The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3128 Repetition

Chapter 3128 Repeated (three more)
At this time, a spar suddenly appeared in Li Ming's mud-covered hand, as if he had just touched it out of the mud.

The two protectors looked at each other, and took the spar from Li Ming.

"Is this the broken Pillar of Heavenly Dao?" a Dharma protector asked Chi.

"Yes, this is it. If you feel it carefully, you should be able to feel the power of heaven on it." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the two protectors were startled, and couldn't help but carefully examine the spar in their hands.

However, at this time, one of the guardians hesitated and said: "No, this can't be the broken half of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao."

Although they have never seen the Pillar of Heavenly Dao, if it was so easy to obtain, Li Ming would have taken it away long ago, why bother to bring them here?

However, the protector was one step too late after all. When he realized that there was something wrong with the spar, a cloud of red smoke suddenly floated out of the spar.

The smoke instantly turned into a person and stabbed at one of the guardians.

The protector couldn't dodge in time, and the entire head was cut off directly, killing him on the spot.

"Who are you?" Another Dharma protector asked angrily.

"Master, you go first, I will keep this person." Immortal God King said.

"Okay, be careful!" Li Ming said.

Immediately, Li Ming flew out of the deep pit.

The remaining protector stared at the Immortal God King. He didn't expect that he would be tricked by Li Ming. If it wasn't for this person's surprise attack, how could his companion die?

The Immortal God King looked at the remaining Dharma protector and said, "Are you and I fighting to the death in this Burning Soul Yin Land, or are we going to stop here and go our separate ways?"

"If I can't bring back the broken Heavenly Dao Pillar and Li Ming, I won't be able to return to the Young Palace Master when I go back." The guardian said seriously.

"Then we're going to do it?" The Immortal God King snorted, and then reminded: "This is the place of burning souls. Once we do it, it will inevitably cause green flames to erupt. I'm afraid the two of us will fight before the victory is decided." died here."

Hearing this, the protector's face froze.

Obviously, he didn't want to die in this Burning Soul Yin Land either.

"How about this, how about you and I fighting in another place? If you can defeat me, then capture me and go back, so that you can explain to your Young Palace Master." Immortal King said.

Hearing this, the guardian frowned slightly, and then said: "Okay, let's fight in another place!"

"Please!" The Immortal God King made a gesture of please, and then flew out of the deep pit first, followed by the guardian.

Afterwards, the two flew side by side towards the Burning Soul Yin Land.

When Li Ming left the deep pit, he didn't really run away, but went to look for the young master Wan Huang.

As long as Li Ming captures Wan Huang, that Dharma protector will definitely throw a rat's weapon.

However, Wan Huang's strength is not low, and he is in the late stage of the Great God.

However, Li Ming is not weak either.

Although Li Ming's strength has not yet reached the late stage of the Great God, but he has reached it in the comprehension of the way of heaven, and his divine sense is not weaker than Wan Huang at all.

In addition, Li Ming also has super destructive Divine Flame and Divine Thunder, so he might not be able to fight Wan Huang!
Li Ming was careful all the way. Although he didn't see any green flames when he came here before, he couldn't go wrong after all.

After a stick of incense, Li Ming came to the edge of the Burning Soul Yinland.

From a distance, Li Ming could see the master of the young mansion, Wan Huang, sitting cross-legged, as if he was in meditation.

Li Ming approached quietly, ready to make a surprise attack.

However, at this moment, Wan Huang, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

Obviously, Li Ming's arrival alarmed him.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart. He didn't expect Wan Huang to be so vigilant.

Wan Huang frowned when he saw Li Mingfei coming, because he didn't see his two protectors.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly had a plan, and shouted in a panic: "Young Palace Master, Young Palace Master..."

Wan Huang was highly alert and asked from a distance, "Why did you come back alone?"

"Young Palace Master, something happened. The two guardians got stuck in the quagmire in order to obtain half of the pillar of heavenly law. They ordered me to come back and ask for help from the young Palace Master." Li Ming said eagerly, as if the two guardians were really in deep trouble. Like a quagmire.

Hearing this, Wan Huang couldn't help but pause, and the fox asked: "The two protectors are in the realm of god kings, how can they still fall into the quagmire?"

"Young Palace Master, you don't know that half of the pillar of heavenly law is buried deep in the swamp. In order to get it out, the two guardians had to go deep into the swamp, so they were trapped by the swamp. Originally, it was just a swamp. It doesn't matter, I can easily break free with the strength of the God-King Realm. However, the surrounding area is full of green flames, and the two guardians dare not use their divine essence easily, so they can only ask me to come back and ask for help." Li Ming explained with a nose and eyes.

Hearing this, the Young Palace Master was startled, and couldn't help but believe it a bit.

At this time, Li Ming had already flown up to Wan Huang, panting and asked: "Young Palace Master, what should we do now? Should we go back to Dongtian Mansion to rescue the soldiers? Bring out the two guardians and the broken Heavenly Dao Pillar together."

Wan Huang thought about it for a while, and then said, "I'm afraid you and I are not strong enough, so we'd better go back to Dongtian Mansion to bring reinforcements."

"Okay, it's all up to the Young Palace Master's orders." Li Ming said.

"Let's go, follow this young master back to Dongtian Mansion." Wan Huang said.

"En." Li Ming responded.

Immediately, Li Ming pretended to follow Wan Huang back to Dongtian Mansion, but in fact he secretly prepared to make a move.

However, when Li Ming was about to sneak attack Wan Huang, Wan Huang suddenly turned around and slapped Li Ming with a palm without warning.

Seeing this, Li Ming looked terrified and quickly dodged.

Fortunately, Li Ming reacted in time, otherwise Wan Huang would have injured him.

"What did Wan Huang discover?" Li Ming murmured to himself, and asked with a dark face, "Young Palace Master, what do you mean?"

Wan Huang looked at Li Ming, as if he was thinking about everything.

Li Ming didn't act rashly, and looked at Wan Huang angrily.

Li Ming thought that he hadn't exposed any flaws, so he didn't know what Wan Huang had discovered?
After a pause, Wan Huang suddenly smiled and said, "Li Qing, don't worry too much, this young master is just testing your reflexes, it looks very good, following this young master from now on, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Thank you, Young Palace Master, for your appreciation." Li Ming pretended to be grateful.

"Let's go, come back to Dongtian Mansion with me." Wan Huang said.

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Wan Huang turned around and flew towards the stone wall of Dongtian Mansion.

However, the moment Wan Huang turned around, Li Ming unceremoniously slapped him.

Wan Huang was caught off guard and was wounded by Li Ming.

"You..." Wan Huang looked at Li Ming angrily.

"What about me?" Li Ming asked with a hum.

"You're lying to me. What you said just now was all made up?" Wan Huang asked angrily, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Wan Huang has a repetitive personality and is full of doubts about everything.

Therefore, he didn't fully believe Li Ming's words just now, so he made a surprise attack and was about to capture Li Ming and interrogate him thoroughly.

However, I didn't expect Li Ming to be so vigilant that he escaped his surprise attack.

When he was about to look for another chance, he didn't want Li Ming to attack him suddenly.

 There will be a fourth update at around 12 o'clock, and there will be another update tomorrow if there is no accident. Please have the audacity to ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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