The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3069 Dugu Sword

Chapter 3069 Dugu Sword

The hatred of taking one's wife is irreconcilable.

How majestic is he to teach the young master in a majestic way?
But now?
It turned out to be the laughing stock of everyone, and even their Huntian Sect had people who dared to gossip behind his back, let alone other sects.

Now, he, Liu Mo, wished he could cut Li Ming into pieces.

No, this is far from enough, and Li Ming must be beaten to death.

Therefore, upon hearing about Li Ming, Liu Mo couldn't wait to take revenge.

But now the counselor's words made him full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

"You, find a way for me. You must arrive at Tianfengzong within three days, otherwise you will be asked!" Liu Mo pointed at the counselor arrogantly and unreasonably.

"This..." The counselor said bitterly with a puzzled look on his face, "Young master, isn't this difficult for you? Except for the god emperor, who can travel through space and arrive at Tianfengzong within three days, there is absolutely no other possibility."

Hearing this, Liu Mo paused, and then said, "I'm going to find my father!"

Immediately, Liu Mo excitedly went to look for his father.

Several other sects have also received invitations from the waiting craftsman.

I only heard the deputy leader of the Great Sage Sect snort, and said dismissively: "On this day, Fengzong dares to rebuild the mountain gate? It will be three days later? Isn't this a joke?"

"Deputy leader, do you want to report this matter to the leader?" An elder asked.

"No need, don't alarm the Hierarch for such trivial matters, the Hierarch doesn't have the energy to bother with this matter." The Deputy Hierarch said.

In these years, all the big and small affairs of Dashengjiao have been temporarily managed by the deputy leader, but the management is only orderly.It's a pity that the factional struggles within the church are getting worse day by day, and instead of coming out to calm them down, the deputy leader is secretly fueling the flames.

As for the intention, it goes without saying.

Other sects also received invitations one after another, including the God Realm on the other side of the sea of ​​flames.

However, no one took the reconstruction of Tianfengzong seriously, and they all thought that a group of guys in Tianfengzong were clowns.

Because whether it is in the God Realm or outside the sky, if you want to establish a sect, you need at least one God Emperor to sit in charge.

Otherwise, even if the sect is established, it will perish in a short time.

Everyone is waiting to see the joke of Tianfengzong, waiting for the day when it perishes!
In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and it was the day when Tianfengzong was rebuilt.

At this time, the original bare mound has changed drastically, with several bamboo buildings and tree houses built, and a yard surrounded by fences, which looks quite decent.

The door has also been built, but the door plaque has not been hung yet, and the door plaque will be hung after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is over.

Li Ming was sitting upright, quietly waiting for the auspicious time.

The others were bored and stayed by Li Ming's side.

Originally, they reported a glimmer of hope, thinking that one or two god emperors would come.

However, as the auspicious time approached, this idea seemed to become a luxury.

"It seems that no one will come." Zhang Youyi sighed.

"It's fine if there's no one else, so there's no trouble." Hei Feng continued.

"Then shall we start offering sacrifices to the heavens now?" Asked the craftsman Hou Shen.

Hearing this, Li Ming looked at the sky and said, "The auspicious time is still a little short, wait a little longer."

"That's fine, anyway, it's not too late." Hou Shenjiang said.

Princess Shenyue frowned slightly, and thought to herself: "Father should come, right?"

In a blink of an eye, the auspicious time has come.

I only heard the reminder from Master Hou: "Young Sect Master, the auspicious time has come."

"It's here?" Li Ming was startled, then stood up and said, "Since the auspicious time has come, let's start offering sacrifices to heaven!"

"The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven has begun!" The craftsman waiting for God shouted loudly.

However, at this moment, the space in front of the courtyard was in turmoil, followed by a huge black hole.

Seeing this, Master Hou couldn't help but paused, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

"It's a space shuttle." Princess Shenyue was the first to react.

"A god emperor is here?" Master Hou was surprised, and then said: "Heifeng, welcome the guests with me."

"Okay." Black Wind responded.

Sure enough, after a while, a person walked out of the black hole.

This person is personable, with a huge sword on his back, his eyes are moving, like stars are dancing.

"Heavenly Sword God Emperor?" Master Hou was shocked when he saw the identity of the person at a glance.

"Waiting God Craftsman, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing recently?" Heavenly Sword God Emperor asked lightly.

"Thanks to you, everything is fine." Waiting Shenjiang said, and then said: "Emperor Tianjian, please come inside, the ceremony of worshiping heaven will begin soon."

"Okay." The Heavenly Sword God Emperor replied, and then walked towards the small courtyard.

Just seeing the buildings in the small courtyard, his expression changed slightly, and he asked, "This is Tianfengzong?"

Hearing this, Master Hou's old face blushed, and said embarrassingly: "I made the Heavenly Sword Emperor laugh at me. Our Tianfeng Sect is no longer what it used to be, so we can only do this first."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor paused, then turned his palms to take out something, and said: "In the early years, I retreated in the cave left by Senior Feng, and realized the supreme true self sword way. Since today is the great celebration of the reconstruction of Tianfengzong On that day, I can't be shabby, and a little courtesy is not a respect."

"Heavenly Sword God Emperor, we are very happy that you can come, how can we..."

However, before the master craftsman could finish speaking, Li Ming said first: "Heifeng, accept the gift and record it."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor couldn't help but look at Li Ming.

Li Ming's expression was as usual, and he was not timid at all because the other party was a god emperor.

Seeing Li Ming and the Heavenly Sword God Emperor looking at each other, Master Hou quickly introduced: "Heavenly Sword God Emperor, this is Li Ming, the Young Master of our Tianfeng Sect."

"You are Li Ming?" the Heavenly Sword God Emperor asked.

"God Emperor, I'm Li Ming." Li Ming said seriously.

"That's right, I've heard of you." The Heavenly Sword God Emperor said.

"Huh?" Li Ming was startled, a little suspicious.

"You are so courageous that you dare to snatch the wife of Liu Mo, the young master of the Huntian Sect!" said the Heavenly Sword God Emperor.

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused and said, "God Emperor, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?" Heavenly Sword God Emperor asked puzzled.

"It's not me who robbed Liu Mo's wife, but he robbed mine. I'm just defending my dignity as a man!" Li Ming said seriously.

"Interesting, this is the first time I've heard of this statement, let's hear it, how could it be?" asked the Heavenly Sword God Emperor curiously.

At the moment, Li Ming carefully came up with the matter between himself and Princess Shenyue, including Li Xiaoliu's matter.

Hearing this, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor nodded, and then said: "In this way, Liu Mo is really an idiot. But, you are really courageous, you plan to face Liu Mo and the Huntian Sect in the future?"

"Take one step at a time, if it's really not good, we will die with that Liu Mo!" Li Ming said seriously.

"Haha... I have the backbone, I like this ruthlessness!" The Heavenly Sword God Emperor said with a smile, then took out a sword again, and said: "This is what I used when I became famous in the world, named Dugu, and I gave it to you! "

With that said, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor directly gave the Lonely Sword to Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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