The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3146 Magic Potion

Chapter 3146 Magic Potion
Hearing this, Fang Tianci couldn't help but nodded, and said, "It's better for you to be kind-hearted and fat. We just need to do things according to the Lord's order. As for the result, it really doesn't matter to us."

"That's it." The thin man said.

"Then why are you still standing there? Let's execute the punishment!" Fang Tianci said.

Immediately, the two executed Li Ming.

Although they are all physical pains, they are not something ordinary people can bear.

However, Li Ming was so determined that he didn't even hum.

Seeing this, Fang Tianci and the thin man couldn't help but startled.

I only heard the thin man gasping and said: "This guy can bear it. He didn't even hum when he was subjected to such a punishment. If it were someone else, he would have cried for his father and mother. It seems that we have to enlarge him." pain of."

"Well, that's what I meant." Fang Tianci nodded and said.

Immediately, Fang Tianci took out a white porcelain bottle.

When the white porcelain bottle was opened, a cloud of yellow smoke came out, accompanied by a pungent smell.

Then, Fang Tianci poured the liquid from the white porcelain bottle into Li Ming.

Immediately, Li Ming felt a chill all over his body, and then the capillary pores enlarged rapidly.

At this time, Fang Tianci suddenly whipped his whip.


Hearing a crisp sound, a red mark appeared on Li Ming's body, and at the same time, he felt a burning, burning pain in the place where he was whipped.

That kind of pain is more painful than ordinary whipping, as if the pain has been magnified a hundred times.

At this moment, Fang Tianci laughed and asked, "Li Qing, how about this whip?"

"What did you paint on me?" Li Ming asked grimly.

Li Ming has such a physical body, let alone a whip, even if the five thunders hit him, he will not be afraid at all, and will not feel pain.

But now, his whole body is numb with a whip, and the pain is unbearable. This is too abnormal!

Fang Tianci looked proud, and said: "The yellow liquid just now is nothing else, it is a potion that magnifies your painful nerves ten thousand times, so when I whip you just now, it is equivalent to your pain being magnified ten thousand times. "

Hearing this, Li Ming gasped involuntarily. He didn't expect there to be such a magical potion in the world, which can amplify people's pain.

At this time, the thin man said, "Old Fang, what are you talking about with him? Looking at him like this, he won't bring out the green flames, so continue to torture him."

"I really don't know where the green flame went. It must have escaped when I was unconscious. If you don't believe me, you can ask your young master Zhou Tianshu." Li Ming gritted his teeth and said.

"Look, this guy is still stubborn, let's continue to torture." The thin man shrugged and said.

Immediately, the two continued to torture Li Ming.

At this moment, the pain Li Ming endured was magnified ten thousand times.

Li Ming's face was flushed, and a hoarse scream came from his throat, and he almost fainted from the pain.

Seeing this, Fang Tianci deliberately asked, "Li Qing, how is it?"

"Fatty man, kill me if you have the ability, otherwise if I can leave here alive, I will take your head in the future!" Li Ming roared angrily.

"Tough mouth? Alright, I'll apply some pain magnifying potion on you again, so that your pain will be magnified by [-] times!" Fang Tianci annoyed others that he was beside him the most.

At this time, Li Ming not only said that he was fat, but also said that he was fat, how could he bear it?
Immediately, Fang Tianci painted Li Ming with a bottle of yellow liquid again.

Immediately, Li Ming's pores enlarged again, and the pain he endured was magnified by [-] times!
"Come, taste my whip!" Fang Tianci said with a smile.

Then, Fang Tianci raised the whip in his hand and was about to whip it towards Li Ming.

"Stop!" Suddenly shouted sharply, and a person rushed over quickly.

 Calvin, I only wrote a small chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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