The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3090 Desolate Ancient World

Chapter 3090 Desolate Ancient World
Immediately, the servants prepared the horses.

Afterwards, Liu Mo took a group of followers and prepared to attack Tiandu Peak.

But as soon as he went out, he was stopped by the counselor beside him.

Seeing this, Liu Mo's expression darkened, and he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Young master, it is not appropriate to use soldiers now!" the counselor persuaded.

"Fart, why can't I use soldiers? Li Ming stole my wife, how can I use soldiers against him?" Liu Mo asked angrily.

"Young master, have you forgotten the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Wine God Emperor?" the counselor reminded.

Hearing this, Liu Mo couldn't help but be smart.

That day, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Bacchus God Emperor made a big fuss about the Huntian Cult, but they killed many people and almost broke Liu Mo's third leg.

If it wasn't for the father, the Heavenly Demon God Emperor, who tried his best to stop him, I'm afraid these two god emperors would have really succeeded.

Thinking about it now, Liu Mo couldn't help but feel his legs go weak and his crotch tremble.

Although the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Bacchus God Emperor had left for a long time, they left harsh words. If they dared to deal with Li Ming, they would dare to kill Liu Mo.

In this regard, no one doubted that the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Wine God Emperor joined hands, not to mention killing Liu Mo, it is possible to kill the Heavenly Demon God Emperor.

After gathering his composure, Liu Mo calmed down and said in a low voice: "You are right, I can't kill Li Ming blatantly. Otherwise, I will die in the end. What good plan do you have?"

"Wait," said the counselor.

"Wait?" Liu Mo was stunned, and asked with a hostile face: "How can I wait? That guy Li Ming robbed my wife, I can't wait to kill him now!"

"Young master, if you can't bear it, you can make big plans. Bear with it for a while, and wait for the ancient world to open before trying to kill Li Ming." The counselor said.

"We still have to wait until the ancient world is opened?" Liu Mo said with an angry face, "It's been too long. It will take at least two or three years for the ancient world to open. I can't wait that long. Besides, Li Ming may not be able to go there yet." The ancient world."

"Young master, you don't know that the ancient world will be opened ahead of time," said the counselor.

"Open in advance?" Liu Mo paused, frowning and asked, "Who did you hear it from? Why didn't I know?"

"The news has already spread among our factions. I heard him say it when I was drinking with the third elder a few days ago," said the counselor.

"Is there such a thing?" Liu Mo paused, with a look of hesitation.

"Young master, if you don't believe me, you can ask the leader, the great emperor." The counselor said.

"I see." Liu Mo said solemnly, and then asked: "Then how can we guarantee that Li Ming will definitely go?"

"Don't worry, young master, with Li Ming's personality, he will definitely go." The counselor said firmly.

"It's better to do this, otherwise ten of your heads are not enough for me to cut off!" Liu Mo shouted angrily.

Afterwards, Liu Mo temporarily got off the vehicle, went to the residence of the Emperor Father, and asked about the ancient world.

After a little effort, Liu Mo arrived at his father's palace.

After the notification, Liu Mo waited at the door for a while, and got permission from his father before walking in.

The Huntian Palace is relatively complex, and it has everything in it, such as playing and playing, everything is complete.

In addition, there are many female relatives, all of whom are all beauties, and no one is worse than Princess Shenyue.

Walk through the long corridor and go deep into the palace until you arrive at the residence of the emperor.

Pushing open the door, I saw my father lying on the bed.

That bed was very big, at least more than ten meters wide and more than ten meters long. Apart from the father, there were six or seven beauties, all naked.

No wonder Liu Moyang's greedy look, it turned out to be the reason!
"What's the matter?" The Heavenly Demon God Emperor asked majestically.

"Father, my child heard that the ancient world will be opened in advance. I don't know if it is true or not, so I came here to ask Father." Liu Mo said with his head down.

"It's true, it's just that you usually idle around and have nothing to do all day long, making you practice in seclusion is more uncomfortable than killing you, why did you suddenly ask about the ancient world today?" the Heavenly Demon God Emperor asked majesticly.

"Father, in the God Realm and his party, the child has lost all face, and in the end he provoked the Heavenly Sword God Emperor and the Bacchus God to come to the door. The child is extremely ashamed. I hereby learn from the pain and decide to go to the ancient world to retreat and practice hard, to wash away my shame." Liu Mo said with a heartbroken expression.

Hearing this, the Heavenly Demon God Emperor nodded in satisfaction, and said: "You can think this way, I am very happy for my father. The ancient world will be opened in about half a year. You are ready to make a breakthrough this time. For my father I don't know that you can soar into the sky and break through to the God Emperor Realm, but it shouldn't be a problem to break through to the late stage of a great god, right?"

"Father, there is absolutely no problem in the later stage of the Great God." Liu Mo assured.

"Okay! You go and prepare. In addition, bring Guan Feiyu with you. The ancient world is not like the outside world. There are many dangers inside. Guan Feiyu is here to protect you." The Heavenly Demon God Emperor murmured.

"Thank you, Father." Liu Mo quickly thanked.

Guan Feiyu is the capable and beloved general of his father, and he has reached the peak of the emperor ten thousand years ago.

It is said that he has stepped into the Emperor's Gate now and has become a half-emperor-like existence!

Regarding Fei Yu's journey together, as long as Li Ming is in the ancient world, he will definitely die!
The Heavenly Demon God Emperor waved his hand, signaling Liu Mo to go out.

Liu Mo didn't dare to disturb his father's good affairs any more, so he hurriedly resigned.

"Half a year, there is still half a year left, Li Ming, just wait for me!"

After leaving the door, Liu Mo said viciously while pulling his fist.

Tiandu Peak.

Li Ming didn't know that Liu Mo had discovered him, but only knew that the tense sects in the north were fighting.

So far, many people have died.

Although the other sects did not participate in the war, they were competing openly and secretly, and no one would obey the other.

This matter has no other benefits for Li Ming, except that Shenbao is more popular.

In the past, it was only the divine treasures above the emperor level that were easy to sell, but now the divine treasures of the main god realm and the great god realm are also easy to sell.

Because in a sect, besides the suzerain of the god emperor realm, there are many elders of the master god realm, as well as disciples of the great god realm, and they all need a magic treasure at hand.

As for the reason for their fight, Li Ming has never been clear about it, and Ma Liangcheng has been secretly investigating, but he still has no clue.

Until this day, the black tiger came to the door!

Li Ming was a little surprised when he saw the black tiger coming to the door, because there was no treasure auction recently, so he couldn't help asking: "Why are you here?"

"Master Xuanqing, I need your help with something important." The black tiger said directly.

"What's the matter?" Li Ming asked.

"Master Xuanqing, I want to enter the ancient world, please help me, no matter what the price is, I am willing." The black tiger directly stated the purpose of this trip.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause. He had heard about the ancient world when he was in the God Realm. It was a relic left by the ancient world. It has been sealed here and there, and it will only be opened every few years.

The Realm of Wind Source and the Realm of Fire Source of the Eight Buds are actually relics of the ancient world.

"You want to go to the ancient world?" Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, then sighed, and said pretendingly: "This is not easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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