The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3119 Resolute

Chapter 3119 Resolute
Old Su couldn't catch it, and when he reacted, the Immortal God King's attack was already approaching.

Mr. Su couldn't dodge, only heard a muffled bang, half of his head was blown apart, and his brains flew all over the sky.

After one blow, the Immortal God King didn't make another move, but left the place quickly with Li Ming.

"Damn it! How dare you set this old man up!" Mr. Su was furious, but he didn't care about chasing Li Ming, he had to deal with the injury first.

The brain is the most important part of the human body, even a true god in the God King Realm cannot ignore such trauma.

The Immortal God King took Li Ming and left the place quickly. Once Mr. Su stabilized his injury and freed his hands, they would all die.

"No, running away like this is not an option. Mr. Su will catch up sooner or later." Li Ming said suddenly.

"Then what should we do?" The Immortal God King asked.

Li Ming frowned, and said, "Since things have turned out like this, why don't you just keep doing it and try to kill that Su."

"Ah? Killing Elder Su?" Immortal God King was surprised, then smiled wryly, "Master, I was lucky to be able to sneak attack just now. It is almost impossible to kill Elder Su."

Although it is only a gap in realm, it is an insurmountable gap.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and he said secretly: "You can't help it, but I can."

"Master?" The Immortal God King couldn't help being startled, looking very surprised.

I only heard Li Ming reminded: "Did you forget that this is here?"

Hearing this, the Immortal God King couldn't help but pause, and then seemed to have guessed something, and asked, "Master, do you mean to use green flames?"

"That's right, it's the green flame. The green flame can directly attack the divine sense. I don't believe that Su has a magic weapon to defend against the divine sense attack. Even if there is, it may not be able to block the green flame." Li Ming said darkly.

"Then what about the poison of the Six Yang Poison Palm on Master's body?" The Immortal God King asked worriedly.

"I don't care so much, I can only solve the immediate troubles first, as for Liuyang Poison Palm, I can only think of another way." Li Ming said.

"This..." Immortal God King hesitated for a while, and then asked: "But where can we get green flames? How can we use green flames to attack Elder Su?"

"Huh?" Li Ming shook his head, and continued, "The area of ​​Burning Soul Yin is almost covered with green flames, why should we look for it? As long as we keep bombarding the area where Elder Su is, we will definitely be able to stimulate a lot of green flames." flame."

Hearing this, the Immortal God King immediately understood.

"Let's do it." Li Ming ordered.

"Yes, master." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, the Immortal God King is launching a full-scale bombardment towards the area where Elder Su is located.

"Boom... boom..."

The swamp exploded, and ghostly green flames floated up in pieces.

In an instant, the area where Elder Su was located was covered.

Seeing this, I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go, leave this place first."

"En." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, the two left the place quickly.

After a little effort, Li Ming and the Immortal God King came out of the Burning Soul Yinland.

At this time, there was no trace of the Young Palace Master, and it was unknown if someone else had left beforehand, or if something went wrong.

Seeing this, the Immortal God King asked: "Master, should we go directly back to Dongtian Mansion now, or stay in this ancient world for now?"

Li Ming thought about it for a while, took out a few pills that Mr. Su gave him before, and said: "The surname Su said that taking these pills can delay the onset of Liuyang Poison Palm, let alone half a year. Retreat here for three months first, and then make plans."

After speaking, Li Ming prepared to take the detoxification elixir.

"Master, wait a minute." Immortal God King suddenly called Li Ming to stop.

"What else?" Li Minghu questioned.

"Master, I don't know if this antidote elixir is real or not, so I'll take it rashly..." Immortal God King said.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and then said: "Old Su is too powerful for me, and I was hit by his Liuyang Poison Palm again, so he probably won't tamper with this antidote."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming directly took the antidote elixir.

Li Ming is not a person who hesitates. Now that he has determined that there is no problem with the antidote elixir, he no longer thinks about it.

If there is really something wrong with this antidote elixir, then you can only consider yourself unlucky!

After taking the detoxification elixir, a sense of coolness immediately flowed through the whole body, and the hot poison of the six yang poisonous palm in the body was immediately suppressed.

Seeing that Li Ming took the antidote elixir without hesitation, the Immortal God King was really shocked. His life was in Li Ming's hands, and if something happened to Li Ming, he would not survive.

After a while, Li Ming slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a hot breath.

Seeing this, the Immortal God King quickly asked, "Master, how do you feel?"

"It's okay, the poison of Liuyang Poison Palm in the body doesn't seem to make people so uncomfortable. This antidote is real." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Immortal God King breathed a sigh of relief, but then he said depressedly: "It would be great if the poison on the master's body can be completely defused, but unfortunately it can only be suppressed for half a year. This old man Su is really hateful! I don't know what he is doing now. dead yet?"

"Don't worry about him, find a place to retreat first." Li Ming waved his hand and said.

"Yes, master." The Immortal God King replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming and the Immortal God King left this place and flew towards the mountains in the distance.

There are shelters in the mountains, which is convenient for hiding and retreating.

This place is connected with every sect in the ancient world, or to be precise, each sect has a corresponding teleportation circle to enter here, and the magic circle of Dongtian Mansion is on the cliff.

As for other sects, I don't know.

Looking at the mountains and running horses, I saw that the mountains in front of me were close, but in fact, they were not close to the road.

At Li Ming's current speed, he flew for four or five days.

When we arrived at this mountain, the surrounding area was completely silent, and even the sound of birds and beasts could not be heard.

Seeing this, Li Ming immediately became vigilant, Chuannian said: "Be careful, something seems wrong here."

The Immortal God King also noticed that something was wrong here. In general, there are birds singing and beasts roaring more or less in the mountains.

This place is so quiet, there are only two possibilities. One is that there are no birds, beasts or life here, so it is so quiet.

Second, there is a very powerful beast here, and other birds and beasts dare not invade its territory.

After a pause, Chuannian, the Immortal God King, said: "Master, this place is so weird, why don't we retreat in another place?"

Li Ming collected himself, nodded, and said, "That's fine."

Immediately, the two were ready to leave the mountain.

However, at this moment, a few people suddenly flew from a distance, and hurriedly flew towards the depths of the mountain forest.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled. He had seen one of them before, "Is that the female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect?"

Indeed, it is the female disciple of the Ghost Sword Sect who fought with the Young Palace Master!

(End of this chapter)

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