The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3123 Dragon King Bone

Chapter 3123 Dragon King Bone

"Yes!" Zhang Yuchan said firmly.

Hearing this, a hint of anger appeared on Li Ming's face.

However, that was deliberately installed.

Facing Li Ming's anger, Zhang Yuchan was not afraid at all, as if she was certain that Li Ming would not dare to do anything to her.

After a pause, Li Ming condensed a portrait out of thin air.

"That's him?" Zhang Yuchan asked in surprise.

"En." Li Ming nodded, waved his hand, and the portrait disappeared.

Then, I only heard Li Ming say: "Now we can tell the secret of the keel, right?"

"Okay, but I'm only telling you, you let this person step down." Zhang Yuchan looked at the Immortal God King and said.

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled unconsciously, but the smile became colder and colder.

Then, I saw Li Mingchao the Immortal God King winking.

Immortal God King immediately understood, nodded secretly, and then unceremoniously shot at Zhang Yuchan, and it was a ruthless one, as if he really wanted to kill Zhang Yuchan.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuchan's expression changed suddenly. She didn't expect the other party to be so decisive!
At this time, Li Ming said solemnly: "Zhang Yuchan, I warned you that you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. I have fulfilled my promise and given you the portrait of the man in white robe. You still haven't revealed the secret of the keel. Say it, then I can only give you a ride!"

"No, I said." Zhang Yuchan said hastily: "That keel is the old dragon king of the dragon clan..."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled. It really was the Dragon King, and then he waved his hand at the Immortal God King, signaling him to stop.

The Immortal God King stopped attacking and retreated to Li Ming's side.

Zhang Yuchan gasped for breath, calmed down, and then continued: "The dragon king of the Shenlong clan is different from ordinary dragons. The bones of the dragon king will conclude what the dragon king has learned all his life. Obtaining the bones of the dragon king is equivalent to obtaining the ten thousand bones of the dragon clan." A Thousand Divine Skills."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, "There is such a thing? Why have I never heard of it?"

"This is the secret of the Shenlong Clan, and I also heard of it by chance." Zhang Yuchan explained.

"Is that so?" Li Mingchi questioned.

"That's true, I didn't lie to you." Zhang Yuchan said.

"Then how to get the magical power in the keel?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"I'm not very clear about this, but I heard that dragon blood can activate the magic power in the dragon king's bone." Zhang Yuchan said uncertainly.

"Dragon's blood?" Li Ming couldn't help but startled, secretly remembering this.

"Li Qing, I've told you everything I know, can I go now?" Zhang Yuchan asked.

Li Ming waved his hand and didn't say much.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuchan immediately ran away with her junior brother.

After Zhang Yuchan left, Li Ming hesitated slightly, and said to himself: "Can the dragon's blood really activate the magical power in the Dragon King's bones?"

"Master, why don't we find some dragon blood to try?" Immortal God King suggested.

"Forget it for now, I have to retreat for a while. Last time, I was almost able to directly comprehend the late stage of the Great God, but due to the limitation of strength, I failed. Now, I can continue to comprehend after breaking through the middle stage of the Great God." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the Immortal God King nodded and didn't say much.

Afterwards, Li Ming and the Immortal God King found a safe place to retreat.

This time, Li Ming didn't have the rapid comprehension as last time.

However, the speed is not slow, after all, there is half a pillar of heaven in his mind.

Previously, according to Li Ming's judgment, this half of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao could support him until he reached the God Emperor Realm.

However, from the looks of it now, it should not be possible, and it is estimated that it is at most the late stage of the main god, or the peak.

However, Li Ming was very satisfied with this.

He is still only in the middle stage of the great god, and he is still far away from the late stage of the main god and the peak.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Li Ming finally got his wish and fully comprehended the late stage of the Great God, but his strength is still in the middle stage of the Great God for the time being, and he needs to absorb a huge amount of divine flame and divine thunder.

After comprehending successfully, Li Ming woke up from the retreat state.

The Immortal God King was slightly surprised when he saw Li Ming wake up, and then asked, "Have you understood?"

Li Ming nodded and said: "The comprehension is successful, it's time to go back to Dongtian Mansion."

"Hmm." Immortal God King replied, and then worried: "I don't know if there is an antidote for Liuyang Poison Palm in Dongtian Mansion."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but rubbed his temples. In two months, the poison of Liuyang Poison Palm undoubtedly penetrated into the bone marrow a little bit.

After a pause, Li Ming said: "Life is a matter of life and death, wealth and honor are in the sky. My luck has always been good, so I won't die so easily!"

The Immortal God King smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

Immediately, the two left the place of retreat and flew towards the stone wall leading to Dongtian Mansion.

It took about ten days to go to the stone wall. On the way, Li Ming met some disciples from other sects who came here to retreat.

However, nothing happened, all was well.

When he came to the stone wall, the Immortal God King took the initiative to return to the prisoner space. Li Ming walked towards the stone wall, and the formation on the stone wall was activated automatically, bringing Li Ming back to Dongtian Mansion.

A token is required to activate the magic circle when entering the retreat, but it is not necessary to exit the retreat.

Things change and stars move, time and space travel, Li Ming's eyes are blank, and he can't see anything clearly.

When he saw the surrounding things clearly, he had already returned to Dongtian Mansion.

There was no one around the stone wall, so Li Ming left quickly to avoid being bumped into by the young master Wan Huang's people and causing trouble.

Before, Li Ming was wounded by Elder Su and hit by his Six Yang Poison Palm. Li Ming didn't dare to inquire about the Six Yang Poison Palm easily, for fear of angering Mr. Su.

Now, Mr. Su probably died in the Burning Soul Yin Land in eight or nine out of ten cases, so he can inquire about it openly and aboveboard.

Li Ming left the stone wall and quickly flew towards the pill hall.

There are all kinds of elixirs in the elixir hall, including elixirs for improving cultivation, and elixirs for detoxification, but I don't know if there are elixirs for Liuyang Poison Palm.

After a little effort, Li Ming arrived at the pill hall.

When he arrived at the pill hall, Li Ming suddenly became alert.

Last time, he asked a disciple of an elder in the Hall of Pills to purchase a large number of pills. Afterwards, the disciple was so obsessed that he killed Li Ming.

However, he was killed by Li Ming.

Although Li Ming did it very secretly, he couldn't guarantee that there would be no leaks.

Li Ming first walked around outside the pill hall, seeing that no one was paying attention to him, then walked into the pill hall.

Today, the person in charge of selling the elixir is a fat man with a big belly and a mouth full of scum.

"What do you want?" the fat man asked.

"Brother, I have been poisoned by an unknown poison, do you have any detoxification pill?" Li Ming didn't directly say Liuyang Poison Palm.

"I don't know the name of the poison?" The big fat man was stunned, and then said: "You don't know what the poison is, which is very difficult. Every kind of poison has a corresponding detoxification pill, and you can't just take it casually. After all, some detoxification pills Pills fight poison with poison, you don’t know what poison it is, and I can’t just sell you detoxification pills, what if you die from poison?”

(End of this chapter)

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