Chapter 3177
Seeing this, Li Ming and the others couldn't help but smile.

We are all brothers who have come out of the mountains of swords and seas of fire. Even if there are differences, they will eventually reach unity!

Li Ming and his party set off immediately to the endless sea of ​​flames!

It is a long way to go to the endless sea of ​​flames, and we still need to pass through the periphery of the Huntian Sect.

But now because of the Black Flame Prison, the Huntian Sect has already become a mess. It is estimated that no one will notice Li Ming and the others.

Of course, the only thing that makes Li Ming and others afraid is that the Heavenly Demon God Emperor will come back from the ancient world.

However, after a wave of rational analysis, Li Ming felt that this possibility was relatively small.

Although the prisoners in the Black Flame Prison are all powerful figures, the strongest is no more than the peak of the God Emperor.

Letting these people escape would not have much impact on the Huntian Sect.

Compared to Liu Mo's disappearance, these people are nothing at all.

After finding out the cause and effect of Liu Mo's disappearance, it won't be too late for the Heavenly Demon God Emperor to take care of these fleeing guys slowly.

Of course, this is just Li Ming's wishful thinking. No one knows whether the Heavenly Demon God Emperor will come back suddenly.

However, since you have decided to go to the endless sea of ​​flames, there is nothing to hesitate!
After setting off, Li Ming and his party slept in the open air, traveling day and night, almost without any stop, and they dared not have any stop.

Now, they are in a race against time.

If Liu Mo just disappeared, it's okay to say that once the Heavenly Demon God Emperor confirms his death, Li Ming will probably be angered.

Therefore, we must rush to the endless sea of ​​flames to negotiate with the dragon-eating crocodile as soon as possible, and get the protection of the dragon-eating crocodile!
A few days later, Li Ming and his party came to the outskirts of the Huntian Sect.

As expected by Li Ming, the Heavenly Demon God Emperor did not rush back from the ancient world.

Otherwise, the Huntian Sect wouldn't be in such a mess at this time.

Some of the emperors who escaped from the Black Flame Prison escaped early, but some ruthless characters did not escape immediately, but hibernated in the vicinity, taking revenge on the Huntian Sect every now and then.

Either robbing the commercial vehicle of the Huntian Sect, or killing the disciples of the Huntian Sect.

The elders of the Huntian Sect have teamed up to encircle and suppress those guys, but they all ended in failure.

In fact, there is another god emperor in Huntian Sect.

However, that divine emperor doesn't care about things, and travels abroad all the year round, which belongs to the nature of a guest. Unless the Huntian Sect faces the difficulty of exterminating the sect, he will not show up easily.

Li Ming looked at the chaotic Huntianjiao, his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help thinking of making trouble.

Seeing this, Master Hou guessed Li Ming's intention immediately, and couldn't help persuading him: "Sovereign, there is no rush for revenge. The most urgent thing now is to complete the negotiation with the dragon-eating crocodile as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes narrowed slightly. He also knew that his current strength was low. Even if he fell into trouble, it would be impossible to seriously injure the Huntian Sect. At most, it would make them feel more uncomfortable.

After reading this, Li Ming couldn't help but stop thinking and was ready to continue his journey.

However, at this time, Ma Liangcheng said: "Sect Master, don't think about revenge now, but we can do something else."

"Do something else?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, and looked at Ma Liangcheng suspiciously.

"Sovereign, you have practiced Wanyan Dominant Art for several days and absorbed the White Ice Divine Flame, but you have never had the chance to try the power of Wanyan Sovereign Jue. Why don't you try it today?" Ma Liangcheng took it easy. said slowly.

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Yes, why don't you take advantage of this day to try Wan Yan's power?"

At this time, Hou Shenjiang's face was slightly condensed, and his eyes could not help but stare at Ma Liangcheng fiercely.

However, Master Hou also knew that Li Ming could no longer be persuaded, so he couldn't help saying: "Sect Master, it's okay to try the power, but remember not to go deep into the Huntian Sect, let's just try it out here. After all, the elders of the Huntian Sect It's not vegetarian either!"

Indeed, the elders of the Huntian Sect all have the strength of the queen of the gods and the peak.

If this pissed off the Huntian Sect, just Li Ming and the others would never get away with it!

Li Ming nodded and said, "Waiting God Craftsman, don't worry, I'm free."

Hearing this, Master Hou didn't say much.

Immediately, Li Ming and his group wandered around the periphery of the Huntian Sect.

Now, the periphery of the Huntian Sect is not peaceful, and no one knows where the guys who escaped from the Black Flame Prison are hiding.

Therefore, Li Ming and his party were very careful.

After a little effort, Li Ming and his party found a caravan.

The caravan didn't hang a flag, and it looked like they were going to teach in the sky.

Seeing this, Li Ming narrowed his pupils slightly, and said solemnly: "Let's practice with this caravan."

"Don't worry, let me have a look." Hou Shenjiang said.

Immediately, Master Hou released his divine sense and quietly investigated the caravan.

After a while, Master Hou said: "This caravan looks ordinary, but there are three masters of the God Emperor Realm, and one of them has reached the middle stage of the God Emperor, and his strength will never be inferior to mine. Please trouble them." I'm afraid I still have to weigh it."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, he didn't expect that there were three god emperors in the caravan not far away.

It seems that the Huntian Sect is really scared of being robbed!

After a pause, I heard Ma Liangcheng say: "If there are only three god emperors, then there is no need to be afraid. Even if there is a real fight, we will not be afraid of them. What's more, the suzerain is just trying the power of Wanyan Domineering Art. It's not that you really want to fight them desperately, the worst is to run away immediately after throwing the flame."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help laughing. He didn't know what Ma Liangcheng thought before, and he didn't expect to be so shameless.

Hou Shenjiang was quite dissatisfied with Ma Liangcheng's rhetoric, but he did not refute it face to face.

Seeing this, Li Ming knew that Master Hou had acquiesced.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "You all be on guard, I will gather momentum."

"Okay!" The craftsman waiting for God replied.

Immediately, Li Ming operated Wanyan Sovereign, quietly controlling Longyan and Baibing Shenyan.

Soon, Dragon Flame and Baibing Divine Flame merged to a critical point, and Li Ming could throw it out at any time.

However, at this time, Li Ming couldn't help but a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, didn't he still have the god thunder?

"Should we stop incorporating the divine thunder?" Li Ming thought to himself.

Opportunity is rare and should not be missed.

Immediately, Li Ming controlled Shenlei and merged into Wanyan Sovereign!
As soon as Shenlei joined, the Dragon Flame and Baibing Divine Flame in Li Ming's hands instantly became irritable and might explode at any time.

Seeing this, Hou Shenjiang, Ma Liangcheng and others couldn't help being surprised, what the hell is this?How could it emit such a terrifying aura?It completely doesn't match Li Ming's cultivation in the late stage of the Great God Realm!
At this time, the two divine flames in Li Ming's hands had completely merged with the divine thunder to the point of explosion, and Li Ming roared angrily: "Go!"

I saw a burning fireball smashing towards the caravan not far away. Two colors shone in the fireball, and it was also dancing with thunder.

"No, there is a situation, be alert!"

At this time, the three god emperors in the caravan noticed something and immediately became vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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