The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3141 Metamorphosis

Chapter 3141 Metamorphosis
Immediately, Immortal God King and Zhou Tianshu carried Li Ming out of the ice cave.

However, the two didn't dare to leave directly, but stayed beside the ice cave to prevent Li Ming's body from getting hot again.

There was a burst of chill from the entrance of the ice cave, and the surrounding temperature began to drop gradually.

After a while, there were snowflakes in this area.

Little snowflakes, like little elves.

Soon, the ground turned white.

The scorched calluses on Li Ming's body didn't change, neither got better nor got worse.

However, what is certain is that this life is saved for the time being!
Several of Zhou Tianshu's juniors had disappeared, and they didn't know where they went, and the Immortal God King didn't think much about it.

A few days later, the vicinity of the ice cave has become a world of ice and snow, and the temperature continues to drop.

Immortal God King and Zhou Tianshu had to take Li Ming out of here!

I don't know what happened to Fen Hun Yin, how did it suddenly become like this?
Although the Immortal God King didn't know the specific reason, his intuition told him that it should be related to the green flame.

Leaving the entrance of the ice cave, the two took Li Mingfei to a slightly slower place.

Gradually, the scorched skin on Li Ming's body changed and began to peel off.

Seeing this, Immortal God King immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself: "It seems that the master's condition is improving a little bit, I'm afraid it won't be long before he wakes up?"

Seeing the changes in Li Ming, Zhou Tianshu was also secretly relieved, and said, "Brother Li has his own auspiciousness, and it seems that he will recover in a short time, but he doesn't know where the green flame is going?"

When the green flame was mentioned, the Immortal God King couldn't help but startled, and quietly released his divine sense to investigate Li Ming.

Spiritual thoughts swept over Li Ming's body, but the Immortal God King didn't notice the trace of the green flame, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

You know, even if Li Ming absorbs the green flame, the breath of green flame will remain on his body.

But now, there is nothing.

"What's going on?" The Immortal God King hesitated secretly.

After thinking about it for a long time, the Immortal God King didn't think of a reason.

In a blink of an eye, another half month passed.

At this moment, the Burning Soul Yin Land has been completely reduced to a world of ice and snow, and the ground is covered with a large amount of snow, which will not melt all day long.

At this moment, a few figures suddenly swayed at the end of the sky.

Seeing this, Immortal God King suddenly became alert.

"It seems that someone is coming." Zhou Tianshu said.

"En." Immortal God King responded, and then released his divine sense to detect the few people who flew over.

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's those junior brothers of yours."

"It's them, I don't know where these guys went before, but now they finally know they're back." Zhou Tianshu couldn't help scolding.

After a little effort, several people couldn't help but fly to the front.

I only heard that Zhou Tianshu asked, "Where did you all go?"

"Senior Brother Zhou, we went back to the sect and reported this matter to the suzerain. The suzerain seems to be very interested in Brother Li, so let us take him back." One of them replied.

Hearing this, Immortal God King immediately became alert, what do these people mean?
However, at this time, Zhou Tianshu asked with a depressed face: "What do you guys want to do? Why did you report this matter to my father?"

"This..." Several people were speechless for a moment.

Hearing this, the Immortal God King couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect that Zhou Tianshu was the son of the master of the Spirit Sword Sect.

After a pause, Zhou Tianshu said, "Wait for now, Brother Li's health is gradually getting better, and when he wakes up, we will return to the Spirit Sword Sect together."

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhou." Several people responded in unison.

Hearing this, the Immortal God King secretly heaved a sigh of relief, Zhou Tianshu and the others did not mess around.

The scorched skin on Li Ming's body fell off little by little, like a snake shedding its skin.

After nearly two months like this, the scorched skin on Li Ming's body completely fell off, and the newborn skin was moist, like a baby's skin.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but startled.

I only heard Zhou Tianshu said: "It seems that Brother Li has undergone an abnormal transformation."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, I only heard the Immortal God King softly shouting in Li Ming's ear: "Master?"

After shouting three times in a row, the sleeping Li Ming slowly woke up.

Seeing Li Ming open his eyes, Immortal God King was relieved, the master is finally all right!
When Li Ming woke up, he saw a world of ice and snow all around him, and asked in surprise, "Where is this?"

"Master, this is the periphery of the Burning Soul Yinland." The Immortal God King replied.

"Burning Soul Yinland?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked strangely: "How did Burning Soul Yindi become like this?"

"Master, you don't know. During the time you were unconscious, the temperature of the Burning Soul Yinland continued to drop, and it didn't take long before it started to snow. The snow was getting bigger and bigger. I have never heard of it. It has become what it is now." The Immortal God King explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and said to himself, "Interesting."

At this moment, Zhou Tianshu invited him: "Brother Li, my father has heard about you and wants to invite you to come over to talk about it."

"Huh?" Li Ming was startled, not knowing what it meant.

At this time, I only heard the idea of ​​the Immortal God King, and briefly explained the matter.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized.

Only Wen Immortal God King asked: "Master, do we want to go? Zhou Tianshu's father will have some schemes?"

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and Chuannian said: "Zhou Tianshu doesn't seem to be a treacherous person. He didn't hit me when I was in trouble, and his father shouldn't be a person with evil thoughts. Besides, we were about to leave the retreat. This place is just right to borrow the Sword Spirit Sect."

The Immortal God King nodded and said nothing.

At this time, I heard Li Ming said with a smile: "Thanks to Sect Master Zhou for his respect, then we should be respectful rather than follow orders, and ask Brother Zhou to lead the way."

"Okay, you two come with me." Zhou Tianshu said.

Immediately, Zhou Tianshu flew away with Li Ming and Sword Spirit Sect of the Immortal Dynasty.

However, at this moment, Li Ming suddenly noticed a change in his body.

No, to be precise, it was a change in my mind.

The golden skull that had been suspended in his mind had disappeared, replaced by a cluster of finger-sized green flames.

"What's the situation?" Li Ming was really surprised. Why did the golden skull disappear?
However, there were other people around at this time, and it was inconvenient for Li Ming to stop and check, so he could only give up for the time being.

Seeing the sudden change in Li Ming's face, the Immortal God King couldn't help asking, "Master, what happened?"

"It's a bit troublesome. The golden skull in my mind has disappeared. However, there are more green flames." Li Mingchuan read.

"There is such a thing?" The Immortal God King was also surprised, and then speculated: "Master, could it be the green flame that burned the golden skull?"

Hearing this, Li Ming had a bitter look on his face, Chuan Nian secretly said: "I don't know yet, I will investigate carefully after I arrive at the Sword Spirit Sect."

The Immortal God King nodded secretly and said nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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