The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3005 Nine Dragon God Flames

Chapter 3005 Nine Dragons Divine Flame
The Great God Realm is not a joke, it is a real god, not a false god!
Li Ming took two deep breaths of scorching air, and forcibly calmed down his excitement.

"It's just the Great God Realm, it's not enough, we need to improve our cultivation!" Li Ming said secretly.

It's really not enough. In the God Realm, there are a lot of great gods, and even the three followers around Lu Xiaolian are all great gods, so there is nothing to show off!
Furthermore, the Ten Sects of Heaven and Earth have produced a large number of talents. Although the young master of the Huntian Sect is only in the middle stage of the Great God, he can mobilize countless god kings and god emperors, but what about himself?Only by myself!

After reading this, Li Ming's originally excited heart immediately calmed down!
"Continue to practice!" Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, Li Ming entered the state of meditation again, and continued to comprehend the pillar of heaven!

But at this time, Li Ming found that the speed of comprehension had slowed down a lot.

This is also what Li Ming expected, after all, the Thunder Source Realm was like this before.

"Don't think about it so much for now, let's talk about stabilizing your cultivation base here." Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, it entered the closed state.

The realm of the source of fire is no more dangerous than the realm of the source of thunder. There is no danger in the realm of the source of thunder. Even if there is danger, it is the danger brought by lightning. If the real god bumps into it, it will be troublesome.

Even if you can escape your life by chance, at least you have to lose your skin!

Therefore, Li Ming did not rush into the realm of the source of fire.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a year passed, and Li Ming's cultivation was completely stable.

However, it is only a stable cultivation base, and there is not much improvement.

Li Ming slowly woke up from the retreat state, his eyes sparkled with light.

Although he is afraid of Vulcan, he is afraid of encountering the true god of the Vulcan tribe in the realm of the source of fire.

However, this does not mean that Li Ming is afraid to move forward.

If so, why did he bother to come to this place of fire?

After a slight pause, Li Ming took a deep breath, quietly left the valley, and flew towards the depths of the Fire Source Realm.

Li Ming does not lack an enterprising heart, on the contrary he has a strong self-motivation.

If it were someone else who had to face the ten religions outside the sky, I'm afraid they would have given up on themselves long ago!
In fact, Li Ming himself also knows that even if he cultivates to the middle stage of the Great God, or even the late stage of the Great God, or even breaks through the main god, it is nothing.

Because, the young master of the Huntian sect can easily kill him by sending out a god emperor at will. He is like an ant, and there is no room for resistance.

However, even if he is an ant, Li Ming has to shout out his own voice, the ground under his feet and the woman in his arms are not allowed to be violated by anyone, this is the responsibility a man should have!

Therefore, even though he knew that it would still be empty in the end, Li Ming was still unwilling to give up!
Along the way, Li Ming was very careful, running his divine sense to the extreme, and monitoring everything around him.

Everything seems to be so safe and sound, there is no threat, and the true god of the Vulcan tribe has not been found.

"Could it be that the true god of the Vulcan tribe has left?" Li Ming said to himself.

However, at this moment, a burst of divine flames suddenly spewed out from the mountain in the distance ahead.

Seeing this, Li Ming immediately fell from the sky, while secretly guarding his surroundings.

After lying dormant for a long time, no real god appeared, but the mountain col continued to have divine flames rushing towards the sky.

Li Ming's face was condensed, and he secretly speculated: "It should be the true god of the Vulcan tribe who is here to practice the divine flame supernatural power?"

Do you want to avoid it?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ming approached the mountain col unexpectedly, and he wanted to see what magical power the other party was cultivating.

The closer you get to the mountain depression, the more you can sense the power of the divine flames. The divine flames that shoot up into the sky seem to contain the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Taking a closer look, Li Ming roughly estimated the opponent's strength, which should be similar to his own, and it is also the early stage of a great master!
Approaching the col again, Li Ming didn't see everything in the col until he came to the very edge of the col. It was actually a woman practicing divine flame here.

The strength is indeed as Li Ming guessed, the early stage of the Great God.

However, the other party is not just entering the early stage of the Great God, but has been there for many years.

Li Ming remained calm, lurking at the edge of the col, observing secretly.

The Divine Flame Supernatural Power cultivated by this woman seems to be very unusual, and she faintly has the power of the middle stage of the Great God. If she succeeds in cultivation and hits with all her strength, it may really be comparable to the middle stage of the Great God.

Li Ming was secretly surprised. He practiced both Divine Flame and Divine Thunder at the same time. Although he did not deliberately cultivate the supernatural powers of the two attributes, the destructive power brought by the fusion of the two attributes was no worse than any supernatural power.

However, even so, it is still weaker than the mid-stage blow of the Great God.

The Divine Flame Divine Ability cultivated by this woman has the potential to compete with the Great God in the middle stage, which shows how different this Divine Flame Divine Ability is.

"What kind of magical power is it?" Li Ming was secretly curious, "If I can succeed in cultivation, what will happen?"

Thinking of this, Li Ming couldn't help feeling frantic in his heart, and a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

Li Ming despises such behaviors as murdering, extortion, and robbery.

But the other party is the true god of the Vulcan tribe, so that's another matter. It's only natural to rob them!

However, Li Ming is still not sure whether there are other true gods of the Vulcan tribe around here, so he is not in a hurry to make a move.

At this moment, the girl's practice of divine flame and supernatural power was coming to an end.

I saw six divine fire dragons suddenly burst out from her body, each of which had impressive power.

Seeing this, Li Ming's eyes popped, "Is this Nine Dragons Divine Flame?"

Nine Dragons Divine Flame is the highest level divine flame supernatural power of the Vulcan tribe. Only Vulcan Zhu Rong and a few direct relatives are qualified to practice. Is this woman the Vulcan close relative?
However, this woman obviously hasn't mastered the Nine Dragons Divine Flame yet, only six fire dragons have been condensed.

If it is truly cultivated, it will condense a nine-headed fire dragon.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, this woman is only in the early stages of a master, and it is not easy to train six fire dragons.

After all, the entire Vulcan tribe, and only the Vulcan Zhurong himself trained the nine-headed fire dragon.

How many years has Zhu Rong, the god of fire, practiced?

That is a character who appeared not long after the creation of the world, I don't know how many thousands of years!
As soon as the six fire dragons came out, the woman's face burst into joy, and she murmured: "Yes, Nine Dragons Divine Flame has made a lot of progress. I was really surprised that two fire dragons were condensed during this retreat."

It turned out that the woman could only condense four fire dragons before retreating, but now she has condensed two more.

"What my father said is not entirely correct. What is gradual and step by step is for ordinary people. I wish Wushuang is a genius in the world, so I won't take this kind of trick!" The woman said proudly.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. He didn't expect this woman to be the daughter of Vulcan Zhu Rong, Zhu Wushuang?

Suddenly, Zhu Wushuang snorted coldly, and shot his gaze to where Li Ming was.

(End of this chapter)

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