Chapter 2990
As soon as he took control of the divine body, Li Ming heard a strange buzzing sound again.

Li Ming knew that the magic sound of the Cave of Magic Sounds had started to make trouble again.

Li Ming's expression froze and he forcibly blocked his five senses.

Li Ming didn't dare to stay in the Cave of Magic Sound for another second, and immediately walked towards the exit.

The hidden formation at the exit had been closed for a long time, Li Ming urged all his strength to move towards it.


The concealment formation exploded directly, and then the sunlight from outside shone in.

Seeing this, Li Ming's heart trembled, and he was a little afraid.

"Is this the real sky? Or an illusion?" Li Ming saw the sky outside through the cave, but he hesitated.


The strange mosquito-like noise sounded in his ears again. Li Ming didn't dare to wait for a long time, regardless of whether what he saw in front of him was a hallucination or reality.

Li Ming flew out of the Cave of Magic Sounds with a whoosh.

However, even after flying out of the Cave of Magic Sounds, the strange sound still exists.

Li Ming continued to fly at his fastest speed.

The forest of giant trees is not very big, Li Ming quickly flew out of the forest.

Looking at the vast desert in front of him, Li Ming seemed to have noticed something, and felt that he had really escaped from the cave of magic sounds.

"Escaped?" Li Ming looked around, his consciousness gradually became clear.

At this time, several voices appeared in the depths of the desert, and Li Ming focused his eyes, "It's a member of the Tianhu clan!"

That's right, the ones who came were from the Tianhu clan, and their status was not low, they were several elders!
Seeing this elder of the Tianhu Clan, Li Ming's expression darkened.

But Li Ming also knew that his speed was not as fast as theirs, and even if he ran away now, he would be overtaken by them.

So, Li Ming simply stood where he was, waiting for their arrival.

After a little effort, several elders of the Tianhu clan flew over.

Seeing Li Ming, everyone was shocked and shouted in disbelief: "Li Ming?"

"Yes, it's me!" Li Ming replied solemnly.

" are you still alive?" An elder of the Tianhu tribe asked in disbelief, because he saw Li Ming walk into the cave of magic sounds with his own eyes.

Li Ming snorted and asked back, "Why can't I live?"

The original seal from the cave of the magic sound was broken, so the Tianhu clan sent people to guard near the giant tree forest to prevent anyone from straying into the giant tree forest.

Just now they heard a loud noise from the giant tree forest, and thought that someone had entered the giant tree forest by mistake, so they came to check.

Unexpectedly, Li Ming was seen flying out of the giant tree forest.

"This...impossible, how is this possible? No one has come out of the cave of magic sounds alive, and it has been nine years since you entered the cave of magic sounds." The elder of the Tianhu clan said in disbelief.

"Nine years?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause. He remembered that he had only spent two years recovering from his injuries. It seemed that seven years had passed since he fell asleep and woke up, otherwise it couldn't have been nine years.

After a slight pause, Li Ming came back to his senses and said: "I had an appointment with you Tianhu clan before. As long as I stay in the cave of magic sounds for three months, the previous account will be cancelled. Now I am in the cave of magic sounds. After staying for nine years, you should have nothing to say, right?"

"This..." The elder of the Tianhu Clan was dumbfounded.

"Are you going to turn back on what you said?" Li Ming's face darkened, he secretly accumulated energy, ready to counterattack at any time.

The elder of the Tianhu tribe hesitated for a while, and then said: "Of course we will keep our promise, but please come back with me."

"Go back?" Li Ming frowned, and asked vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

"It is a miracle that you can stay in the Cave of Magic Sound for nine years. We would like to ask you about the specific situation of the Cave of Magic Sound. In addition, the Emperor Fengliu is still recovering from injuries in our Sky Fox Clan. She is here for you." Yes." said the elder of the Tianhu Clan.

"Shenhuang Fengliu?" Li Ming was startled, and the fox asked: "Who is she? Why did she come here for me?"

"You don't know her? She is the new commander-in-chief of the Eight Tribes, the former Lord Fengshen of the Fengshen tribe." The elder of the Tianhu tribe explained.

"Oh, so it's Lord Fengshen." Li Ming suddenly realized that it was the first time he had heard of the title of Emperor Fengliu.

"Let's go, the Emperor Fengliu must be very happy to see you." said the elder of the Tianhu Clan.

Li Ming's eyebrows were fixed, and after a little consideration, he said: "Okay, I'll go back with you, I hope you don't lie to me!"

"No, how could we lie to you?" said the elder of the Tianhu clan.

Immediately, a group of people flew towards the Tianhu clan at high speed.

It's not that Li Ming never thought of running away, but there are two elders on the Tianhu clan side, even if he calls out the Immortal God King, they are not their opponents, so he can only trust them for now.

Half a day later, the group returned to the Tianhu Clan.

The members of the Tianhu clan recognized Li Ming at a glance, "Are you Li Ming?"

"How is this possible? Didn't it mean that Li Ming entered the cave of magic sounds? Why is he still alive?"

"I entered the Cave of Demonic Sounds. Your patriarchs and elders saw it with their own eyes, but I did not die. I stayed in the Cave of Demonic Sounds for nine years, and now I am coming out." Li Ming said seriously.

"What? You have been in the Cave of Magic Sounds for nine years? How is this possible?" a member of the Sky Fox Clan exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Ming said flatly.


"Okay, stop surrounding Li Ming, go and invite the patriarch and Emperor Fengliu, and say that Li Ming has come back alive." said the patriarch of the Tianhu clan.

"Yes, elder."

Immediately, members of the Tianhu clan went to invite the patriarch and the Emperor Fengliu.

After a little effort, Hu Zhenhai, the patriarch of the Tianhu Clan, and Emperor Fengliu rushed over.

Seeing Emperor Fengliu, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the elders of the Tianhu clan did not lie to him.

"Li Ming, is it really you? Isn't this my hallucination?" Emperor Fengliu asked in disbelief.

"It's me, it's not an illusion." Li Ming replied concisely.

"Why did you come out? I thought you already..." Emperor Fengliu was a little excited.

Li Ming shrugged his shoulders and said: "Actually, I don't know myself. After entering the Cave of Magic Sounds, I wounded myself and almost killed myself. Fortunately, I passed out at the critical moment. In the past, when I didn't wake up again, the injuries on my body were all healed."

"After waking up, I didn't care about other things, and immediately escaped from the cave of the magic sound."

"It turned out to be like this?" Emperor Fengliu couldn't help being surprised, and then said: "You are lucky. I heard from Patriarch Hu that many people in their clan were bewitched by the magic sound and committed suicide."

Li Ming nodded, knowing the horror of the magic sound, he almost killed himself.

After a slight pause, Li Ming looked at Patriarch Hu and asked, "Patriarch Hu, does our previous agreement still count? Can I leave your Tianhu clan?"

"It counts, of course it counts." Hu Zhenhai said hastily. In the past nine years, the Emperor Fengliu stayed in their Tianhu clan in the name of recuperating, but he would come to Hu Zhenhai to discuss with him every now and then.

Although Emperor Fengliu's strength is not stronger than that of Hu Zhenhai, if he fights like this every few days, he will be upset personally.

Now seeing Li Ming coming back and leaving their Tianhu Clan, Hu Zhenhai could only wish for it!

(End of this chapter)

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