The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3083 Bidding

Chapter 3083 Bidding
In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

On the day when Shifang reopens, today Shifang is not deserted, but full of people.

The black tiger also arrived early, and invited several friends to join him.

They say they are friends, but they are actually bandits who take over the mountains and become kings.

In fact, those small sects in the north hated these bandits.

Because their disciples will be looted by these bandits for a long time.

They have also encircled and suppressed them several times, but these bandits have excellent hiding skills, and several encirclements and suppressions have failed.

In the end, these scattered bandits all took refuge in the black tiger.

The relationship between the Black Tiger and the Great Sacred Sect is different, so these small northern sects just turned a blind eye, and their disciples were robbed, so they could only suffer the loss secretly.

Now, when he saw the black tiger bringing his group of cronies over, they were immediately divided into two groups, which could be described as distinct.

Black Tiger didn't care about this either.

Li Ming could not help but wink at Ma Liangcheng when he saw that the crowd was almost there.

I saw Ma Liangcheng cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, everyone is almost here, let's start. Please move and follow me."

Everyone was puzzled for a while, but they still followed Ma Liangcheng.

After a little effort, everyone came to the auction hall.

After being seated, I only heard that Ma Liangcheng continued to say: "Everyone, today Benshifang sells five divine treasures. They will be auctioned by competitive bidding. The one with the highest price will win."


"It's not a mistake, is it? Just such a small market, dare to engage in auctions?"

"That is, who do they think they are?"

Indeed, only major sects are eligible to hold general auctions.

"Hmph! If I had known this, I wouldn't have come. It was a waste of my time."

Everyone's emotions are very conflicted, but it's all those who haven't been here before.

The sect leaders who came here before didn't say a word, after all, they had seen the power of the divine axe.

At this time, Li Ming came to the stage and said, "Those who have opinions can leave now."

"Let's go! Are you afraid that you won't be able to buy Shenbao if you have money?" At that moment, a sect leader yelled.

"Yes! Let's go together!"

Immediately, another sect leader stepped forward.

At this time, Li Ming continued to say: "Ma Liangcheng, remember the two of them. In the future, our market will never sell a single god treasure from them, including the sect they belong to."

"Yes, son." Ma Liangcheng replied.


Hearing this, the faces of the two sect leaders suddenly sank to the bottom. They thought that the master would keep them, but they didn't expect to say such words.

There is no longer room for them here, and the two left in a huff.

Ma Liangcheng secretly remembered them, one was the master of Lingjian Cave, and the other was the suzerain of Wuyun Sect.

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, "What is the origin of this workshop owner? He speaks and acts so aggressively? He doesn't look like a businessman at all!"

"That is, how can there be any reason for businessmen to drive customers out?"

"What you don't know is that the owner of Xuanqingfang has a lot of background. It is said that he is the son of a certain big family."

"Impossible? The nobleman of the rich family still came here to open a market in this place where no shit?"

"Yes, yes!"

"I heard that it is for experience, but I don't know if it is true or not."

"Experience? I have heard about this. Some big clans like to send their disciples to go out for training. A few years ago, there was a Jin Gongzi!"

"Yes, I've also heard that Mr. Jin is so amazing that even the sons of the elders of the Great Sage Sect are afraid of him."

"Could it be that the owner of Xuanqing Fang is another Jin Gongzi?"

"Hard to say."

At this time, Li Ming glanced at the crowd and asked: "Do you have any comments? If you have any, please leave on your own. By the way, I forgot to remind you that our Shifang's Shenbao is very expensive. At least twice as much as the market!"

"Twice? Are you kidding me?"

"Why sell twice?"

"That is, when we are taken advantage of?"

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "It's okay if you don't buy it, and I don't force you to buy it. Naturally, someone will be willing to buy it. The auction will start next."

Ma Liangcheng took a step forward and said, "The auction begins. The first item is a divine hammer, the first-level treasure of the Divine Emperor. The starting price is 12 billion divine stones."

"12 billion? Is that right? There are only six or seven billion on the market."

"That's right, the price is too dark, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid you don't know it? Someone bought a flying magic treasure in the early days of the God Emperor for [-] million."

"Isn't it? There are still such fools in the world? Buy a flying magic treasure for [-] million?"

"Yes, but I'm not stupid. In the end, instead of spending a penny, I made [-] million yuan and several treasures."

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

"You don't know about Zhang Qinglong fighting treasure?"

"Zhang Qinglong Doubao? I haven't heard of it. I just came back from outside."

"No wonder." At that moment, the man told about the treasure fighting five days ago.

Hearing this, the man suddenly realized that it was so.

"So, the quality of the Shenbao sold in this market is better than that refined by Huofeng?"

"No, otherwise why are they so expensive?"

At this time, someone raised the price and said: "12 billion 100 million!"

"Sorry, the price increase is at least 1000 million!" Ma Liangcheng interrupted.

Hearing this, the old man who made the offer blushed.

"12 billion!" Another offer was made.

"12 million!"

"I will pay 13 million!"

"Lu Jianqun of the Dianyun faction in Xiacangshan, I hope you will save face, 13 billion!"

"Lu Jianqun? Who is this guy? He's so talkative?"

"You do not know?"

"This Lu Jianqun is amazing, he is the suzerain of the Dianyun Sect. This Dianyun Sect is good at reading Fengshui, and specializes in Fengshui for various sects."

"So it's the suzerain of the Dianyun sect!"

"Since Sect Master Lu wants this hammer, then I won't argue."

"Sect Master Lu, just take it."

"I'm not making an offer either."

Hearing this, Lu Jianqun cupped his fists and cupped his hands towards the crowd, saying, "So, thank you Lu."

Ma Liang was preoccupied with no bid, so he couldn't help asking, "Is there a higher bid?"

After asking three times in a row, Ma Liang couldn't help but said, "Since there is no higher bidder, then this magic hammer belongs to Sect Master Lu."

"Thank you." Lu Jianqun laughed.

At that moment, Lu Jianqun paid the divine stone, and Ma Liangcheng immediately handed over the divine hammer to him.

"The auction continues, the following is..."

The auction continued, and the five divine treasures were sold out one by one, and the price increased as the time went on.

The finale, the Shenbao, was auctioned for a sky-high price of 27 billion!
At this moment, Ma Liangcheng's mouth was almost crooked, it was completely beyond his imagination.

At this time, I heard Li Ming announce: "Today's auction is over, everyone please go back."

Everyone left the venue one after another, and they didn't feel too disappointed if they didn't get any treasures. After all, the price was too high!

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the gate of Shifang, "Where is Xuanqing?"

(End of this chapter)

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