The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3074 Nanyun Sword

Chapter 3074 Nanyun Sword

At this moment, Nan Yunjian was drinking wine, when he saw someone approaching, he raised his head and saw that it was Ma Liangcheng who had competed with him a few days ago.

"Brother Ma, you are here. Sit down and drink together." Nan Yunjian said.

"Brother Nan Yun, this is the one I mentioned to you, Xuan Qingming." Ma Liangcheng introduced.

When he is away from home, especially in this special period, Li Ming will naturally not use his real name, lest Liu Mo be recruited if the market does not open.

"Oh, you want to open a market place?" Nan Yunjian asked.

"I also ask Senior Nan Yun to give me some guidance." Li Ming said with his fists clasped.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, sit down and drink a glass of water and wine, and I will take you to see my Brother Heihu later!" Nan Yunjian said.

"Thank you." Li Ming said.

After the group sat down, they drank some wine with Nan Yunjian.

At this time, only Wen Nanyunjian asked: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​opening a market? What do you mainly sell?"

"Shenbao." Li Ming replied directly, there is nothing to hide.

"Shenbao?" Nan Yunjian was stunned, and then said: "Shenbao is not easy to sell. Even if you really have good products, no one will dare to buy them."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked in puzzlement: "What do you mean by this senior? Why no one dares to buy it?"

"You just came here, right?" Nan Yunjian couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at Li Ming again.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Li Ming simply admitted: "The younger generation really just came here, and I don't know much about the customs here, please give me some advice."

"That's right, you just came here, no wonder you want to sell the treasures, you probably don't know the prohibition of the Great Sage Sect?" Nan Yunjian said.

"The younger generation really doesn't know." Li Ming said.

"Thousands of years ago, the Great Sacred Cult issued a prohibition, but within their territory, it is not allowed to use divine treasures that are not sold by their Great Sacred Cult, and they will be killed if they violate the law." Nan Yunjian said.

"Ah?" Li Ming and the others were really surprised. There is such a weird ban?

I only heard that Nan Yunjian continued: "The treasure refining technique taught by Dalou is not good. It is incomparable with the treasures of other sects. There are often situations where they can't be sold. In the end, all the merchants are unwilling to enter the Great Sage's teaching. For this reason, the Great Sacred Cult issued such a ban! Once this ban came out, it really improved the situation of the unsalable treasures of the Great Sacred Cult.”

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it was so.

"It's just that doing this doesn't solve the problem fundamentally. Their treasures will only circulate within the Dashengjiao territory, and no one will buy them outside the Dashengjiao territory." Ma Liangcheng said.

"That's right, but the Dashengjiao doesn't care about these things." Nan Yunjian said.

"Then why don't they improve their treasure-making skills?" Li Mingchi questioned.

"Each sect strictly guards against its own treasure refining technology and strictly prohibits it from leaking out. Why doesn't the Great Sage Sect want to improve the treasure refining technology, but there must be someone to guide it." Nan Yunjian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded secretly.

Earlier, Li Ming had heard that the Great Sage Sect was not good at making treasures.

After a slight pause, Li Ming unfolded the map, pointed to an area, and said, "Senior, this shouldn't be the site of the Great Sage Sect, right?"

"It's not true, but the sects here are almost all vassals of the Great Sage Cult. Only the Great Sage Cult follows the lead. How dare they easily buy your divine treasure?" Nan Yunjian asked back.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, they never thought about the situation that the treasures could not be sold.

Now hearing what Nan Yunjian said, Li Ming and his party couldn't help frowning.

Now it's not a question of whether there will be trouble in the market meeting, but a question of whether someone will buy it.

"Do you still want to see Brother Heihu?" Nan Yunjian murmured.

"This..." Ma Liangcheng hesitated for a while, and couldn't help looking at Li Ming.

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and then said: "Let's meet, even if the market can't be opened, at least we can make friends."

"Make friends?" Nan Yunjian snorted, and said with a trace of contempt: "Who do you think you are? Brother Heihu will make friends with you? Brother Liangcheng might have this possibility."

Obviously, Nan Yunjian looked down on Li Ming.

Indeed, Li Ming is only in the early stage of the great gods, and there are several realms behind each other.

However, Ma Liangcheng next to him was annoyed for a while, and said in a low voice: "Nan..."

Before Ma Liangcheng could speak, Li Ming gave him a look and told him not to speak.

Ma Liangcheng could only shut up obediently, but felt a little upset in his heart.

Nan Yunjian can look down on him, but he must not look down on their Tianfeng Sect master!

Li Ming was indifferent, and saw a deep smile on Li Ming's face, then he turned his palm and took out something, handed it to Nan Yunjian, and said: "Senior Nan Yun, this is for you."

Nan Yunjian looked down on Li Ming, and naturally he also looked down on the things Li Ming handed over.

If Li Ming hadn't been brought by Ma Liangcheng, he wouldn't even bother to see Li Ming.

But when he saw what Li Ming handed over, Nan Yunjian couldn't help but light up.

This thing is an accessory, although it is only an accessory, it is exquisite and extraordinary, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Senior Nanyun, this is given to me by an elder in the family, and it is not of much use, it is just a jewelry, please don't dislike it, senior."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Nan Yunjian came back to his senses.

I saw Nan Yunjian looked at Li Ming again, and then asked: "Your background is not simple, such exquisite ornaments are not something ordinary families can afford."

Li Ming smiled faintly and apologized: "Before going out, the elders in the family took special care of me. I can't use the name of the family to act. Everything can only be done by myself, so I ask the elders to forgive me."

Hearing this, Nan Yunjian couldn't help but cast a glance at Shenyue who came with Li Ming.

After a slight pause, Nan Yunjian said: "Alright then, I'll take you to see Brother Heihu."

"Thank you, Senior Nanyun." Li Ming thanked.

Afterwards, Nan Yunjian took Li Ming and his party out of the wine shop to meet the black tiger!

After flying for half a day, a group of people came to a valley.

I only heard Nan Yunjian say: "Here it is, but you wait here for a while, let me report."

"I'm sorry." Li Ming clasped his fists and said.

"You're welcome." Nan Yunjian said.

While Nan Yunjian was leaving, I only heard Li Ming say: "Yue'er, when I meet the black tiger, I will wrong you and pretend to be my maid."

Hearing this, Princess Shenyue couldn't help but pause, and immediately understood Li Ming's intentions, she nodded and said, "Okay."

"Sovereign, what about me?" Ma Liangcheng asked.

"Just be my groom for now." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the corners of Ma Liangcheng's mouth couldn't help twitching. After all, he was also an existence in the God Emperor Realm, and he actually beat the groom.

But after thinking about it, even Princess Shenyue is willing to play the maid, so what is it for him to play the groom?
(End of this chapter)

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