The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3078 Eliminate Doubts

Chapter 3078 Eliminate Doubts

Li Ming did not choose a name for Shifang, because there is no need for that, everyone is used to calling this mountain by its name, and the previous Shifang was also named after Tiandu Peak.

In a blink of an eye, the next day is dawn.

The sky was just a little brighter, and several figures flew over from the horizon.

Li Ming took a closer look, and saw that it was Black Tiger and his party of three.

At this time, there were still several hours before the opening, and they did not expect them to come so early.

Afterwards, Li Ming and his party greeted them out.

After a little effort, Heihuo and others landed in front of Shifang.

Heihuo cupped his hands and congratulated: "Mr. Xuanqing, congratulations!"

"Brother Heihu can come to join us today, it really makes my little market flourish, I am very grateful!" Li Mingbao replied with fists.

"Small things, small things, I just don't know how Mr. Xuanqing is preparing?" Heihuo asked with a smile on his face.

"Everything is ready, just wait for the arrival of the various factions." Li Ming said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." The black tiger responded, but then said: "Brother Nanyun saw Mr. Xuanqing's Lonely Sword last time. He was very pleasantly surprised, but also regretful."

"Regret?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking a little puzzled.

"Nanyun, tell yourself." The black tiger said sideways.

I saw Nan Yunjian take two steps forward, sighed and said: "Mr. Xuanqing, Brother Liangcheng should have told you that I am a sword idiot, and I like to compare swords with others. Last time I saw Dao Dugujian, I was happy for a while, but unexpectedly I forgot to ask Mr. Xuanqing for some tips, and I came from a long way today, so I would like to ask Mr. Xuanqing to give me some advice."

"Let me teach you?" Li Ming's eyebrows were fixed. The visitors were really not kind. No wonder they came so early!
"Nan Yunjian, what do you mean? Today is a good day for the opening of our market, you want to make trouble?" Ma Liangcheng asked scoldingly.

"Brother Liangcheng, brother is not trying to cause trouble, it's just a temporary itch, so I ask Mr. Xuanqing to help you!" Nan Yunjian said again.

"Hmph! If you want to be skilled, let me, a groom, accompany you to practice. How can my son, who is a body of ten thousand gold, fight with you? Besides, my son's cultivation is still low, but in the early stage of the master, if you hurt him, Even ten heads are not enough!" Ma Liangcheng shouted angrily.

"Brother Liangcheng, don't be impatient, I will suppress my strength to the initial stage of the Great God, and I promise not to hurt a single hair of your son." Nan Yunjian said.

"You..." Ma Liangcheng wanted to say something more, but Li Ming made a gesture and continued, "Since brother Nanyun wants to ask for it, I will show my hands. However, I am not good enough at practicing Dugu Nine Swords." When it comes to Huo Hou, so far, I have only practiced one sword move, so I am asking for advice with this sword move!"

"It's exactly what I want." Nan Yunjian said.

Immediately, Nanyun Sword sacrificed the Excalibur, and Li Ming also sacrificed the Dugu Sword.

Immediately, the two exchanged hands.

The black tiger opened its eyes wide and swollen, staring at the sword move in Li Ming's hand.

The Dugu Nine Swords cannot be passed on to outsiders, and outsiders will never be able to learn it.

"Ding ding..."

The divine swords struck each other, making a tinkling sound.

Li Ming's sword moves are still not proficient, and he has always fallen below.

However, Nan Yunjian always accepted it as soon as he saw it, so Li Ming was not injured.

After fighting for a while, Ma Liangcheng couldn't stand it any longer. He slashed the divine sword in his hand and forced the Nanyun sword back. He shouted angrily, "Enough is enough. If you still want to be skilled, I will practice with you!"

"I can do it too!" Said Princess Shenyue at the side, and at the same time offered a divine sword.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just want to see Dugu Nine Swords, and I don't mean to offend." Nan Yunjian said quickly.

In the fight just now, Nan Yunjian had confirmed that Li Ming was using the Dugu Nine Swords.

Although it's just a sword move, and it's not proficient, but there is no mistake in the sword intent.

If you read it correctly, it should be the shocking sword of Dugu Nine Swords.

Li Ming stopped Ma Liangcheng and Shenyue, then looked at the black tiger and asked coldly, "Are you doubting me?"

"Mr. Xuanqing, I misunderstood. I absolutely didn't mean that. Brother Nanyun wanted to see the power of Dugu Nine Swords." Heihu said hastily.

"Really?" Li Ming's expression turned cold, and he asked, "What profit did I talk to you about before?"

"Thirty percent." Black Tiger replied.

"Okay, change it now, [-]%." Li Ming said indifferently.

"What? [-]%?" The black tiger was startled, his brows were a little annoyed.

"What? If you are not satisfied, then [-]%!" Li Ming continued.

"You..." The black tiger paused, looking even more annoyed.

Li Ming said unhurriedly: "Heihuo, do you think I need you to cover me when I open this market? I just gave you a little face, but I didn't expect you to put your nose on your face and dare to doubt me." ?Although I am training abroad now, I cannot borrow the family's prestige and strength, but with this Dugu sword, there are many people who are willing to sell my face. If you dare to make trouble in front of me, getting rid of you is just a matter of words."

Hearing this, the corners of Black Tiger's mouth could not help but froze.

"My lord, don't let me meet this black tiger, just to see the power of the Half-Emperor Divine Treasure bestowed by the master!" Princess Shenyue said.

Then, Princess Shenyue raised her sword and pointed at the black tiger.

Heihuo and Nanyunjian could tell at a glance that the divine sword in Princess Shenyue's hand was not a mortal thing, it might really be a Half Emperor Divine Treasure.

At that moment, the black tiger didn't dare to have any doubts about Li Ming's identity, and quickly apologized: "Mr. Xuan Qing calm down, I was also confused for a while, and I definitely didn't mean to offend you. Even if I don't want this profit, I am willing to replace Xuan Qing Mr. Qing is doing business."

Hearing this, Li Ming made a gesture of satisfaction, and then patted the back of Shenyue Princess' hand, signaling her to put away the Excalibur.

Princess Shenyue obediently put away the Excalibur and stepped back.

I only heard that Li Ming continued to say: "Heihuo, if you really do things for me, I will definitely not treat you badly. Although I have very few resources in my hands now, I can't give you anything that will move your heart, but when this experience is over Back in the clan, everything will be discussed elsewhere."

"I understand, I understand." The black tiger replied.

"Okay, don't stand here anymore, follow me into the market place to drink tea, and wait for those sects from the north to come over." Li Ming said with a general's demeanor.

"Okay, it's all up to Mr. Xuanqing to arrange." The black tiger replied.

Immediately, a group of people followed Li Ming into Shifang.

While drinking tea, the northern sects arrived one after another.

However, the Shifang hadn't opened yet, so Li Ming also arranged for them to drink tea.

In a blink of an eye, it was approaching noon, and the visitors were a little impatient, and some even left early.

Li Ming frowned a little, why are there only a few guests at this time?
At a glance, there are only twenty or thirty people, not at all like what Ma Liangcheng said, the opening is bound to be popular.

Ma Liangcheng looked embarrassed. When he went to the northern sect to promote it, the response was really overwhelming.

At this time, Li Ming got up and said: "Okay, let's not wait any longer, we will open now!"

(End of this chapter)

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