The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3167 Trading

Chapter 3167 Trading
At that moment, the black tiger briefly explained the matter.

After listening to it, Li Ming's eyes could not help but brighten up, and the fox asked: "You said you found a mysterious cave?"

"Yes, that cave is very mysterious. I suspect that it is a certain ancient god sitting in the cave at the beginning of the world." Black Tiger said.

Li Ming pondered slightly, then said with a smile: "Brother Heihu, although you and I have some friendship, it seems that we haven't reached this point yet, right? Innate spirit."

Hearing this, Heihuo's face suddenly felt awkward, and he continued, "Mr. Xuanqing, to tell you the truth, I didn't actually discover the ancient god's cave, but a disciple of the Huntian Sect. .I only heard about it by chance.”

"Huh?" Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, then asked later, "Then what do you mean?"

"Let's not stop at nothing, and join forces to kill those disciples of the Huntian Sect who knew about it, and occupy that ancient god's cave." The black tiger said cruelly.

Such actions are in line with his bandit demeanor.

In these years, the number of true gods who died at the hands of the black tiger was not [-] but [-], and a few disciples of the Huntian Sect were nothing at all.

I only heard that Li Ming continued to ask: "With your strength as the Black Tiger God Queen, you should be able to deal with a few Huntian Sect disciples more than enough, right? Why bother calling me?"

"One of them has an extraordinary identity, and I dare not do it." Black Tiger said.

"Oh?" Li Ming paused, and continued: "Let's hear it, how special is that person's identity?"

"He is the godson of the leader of the Huntian Sect, and he has a very irresistible relationship with the young master Liu Mo. I dare not do anything to him, so I invite Mr. Xuanqing..." After saying this, the black tiger couldn't help but stop.

However, what he wanted to express could not be more obvious, and he hoped that Li Ming would solve this person for him.

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and then said: "Tell me about the basic situation of that person, what is his name, what is his strength, and what kind of weapons he is good at."

"The man's surname is Liu, and his name is Zicheng. I don't know what weapon he uses. However, I have heard people say that he subdued a cluster of heaven and earth strange fire in his early years, which seems to be called Baibing Shenyan." The black tiger said.

"Heaven and Earth Flames, White Ice Divine Flame?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised. This White Ice Divine Flame is well-known. It looks like ice, but its internal temperature is extremely high and its lethality is extremely strong.

It is said that the Divine Flame of White Ice is usually found in the ocean of icebergs, and it is hard to find traces, but Liu Zicheng did not expect it to exist.

Whether it was for Baibing Shenyan, the Ancient God's Cave Mansion, or Li Ming's personal enmity with the Huntian Sect, there seemed to be sufficient reasons to kill Liu Zicheng.

Seeing that Li Ming was silent, the black tiger couldn't help asking: "How is it? You killed Liu Zicheng for me, and I will share the Ancient God's Cave Mansion with you. How about it?"

"Yes!" Li Ming replied without thinking.

"Okay, then let's rush to the Ancient God's Cave Mansion and lie in ambush, and then wait for the disciples of the Huntian Sect to arrive." The black tiger said.

"Lead the way." Li Ming said concisely.

Hearing this, Ma Liangcheng on the side couldn't help but frowned, Chuan Nian reminded: "Sect Master, be careful of this black tiger's tricks."

"I have my own measure, you let Heifeng follow behind secretly." Li Ming Chuannian replied.

"Okay." Ma Liangcheng nodded slightly.

It should not be too late, and if it is too late, things will change. The black tiger took Li Ming and Ma Liangcheng on the road.

"Just you?" Li Ming was slightly surprised when he saw the black tiger acting alone, and continued to ask, "Where are your subordinates?"

"The value of the Ancient God's Cave Mansion is extraordinary, and they are not qualified to share it with me." Black Tiger said without hesitation.

If it wasn't for getting rid of Liu Zicheng, the black tiger wouldn't have invited Li Ming either!
On the way, I heard Li Ming asking: "Brother Heihu, what kind of strength is Liu Zicheng?"

"Not strong, all God Kings." Black Tiger said dismissively.

"God King?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised. At first he thought that Liu Zicheng was some kind of ruthless character, but he didn't expect it to be just a mere god king.

Whether it is for the black tiger or Ma Liangcheng, it can be destroyed with a flick of a finger.

At this time, the black tiger seemed to see the suspicion in Li Ming's heart, and couldn't help explaining: "This Liu Zicheng is not strong, but he has a lot of treasures. After all, he is the godson of the Heavenly Demon God Emperor. So, even if it is me, There is no absolute certainty that he can be killed in an instant. Once he has a chance to breathe, he will definitely report what happened to the Huntian Sect, and then..."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that the black tiger had used himself as a murder knife and let him take the blame.

Seeing that Li Ming's face changed slightly, the black tiger couldn't help flattering him, and said, "Mr. Xuanqing, you come from a big clan, so you shouldn't be afraid of the Huntian sect, right?"

"Afraid?" Li Ming snorted, and said dismissively: "Don't say that Liu Zicheng is just the godson of the Heavenly Demon God Emperor, even if he is his own son, I can kill him!"

Indeed, if it were Liu Mo now, Li Ming would kill him without hesitation!
Hearing this, the black tiger smiled and did not doubt Li Ming's words at all.

Flying all the way south, without any stop in the middle.

After flying like this for five or six days, Li Ming saw that the black tiger hadn't stopped, so he couldn't help frowning and asked, "How far is it?"

"Hurry up, according to our current speed, we can arrive in three days at most." Black Tiger said.

Hearing this, Li Ming pondered slightly, and then said: "Several days have passed since we set off, has the pedestrian from the Huntian Sect already entered the Ancient God's Cave Mansion?"

"This...we'll talk about it later. If they've already entered the Ancient God's Cave, then we'll give them a catch and kill them in the dark!" the black tiger said solemnly.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded slightly, agreeing with Heihuo's actions.

Sure enough, three days later, Li Ming and his party came to the ancient god cave under the leadership of the black tiger.

Here is a valley, and the valley is covered with vines, very thick.

Li Ming glanced at it, and there was no human trace here, and it seemed that the disciples of the Huntian Sect hadn't come yet.

Seeing this, Heihuo said: "Then let's lie in ambush beside this valley and wait for those guys from the Huntian Sect."

"En." Li Ming nodded.

Immediately, a group of three people ambushed near the valley.

The vicinity of the valley is very peaceful, with few people, and even very few divine beasts.

After waiting for four or five days, but still not seeing the disciples of the Huntian Sect, Ma Liangcheng couldn't help frowning secretly, hesitatingly said: "Could it be that you won't come?"

"No, the meaning of the Ancient God's Cave Mansion is extraordinary, and the disciples of the Huntian Sect will never let it go easily!" the black tiger said solemnly.

Hearing this, I only heard Li Ming say: "If this is the case, then wait a little longer."

"Okay." Ma Liangcheng replied.

After another two or three days like this, several figures flew from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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