The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3103 Giant Horse

Chapter 3103 Giant Horse
"Xuan Qingming, the matter is settled like this. I will ask someone to prepare the birthday gift. You and Bai Ling get to know each other in the next two days. Don't go to the Liu's house to pretend to be helpless." Patriarch Hong said.

Li Ming nodded and said, "I know."

"Okay, you and Bai Ling will go down first. If this matter can be successfully planned, you will be the one to go to Dongtian Mansion this year." Patriarch Hong promised directly.

"Thank you Patriarch Hong." Li Ming cupped his fists in thanks.

Afterwards, Li Ming and Hong Bailing first withdrew from the inner palace hall.

After leaving the door, I heard Hong Bailing say: "Young Master Xuanqing, my father asked us to get to know each other. I have asked someone to prepare a banquet in the back garden. Let's sit down and chat."

"It's all up to Miss Hong to decide." Li Ming said calmly.

"This way please." Hong Bailing invited.

Li Ming, led by Hong Bailing, came down to the back garden. There was a gazebo in the garden, and there was indeed a banquet inside, and there were maids waiting beside it.

After Hong Bailing and Li Ming sat down, the maid filled them with drinks.

I heard Hong Bailing directly said: "Young Master Xuanqing, I heard from my father, how many members of the Liu family did you kill?"

"It's true, but it's their bad luck that they dared to rob me." Li Ming snorted and said, although his tone was flat, there was a kind of domineering arrogance hidden in it.

Hong Bailing was startled, then said with a smile: "Mr. Xuanqing, you don't look like people from our place? Where did you come from?"

"The Outer World." Li Ming said directly.

"The Outer World?" Hong Bailing was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Aren't you from our ancient world?"

"No." Li Ming shook his head, then sighed, and said helplessly, "It's unlucky to say the least. I was traveling in the sea of ​​fire a while ago, and suddenly I saw black holes appearing in the sea of ​​fire, and many gods jumped into it. I thought it was Some shocking treasure appeared, and jumped into the black hole.

However, after entering the black hole, I realized that it turned out to be a huge pit!
The black hole devouring power is extraordinary, and countless true gods are directly swallowed by the black hole. If I am not lucky, I am afraid that I will also be swallowed by the black hole.

When I come out of the black hole, I will be here.

By the way, Wu Shangshan and others from the Liu family thought badly of me when they saw the newcomer. How could I, Xuan Qingming, be so easy to provoke? "

Hearing this, Hong Bailing couldn't help being surprised, she didn't expect that Li Ming came to the ancient world through a black hole.

After a pause, Li Ming asked curiously: "Miss Hong, I haven't been here for a long time, and I don't know much about it. I just heard that only those who enter the Dongtian Mansion are eligible to go to the closed-door retreat."

"Indeed, Dongtian Mansion has ruled this land for tens of thousands of years, and there are ten families under its command, and our Hong family is one of them." Hong Bailing introduced.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded secretly, and then continued to ask: "Then besides Dongtian Mansion, what other forces have the right to enter the retreat place?"

"The ones that are closer are Shenao Sect and Zidian Sect, and the ones that are farther away are more, such as Shengtian Sect, Zulong Sect, Liuhe Sect, etc." Hong Bailing introduced one by one.

"Then what is the strength of these sects? Is there a god emperor in charge?" Li Ming asked pretending to be curious.

"God Emperor?" Hong Bailing smiled unconsciously, shook his head and said, "God Emperor is a legendary existence, and there may not be a God Emperor in the entire ancient world, let alone these sects."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled. It seems that the ancient world is not what he thought. Although he is in charge of the closed-door retreat, there are no god-level strongmen against the sky.

After a pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Miss Hong, what is the strength of the master of Dongtian Mansion?"

"Thousands of years ago, he just broke through the middle stage of the God Emperor, and some people said that he failed to break through. Anyway, I haven't seen him make a move for many years. Either the early stage of the God Emperor, or the middle stage of the God Emperor." Miss Hong said.

Hearing this, Li Ming was relieved.

If it only has the strength of the emperor in the early and middle stages, then that's fine.

The only pity is that I haven't been able to contact Shang Yue'er until now, and I don't know how she is doing now?

I was startled, only to hear that Ms. Hong took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Xuanqing, who else is there in your family? Which family are they from?"

"I'm a casual cultivator. Except for a poor wife and a few followers, there is no one else. It's a pity that I strayed into the black hole and came here. I'm afraid they all think I'm dead." Li Ming said with a sigh, and then Curiously asked: "Miss Hong, do you know how to leave the ancient world?"

Hong Bailing shook his head and said: "I've never heard of this. In fact, there are many people like you who came from the outer world like you in the ancient world. But they are not as lucky as you. Basically, they are all missing arms and legs, and some even Half of his body is gone."

Hearing this, Li Ming was not surprised. He had heard it before when he was on the rock in the sea of ​​fire.

Moreover, when he was drinking in the wine shop in the town before, Li Ming also saw many disabled true gods.

Later, Li Ming asked Hong Bailing about the situation of Xialiu's family and Hong Bailing's own situation.

After a banquet, Li Ming and Hong Bailing got to know each other better.

A few days later, it was the birthday of the head of the Liu family.

Patriarch Hong has already prepared a birthday gift, a giant horse made of rare gold, with countless precious stones embedded in its surface.

This gigantic horse is more than ten meters high and more than ten meters long, and it is a huge monster.

Seeing this, the unknown children of the Hong family were surprised.

"What's the purpose of building such a giant horse?"

"I heard it was a birthday gift for Patriarch Liu."

"Birthday ceremony? What do you mean? Our Hong family is showing favor to the Liu family?"

"I don't know, the Patriarch told us not to speculate, and told all of us not to leave the house today, saying that there is something important to do."

"what's the situation?"

After the birthday ceremony was prepared, Patriarch Hong personally sent Li Ming and Hong Bailing out of the house.

I only heard Patriarch Hong say: "Mr. Xuanqing, I will entrust my daughter to you."

"Patriarch Hong, don't worry, as long as I, Xuan Qingming, have breath, I will keep Miss Hong safe." Li Ming promised.

"Okay, okay." Patriarch Hong responded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Li Ming and Hong Bailing set off.

Accompanied by two servant girls and a few coolies, they were responsible for carrying the giant horse.

It's not too far to go to Liu's house. At the speed of Li Ming and his party, it only takes three or two hours.

Along the way, it was fairly peaceful and did not encounter any troubles.

Near noon, Li Ming and his party finally arrived at Liu's house.

As soon as he entered the Liu family's sphere of influence, a patrolman stepped forward and questioned, "Who is here?"

"Xuan Qingming, the son-in-law of the Hong family, brought his wife Hong Bailinger to the banquet. This is an invitation." Li Ming replied seriously.

"Son-in-law of the Hong family? Miss Hong family?" The guard was stunned, and immediately shouted: "Come here!"

Immediately, several guards who were in charge of patrolling surrounded him immediately and asked, "What happened?"

"These two claim to be the son-in-law and young lady of the Hong family, take them down for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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