Chapter 314: Skillful Tongue ([-])

Li Ming said his farewell and left the lobby, followed Xiao Si to settle down.

After Li Ming left, Zhenjun Huayang asked Yinzheng, "What do you guys think?"

"Yellow-mouthed children, with a glib tongue, can't be elegant!" a counselor hummed.

"Ambitious, rough and fine, use it in a wonderful way!" Another counselor said.

"Variable, if you don't remember the old master, you can't use it." Another counselor said.

For a while, several people present in the lobby expressed their opinions, some said that it could not be used, and some said it could be used, but only one did not speak.

Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng stood up, leaned slightly, and asked the counselor who hadn't spoken: "Master Jingxuan, what do you think?"

The Master Jingxuan who hadn't spoken yet thought about it a little, and said, "You will know if you use it or not."

"How to try?" Huayang Zhenjun asked.

"Three days later, Fairy Jiuyue will come to challenge her. When the time comes, call Li Ming out and talk about it face-to-face. Let's see how Fairy Jiuyue will react. If Li Ming is really the eyeliner she sent over, I can take this opportunity to kill him! A lesson for her. If not, you can consider using it, but absolutely not reuse it!" Master Jingxuan said.

Hearing this, Zhenjun Huayang nodded his head and said, "Then do it like this!"

Huayang Mansion is very large, located between two hills, so the suzerain's disciples can occupy two hills, and other Nascent Soul monks, absolutely not!

In the front yard, there is a lobby, wing rooms, and counselor's courtyard, and in the back yard, Zhenjun Huayang lives alone.

Although Zhenjun Huayang only lives in the backyard, it is much larger than the front yard. In addition to the palace where you usually rest, there are retreat rooms, a martial arts training ground, and a beast house.

The animal house, of course, lived in the white-eyed tiger.

True Monarch Huayang has always kept himself clean, and there are no bad rumors, unlike some palace masters and mountain masters, who have a lot of beauties in the mansion.

Li Ming followed the boy to the wing room, and he settled down.

The next step is to find ways to gain the trust of Zhenjun Huayang, otherwise even if he tells him about the beast, he may not go alone!

The condition of the wing room is not bad, much better than the cowshed.

But in Huayang Mansion, it is a poor place, where servants and maids live.

When foreign guests come, the house has its own guest rooms.

It can be seen that True Monarch Huayang wants to chill Li Ming!
Li Ming doesn't mind either, he doesn't have high requirements for housing!
After staying here, Li Ming didn't go out and stayed in the house all the time.

Because Li Ming knew that Zhenjun Huayang would definitely do something, and he just had to wait!

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Qin Yue, the Fairy of Jiuyue, spread her wings and came to ask for advice.

Around Huayang Mansion, many disciples gathered to watch the battle.

Li Ming was meditating in the wing room, when a voice suddenly came from outside: "Li Ming, Palace Master welcomes you!"

Li Ming who was meditating slowly opened his eyes, without saying a word, he left the room silently, and followed the servant to meet the Palace Master Huayang Zhenjun!
After a while, Li Ming came to the lobby, saw Zhenjun Huayang sitting on the high seat, clasped his fists and shouted: "I have seen Zhenjun Huayang."

"Don't be rigid. Come, follow me to meet someone!" As he said that, True Monarch Huayang used his means to kidnap Li Ming out of the lobby.

In a short time, he came to the front of the mansion.

I saw Fairy Jiuyue displaying a pair of golden phoenix feathers standing in the air, overlooking Zhenjun Huayang, and said: "Since you are out of the palace, let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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