Chapter 3121

"Huh... uh..."

With two clear arrow whistles, the bodies of the two who had turned to leave suddenly froze, and then there was a red spot between their eyebrows.

The red spot was getting bigger and bigger, and blood flowed out of it, followed by brain matter.


There was only a bang, and the two of them fell straight down.

"Senior Sister, why did you kill them?" the male disciple of Ghost Sword Sect asked in astonishment.

"The secret of the keel can't be revealed." The female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect said coldly.

Hearing this, the male disciple couldn't help but froze, and asked angrily: "Senior sister, do you want to kill me too?"

"Stupid brother, how could senior sister kill you?" The female disciple whose face was full of hostility suddenly became gentle.

After a pause, the female disciple continued to say: "Okay, Junior Brother, since we can't find a way to take out the keel for a while, otherwise, go back to the Zongmen first, maybe there is a record in the Zongmen Zangshu Pavilion."

Hearing this, the male disciple couldn't help but startled, and asked Chi Chi: "Senior sister, are you really sure there is a keel inside?"

"Not to mention 90.00%, at least [-]% sure." The female disciple said.

"Why do you say that?" the male disciple asked in confusion.

"This matter is going as we go." The female disciple said.

Immediately, the two left the place together.

Li Ming watched the two of them leave until they disappeared into the sky, and then came out with the Immortal God King.

Li Ming came to the entrance of the open-air karst cave and looked inside. The water was very clear without any turbidity.

However, I couldn't see the end at first glance.

The Immortal God King said that this is an illusion formed by the formation, called seeing water in the sky, but in fact there is no real water.

"Master, I am in charge of mobilizing the formation, and you are in charge of breaking the formation!" said the Immortal God King.

"Okay!" Li Ming responded shallowly.

Immediately, the Immortal God King began to knock on the rocks around the cave.

Those rocks are where the magic circle is located, and with this strike, Li Ming immediately released divine flames.

The key to breaking this formation is divine flames. After all, fire and water can restrain each other, and whoever is strong can restrain the opponent!
Li Ming's divine flame is not simple. He not only cultivated the Nine Dragon Divine Flame, but also absorbed Chu Shixiong's Wanyan Sovereign, and practiced in the sea of ​​fire for many days.

Now, Li Ming's divine flame can be said to be the first flame under the king of gods, even the divine flame of a true god at the peak of a great god can't match it!
With a thought, Li Ming controlled the flame to burn to the rocks around the cave.

In an instant, those rocks were burnt red.

The Immortal God King was still knocking on the rock, only to hear a muffled sound from the rock, which was completely different from the original crisp sound.


Suddenly, there was a muffled bang, and the rocks around the cave began to crack.

The array arranged under the rock also broke, and then the water level in the cave dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the water in the cave completely dried up, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

Li Mingchao looked inside the cave, and there really was a pile of bones.

However, only part of the bones can be seen from the mouth of the cave, so it cannot be concluded that it is a keel.

"Come on, let's go down." Li Ming said.

"En." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, the two jumped down the cave together.

The cave gets wider and wider as it goes down, but the surrounding area is dim and dark.

Li Ming shot out a divine flame, which immediately illuminated the cave.

After a closer look, the pile of white bones was indeed keel bones.

"It turned out to be a dragon bone!" The Immortal God King couldn't help being surprised.

Li Ming nodded and said: "It is indeed a keel, but I don't know what the role of this keel is. However, the physique of this keel is relatively large. I am afraid that this dragon should have been an overlord before it was alive. Maybe it may be a certain dragon king." .”

In general, the size of a normal dragon body is only 60 meters, and the size of a larger one is only 90 meters.

But this keel is at least hundreds of meters long.

The growth rate of a dragon is very slow, and it is difficult to grow an inch in a thousand years.

This dragon can grow hundreds of meters, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it has been used, but it is a pity that it died, leaving only a pile of keel.

The Immortal God King released his divine thoughts to investigate the pile of dragon bones.

However, nothing special was detected.

After a pause, the Immortal God King shook his head and said, "Master, this keel looks ordinary and seems useless."

"No, there must be something we don't know." Li Ming said firmly, and then continued: "This keel is hidden so secretly, and the female disciples of Ghost Sword Sect value this keel so much, there must be something special about it. "

Thinking of this, Li Ming reached out and sucked, and a keel fell into Li Ming's hands.

Li Ming looked at this keel carefully, and even poured a divine element into it, trying to stimulate the hidden secrets of the keel.

However, no matter how Li Ming tossed about, the keel looked the same as a normal bone, without any difference.

"This..." Immortal God King hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Master, why don't I go and capture that female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect?"

"No need." Li Ming stopped, and then continued: "Let's put aside the matter of the keel for now, and focus on retreat for now, and study the keel later when I have free time."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming was ready to put away the keel in the cave.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden noise above the cave.

Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and immediately became alert.

"Master, they are the female and male disciples of the Ghost Sword Sect." The Immortal God King said.

"They?" Li Ming frowned, and asked in surprise, "Why did they turn back?"

"Then what should we do now?" the Immortal God King asked.

Li Ming thought for a while, and then said, "Play by ear."

At this time, two people flew down from the cave.

It was none other than the two disciples of Ghost Sword Sect.

But at this time Li Ming had already put away the keel, so the two disciples of Ghost Sword Sect did not see the keel.

The female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect looked at Li Ming, and felt that this person looked very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

However, as for where I saw it, I can't remember it for a while.

"Who are you?" Li Ming was the first to ask.

"Who are you?" The female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect asked instead.

"Interesting." Li Ming grinned and looked at the other party with gloomy eyes.

The female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect looked around the cave, frowned and asked, "Where's the keel?"

"Are you also here for the keel?" Li Ming asked.

"You took the keel?" the female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect continued to ask.

"If I got the keel, why would I stay here?" Li Ming asked back.

"You didn't get the keel?" The female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect couldn't help being surprised, and looked at Li Ming hesitantly.

Obviously, she didn't believe what Li Ming said.

After a slight pause, the female disciple of the Ghost Sword Sect suddenly remembered something, and said, "I remember, I met you before, you are the servant of Wan Huang, the young mansion master of Dongtian Mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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