Chapter 3056
The storm was driving at high speed in the sea of ​​flames, and Li Ming and the others didn't know where the storm would end up.

However, no matter where you go, as long as you can protect your life!

The group stood firmly in the center of the storm, not daring to make any moves.

After an unknown period of time, the spin speed of the storm slowed down, and the speed of its movement also slowed down.

It seemed that the storm would dissipate by itself in a short time.

As expected by Li Ming, after four months, the storm dissipated little by little, and the pillar of fire that soared into the sky slowly disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I only heard Master Hou exclaiming, "This time I really saved my life!"

"Indeed, if it wasn't for the wisdom of the young suzerain, we might either be buried in the dragon-eating crocodile, or die tragically in the flame storm." Heifeng continued.

Li Ming smiled lightly and said, "It's good that everyone is safe and sound, now let's see where this place is."

"Hmm." Everyone nodded.

Immediately, everyone released their spiritual thoughts and explored the surroundings.

Here is still in the sea of ​​fire, but the exact location is not clear.

All of a sudden, I heard Master Hou said: "Young Master, there is an isolated island over there."

"Lonely island?" Li Ming was startled, and said, "Then go to the isolated island to settle down and rest for a while before we talk about it."

"Okay." Everyone responded.

Immediately, a group of people flew towards the isolated island not far away.

It is said to be an isolated island, but in fact, there are some vegetation growing on the island.

However, because the sea turned into a sea of ​​fire, these vegetation gradually turned yellow, and some even died directly.

A group of people landed on an isolated island and temporarily settled down to heal their injuries.

Among them, Li Ming was the most seriously injured.

However, because of his immortal heart, Li Ming healed his injuries the fastest.

After half a month like this, the injuries of the entire group have recovered.

At this time, Master Hou also recognized the location of this place, and was brought to the extreme east of the sea of ​​fire by the storm.

I only heard Master Hou said: "Our Tianfeng Sect is in the northwest corner of the sea of ​​flames. We set off from here and fly towards the northwest. It will take at least a year to arrive."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said in a low voice: "One year is too long, and no one can guarantee whether there will be another storm on the sea of ​​fire. We are lucky to survive this time, and we should leave as soon as possible." Sea of ​​fire, and then make a detour back to the former site of Tianfengzong."

"Young Sect Master's words are very true. We can't stay in this sea of ​​flames anymore. If the dragon-eating crocodile breaks free from the iron chain, we will become his dinner." Zhang Youyi said.

Everyone nodded one after another, fully agreeing with Li Ming's statement.

However, Master Hou's expression became bitter, and he said: "You may not know something, flying north from here is the territory of the Ten Wai Sects. If I'm not wrong, it's where the Huntian Sect is located."

"Huntian sect?" Everyone was startled suddenly, no one expected this to happen.

After all, except for Heifeng, everyone else has been staying in the God Realm, so the distribution of the power of the Ten Outer Sects is not very clear.

Li Ming's face darkened. He had just snatched Princess Shenyue from the young leader of the Huntian Sect, Liu Mo. If he met someone from the Huntian Sect at this time, he might not be able to afford it.

Everyone was silent for a while, whether it was to go north to leave the flames as soon as possible, or to drive straight in the northwest direction, there was a certain risk.

No one can guarantee that they will not meet people from the Huntian Sect, and even less can they guarantee that there will be no more storms at sea.

Li Ming frowned, and said for a long time: "It's better to go north first and leave the flames. As for entering the territory of the Huntian Sect, everyone should disguise themselves, pay attention to whereabouts, and avoid the people of the Huntian Sect as much as possible."

"Okay." Everyone responded.

Having experienced the storm at sea, no one doubted Li Ming's decision.

Immediately, a group of people left the isolated island, headed directly north, and flew in the direction of the Huntian Sect.

It took only two months to go north, and everyone could faintly see the land.

However, Li Ming didn't take everyone directly onto the land, but flew west along the coastline.

This place is not far from the land, even if there is a storm at sea, everyone can enter the land immediately.

In addition, keeping this distance will prevent you from meeting people from the Huntian Sect.

After flying along the coastline for a month, he gradually passed the strength range of the Huntian Sect.

At this time, a group of people left the sea area and entered the land.

At this time, I only heard that Master Hou introduced: "This is the territory of the Great Sage Sect. There are many disputes between the Great Sacred Sect and the Huntian Sect. We are relatively safe here. However, it is better to be careful in everything, the young suzerain Your immortality has already been exposed in the Imperial City of the God Realm, so there may be greedy people, understand?"

"Understood." Everyone nodded.

"Okay, when we enter the land and cross Shengui Mountain, we will be completely safe." Hou Shenjiang said.

"Waiting God Craftsman, what kind of mountain is this Shengui Mountain?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Sovereign Young Master, you don't know that this Shengui Mountain is the tortoise shell of a divine tortoise who attained enlightenment in ancient times. Looking down from the sky, the Shengui Mountain looks like a tortoise shell." Hou Shenjiang explained .

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, there is a kind of ore called Guiyuanjing in Shengui Mountain, which is a very precious material for refining treasures. Please pay more attention to it when the time comes." Waiting God craftsman warned.

"Understood." The crowd responded.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and Fox asked: "Master Waiting, this Shengui Mountain produces Guiyuanjing ore, and it's within the power of the Great Sacred Cult, won't they send people to guard this mountain?"

"Although Guiyuanjing is a very valuable material for refining treasures, the Dashengjiao is not good at refining treasures, coupled with factional struggles, so it neglects the management of Shenguishan. Otherwise, the Huntianjiao would not often send people Go to Shengui Mountain to find the Guiyuan Stone." Hou Shenjiang explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming felt relieved, so it was so!

A group of people landed on land and entered the territory of the Dashengjiao.

Immediately afterwards, he dressed up in disguise and dressed up as the clothes of Dashengjiao.

The Dashengjiao mainly focuses on the obtained beasts, so their clothes look wild, and some even directly expose their upper body.

After Li Ming and his party disguised themselves, they couldn't see anything wrong with them. If they didn't distinguish carefully, it would be difficult to find out that Li Ming and his party were from the God Realm.

However, even so, Li Ming and his party deliberately avoided cities, market towns, and market places where crowds gathered.

The governance of the Ten Wai Sects is not as large-scale as that of the God Realm, and some releases are directly a straw shed.

It's not that the ten sects of Tianwai don't have the ability to build better, but the folk customs here are relatively tough, and there are no special legal constraints, so there are often fights.

Perhaps some market squares were destroyed by a fight just after they were built.

Therefore, the owner of Shifang simply keeps everything simple.

Li Ming and the others flew across the mountains and rivers, and when they saw the markets and market towns below, they didn't have any intention of staying, and rushed straight to Shengui Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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