Chapter 3088
In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and everything in Shifang is on the right track.

Li Ming would hold a small auction every once in a while, but there were not many treasures for auction, only three or five.

It was precisely because there were so few divine treasures for auction that the suzerains of those small sects in the north looted them, and every time they bid, they were almost beaten to death.

The more they fought, the more powerful Li Ming became.

Now Tianfengzong has a lot of waste to do, and all the places need money. Li Ming will remember their contribution!

Goofy religion.

Liu Mo has never given up on Li Ming, even after the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and Dionysus made a fuss, he still thinks about dealing with Li Ming all the time.

On this day, the spies sent by Liu Mo to investigate Li Ming's whereabouts finally returned.

I only heard Liu Mo ask with a cold face: "How is the investigation going? Is there any news about Li Ming?"

"Return to the young master, not yet." The spies replied fearfully.

"Not yet?" Liu Mo's grammar was ugly, and he couldn't help cursing angrily: "Useless things, no one can find them, they are all a bunch of idiots!"

"Young master, please calm down. Although I didn't find out about Li Ming, I did hear about a strange thing." Tanzihui reported.

"Strange thing? What strange thing?" Liu Mo asked patiently.

"A market suddenly popped up on the Tiandu Peak. The business is booming. It is deeply loved by those small sects in the north. It took a long time to fight for a divine treasure." The spies said.

Hearing this, Liu Mo couldn't help but frowned, and couldn't help cursing: "What's so strange? Can those sects in the north take it seriously? They are just wild men in the mountains. How many magical treasures have they seen?"

"What the young master said is true, but this matter is far from simple. I heard that Shifang once competed with Master Huofeng for the magic treasure, and in the end even Master Huofeng was willing to bow down." The spies continued.

"There is such a thing?" Liu Mo was suddenly surprised.

Huofeng is the fourth existence on the list of master craftsmen, and there are not many who can beat him in refining divine treasures.

After a slight pause, Liu Mo suddenly seemed to have guessed something, and asked, "You mean that the market place is probably opened by a master waiting for you?"

"Young master, this possibility cannot be ruled out. The second place on the list of master craftsmen is in the Longevity Sect, and the third place is in our Huntian Sect. Apart from the second and third places, the only one who can win against Huofeng is probably the first-ranked Master Waiting for God! Of course, those hidden masters who do not strive for fame and fortune are not ruled out. However, this possibility is relatively small." The spies continued.

Hearing this, Liu Mo nodded seriously, and said: "You are right, there are not many people who can beat Master Huofeng, that market place is really suspicious, even if it wasn't opened by Master Hou himself, it will definitely follow There is a lot of relationship between waiting for the craftsman."

"Young Master, Sheng Ming!" the spies flattered.

"Check, let me carefully investigate Tiandufeng Shifang, and don't let go of any suspicious things!" Liu Mo ordered solemnly.

"Yes, young master!" The spies replied.

"Remember, no matter what the results of the investigation are, don't act rashly, everything is waiting for my order!" Liu Mo said in a low voice.

"Understood, young master!" The spies responded.

"Yeah." Liu Mo nodded and waved his hand to signal the spy to go out.

Immediately, the spies left the main hall and flew towards the market place of Tiandu Peak.

The spy didn't go alone, but also brought two subordinates, both of whom were from the early days of the God Emperor.

It was a long way to Tiandu Peak, and the spy and his party traveled day and night without stopping.

Half a month later, the group finally arrived at Tiandu Peak.

 There is only one chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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