The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3109 Burning Soul Shade

Chapter 3109 Burning Soul Shade
"Yes!" Li Ming replied without thinking.

"Okay, count yourself in, go back and prepare, and leave in five days." The Young Palace Master said.

"Yes." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, the Young Palace Master waved his hand, signaling Li Ming to go down.

At this time, an old man in the hall reminded: "Young Mansion Master, this Li Qing's origin is unknown. Although there is a recommendation order from the Hong family, it is not guaranteed that he is from the Hong family. Do you want to send someone to the Hong family to ask?" ask?"

"No, it doesn't matter if you are from the Hong family or not, as long as you are not afraid of death!" The young mansion master gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face, "I have entered the retreat five times, and all five times I failed, this time I failed. Then you will become benevolent!"

"This..." The old man's expression was slightly condensed, and he continued: "Young Palace Master, in fact, you can really send some capable disciples to accompany you to the place of retreat."

"Needless to say, I am free to measure myself!" the Young Palace Master interrupted.

Hearing this, the old man can only give up!
Li Ming left the mountain where the Young Palace Master lived, and went down to the residence under the leadership of Liu Bao.

On the way, Li Ming asked curiously, "Senior brother Liu, is this retreat place dangerous?"

"The place of retreat is not dangerous, but the place where the Young Palace Master goes is somewhat dangerous." Liu Bao replied.

"Huh?" Li Ming was startled, and continued to ask: "Where is the main residence of the young man?"

"Let me tell you, don't say that I said it, the Young Palace Master is the most annoying of others to gossip." Liu Bao said.

"Don't worry, junior brother promises to keep his mouth shut." Li Ming promised.

Hearing this, Liu Bao was relieved, and said: "The main place of the young mansion is a fierce place, even if it is a retreat place, it can be ranked as the place called Burning Soul Yin."

"Burning Soul Yinland?" Li Ming was startled, hearing the name, he felt that this was an ominous place.

After a pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Senior Brother Liu, what's so special about this place? Why does the Young Palace Master insist on going here?"

Liu Bao looked around and saw no one, so he said: "It is said that there are broken Heavenly Dao Pillars scattered in the Burning Soul Yin Land. The Young Palace Master has been coveting the Heavenly Dao Pillars for many years, but it is a pity that he has not been able to find them yet."

"The Broken Pillar of Heavenly Dao?" Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help thinking of the half broken Pillar of Heavenly Dao that he had absorbed in the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao.

"Okay, your residence is in front, I'll go first." Liu Bao said, pointing to a house in front.

The house is not big, only three wooden houses.

Li Ming came back to his senses and said, "Senior Brother Liu, go slowly."

"You're welcome, good luck for you. If you can come back alive from the retreat, maybe you can be reused by the Young Palace Master." Liu Bao said with a smile.

"I hope so." Li Ming smiled lightly.

After Liu Bao left, Li Ming went back to the wooden house. The decoration inside was simple, but it was clean.

Li Ming pondered for a while, if there is really a broken pillar of the heavenly law in Burning Soul Yin, it would be great for him.Moreover, Li Ming even suspected that the half of the Heavenly Dao Pillar in the Burning Soul Yinland was one with the half of the Heavenly Dao Pillar he had absorbed.

After reading this, Li Ming couldn't hold back his excitement, this cave was not in vain!
For five days, Li Ming didn't go anywhere, and just meditated in the wooden house.

In the early morning of the sixth day, Li Ming came to the mountain where the Young Palace Master was located to report.

At this time, quite a few people had already come to the foot of the mountain, they were all disciples who had just started, and they were all waiting to go to the place of retreat with the Young Palace Master.

"Brother, which family do you come from?" Suddenly, someone stepped forward to greet Li Ming.

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, but still said: "I am from the Hong family, may I ask where you are from?"

"Are you from the Hong family?" The other party was taken aback, and then said: "I'm from the Song family, Song Jingran. I heard that your Hong family just destroyed the Liu family?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in surprise, "Is there such a thing?"

"You don't know?" Song Jingran was also surprised.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I really don't know about this. I left the Hong family three months ago."

"No wonder, this happened more than half a month ago, and I just heard about it." Song Jingran said.

Li Ming pretended to be surprised, and asked tentatively: "Isn't there a powerful priest in the Liu family? How could it be destroyed?"

"I'm not sure about this, but you'd better be careful. I heard that the priest from the Liu family has already started to take revenge on the Hong family's children. Although you don't believe in Hong, you are from the Hong family." Song Jingran said.

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart sank. He deliberately changed his name to Li Qing, and lied that he left the Hong family three months ago just to clear up the matter of the Liu family's collapse.However, he didn't expect that the priest from the Liu family would still anger the Hong family's children.

However, there should be no danger for a moment to go to the place of retreat with the Young Palace Master.

Just as Li Ming was thinking about it, Song Jingran reminded him, "Brother Li, the priest from the Liu family is here."

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart tightened suddenly.

At this moment, an old man was seen flying down from the mountain peak.

Li Ming recognized this person at a glance, isn't it the old man who discussed things with the Young Palace Master in the hall that day?

He is the enshrinement of the Liu family?
Li Ming didn't know the priest of the Liu family, so when he saw the old man that day, he didn't know that he was the priest of the Liu family.

At this time, the old man glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Li Ming.

Li Ming's heart fluttered, feeling like he was being seen through.

After a slight pause, the old man closed his eyes and introduced himself: "My surname is Su, you can call me Mr. Su. Later, I will leave for the place of retreat. There are a few things I want to tell you clear."

"First, after entering the closed-door retreat, all actions are subject to the arrangement of the Young Palace Master. You must not act without authorization, let alone leave the team without authorization. Otherwise, you will be considered a traitor and will be executed!"

"Second, when you arrive at the destination, no matter what you find, you must hand it in, and you must not keep it privately, otherwise you will be killed!"

"Third, no matter under any circumstances, you must take protecting the safety of the Young Palace Master as your duty, otherwise you will be regarded as a traitor and will be executed!"


"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

Seeing this, Mr. Su nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Okay, come with me."

Immediately, Mr. Su took the crowd and flew towards the back mountain.

Li Ming asked in a low voice: "Brother Song, where are you going?"

"It should be a place of retreat." Song Jingran said uncertainly.

"Where's the Young Palace Master?" Li Minghu questioned.

"Maybe wait for us at the entrance of the retreat place?" Song Jingran said.

Hearing this, Li Ming didn't ask any more questions.

It didn't take long to fly, and it was only a cup of tea.

At this time, Mr. Su led the crowd to a cliff.

Half of the cliff is bare, with four big characters engraved on it, a place of retreat.

However, Li Ming did not see the Young Palace Master.

Arriving here, I only heard Elder Su say: "Everyone wait here, the Young Palace Master will be here soon!"

Hearing this, everyone sat down on the floor and waited patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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