoxian paused for a moment, but he didn't expect Li Ming to still have such stubbornness in this field.

Soon, Hu Xiaoxian came back to his senses and said, "I have a chance to live for you, do you want to try?"

"Hehe, you dare to kill me?" Li Ming asked with a grin.

"I dare not, but I can torture you more cruelly." Hu Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and said.

"Say, what chance of survival?" Li Ming asked directly, not wanting to play riddles with Hu Xiaoxian.

"Our Tianhu clan lost a jade rabbit, and some people said that it might have entered the cave of the magic sound. If you can find that jade rabbit, our Tianhu clan will not care about the past." Hu Xiaoxian took it easy said slowly.

"Jade Rabbit?" Li Ming paused, and then asked: "Why is the Jade Rabbit so valuable? Can it change my life? Or is it that the Cave of the Devil's Voice is a must-die place?"

Hearing this, Hu Xiaoxian couldn't help shrinking his eyes, his eyes were introverted, thinking of what Li Ming said, he immediately guessed the intention of their Tianhu clan.

Hu Xiaoxian didn't play charades with Li Ming, and said directly: "Whether the jade rabbit is important or not is a matter for our Tianhu clan. As for the cave of magic sounds, I can tell you about it. It is a place full of phantom sounds. Anyone who enters If you go there, you are no match for the torment of the phantom sound, and those who are weak will even commit suicide in two or three days. If you dare to stay in the cave of the magic sound for three months, no matter whether you can find the jade rabbit or not, our Tianhu clan's account will be cancelled." Hu Xiaoxian said.

Li Ming didn't answer in a hurry. He had never heard of the Cave of Magic Sounds, and he didn't know how dangerous it was.

Although Hu Xiaoxian's offer is very tempting, as long as he stays for three months, he can let himself go, but Li Ming has to make sure that he can stay for three months.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk!
After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "Let me think about this matter for five days, and I will give you an answer after five days. In addition, during these five days, no one is allowed to disturb me."

"Okay!" Hu Xiaoxian replied.

"Wait a minute." Li Ming suddenly stopped Hu Xiaoxian.

"Is there anything else?" Hu Xiaoxian asked.

"Can you represent your Tianhu clan?" Li Ming asked.

"Of course, I came here at the order of my father." Hu Xiaoxian said.

"Empty talk is nothing, I need a proof." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Hu Xiaoxian replied.

Afterwards, Hu Xiaoxian left.

Li Ming struggled to sit cross-legged from the ground, and then tried his best to heal his injuries.

He fought for these five days not to really think about anything, but to heal his wounds.

Li Ming didn't want to live a day of torture like this.

Although he didn't know where the Cave of Magic Sounds was, Li Ming decided to take a chance!
Otherwise, he would not have asked Hu Xiaoxian for any guarantee.

Hu Xiaoxian also understood what Li Ming meant, and after returning to his father's tent, he said, "Father, Li Ming basically agreed, but he needs a guarantee."

"Guarantee?" The head of the Tianhu Clan hesitated slightly.

"Well, he's worried that what we say won't count." Hu Xiaoxian said.

"Hmph!" The head of the Tianhu Clan snorted, and said sarcastically, "Does he think he can survive three months?"

"That is, a small middle god, also wants to survive three months in the cave of magic sound?"

"I don't think he can resist even three sticks of incense."

"Forget it, since he wants to guarantee, then give him a guarantee." The head of the Tianhu clan said, then took out a memory stone, and said the promise of the cave of magic sounds.

Li Ming tried his best to heal his injuries, but his injuries were far more serious than he imagined, and he had already become ill.In just five days, only half of it recovered.

If I had known this earlier, I would have had a few more days to think about it.

At this time, the patriarch of the Tianhu clan and the elders had arrived.

I only heard that the head of the Tianhu clan took out the primeval stone and said, "Li Ming, this is the guarantee you want."

Li Ming took the Yuanshi, which was a memory Yuanshi, which recorded every word and deed of the head of the Tianhu clan.

Seeing it, Li Ming was slightly relieved, then put it away, and said, "Then let's go to the cave of the magic sound."

"Let's go." The head of the Tianhu clan said.

Immediately, the head of the Tianhu clan and the elder of the Tianhu clan took Li Ming to the cave of the magic sound.

After a while, the group left the Sky Fox Clan and entered the desert.

"The cave of the magic sound is in the desert?" Li Mingchi asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions? You will know when you arrive." An elder said angrily.

Li Ming was bored, but didn't ask any more questions.

Flying all the way, has been flying out towards the depths of the desert.

A few days later, Li Ming saw a forest in the distance.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart. Isn't this the ancestral land of the Tianhu clan?
At this time, a group of people fell into the forest.

"Here is the Cave of Magic Sound?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, I only heard that the head of the Tianhu clan said: "Everyone, hurry up, the front is here."

If it is really here, it seems that the reason why the Tianhu clan moved out of this place should be on the Cave of Magic Sound.

Just what kind of hole is this?Actually forced the Tianhu clan to relocate?

After a while, the group came to the depths of the forest.

It looks normal here, nothing special.

Before Li Ming and the Immortal God King went to the Tianhu Clan, they used their spiritual sense to investigate, and they didn't find anything special.

"Start formation!" shouted the head of the Tianhu Clan.

Immediately, several elders of the Tianhu Clan cast out their divine essence and activated the formation.

The formation is a hidden formation, and it is difficult to detect it with spiritual thoughts. Only the people who set up the formation know how to open it.


The formation is activated, and the giant tree turns and the stars move.

Soon, a large area of ​​giant trees in front was removed, and a hole leading to the depths of the ground appeared on the ground.

"Is this the cave of the magic sound?" Li Ming asked.

"That's right, this is the Cave of Magic Sounds!" The head of the Tianhu Clan replied seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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