The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3179 Dragon Eater God Emperor

Chapter 3179 Dragon Eater God Emperor
Li Ming didn't talk nonsense with the dragon-eating crocodile, and directly turned his palm to take out the potion that the master waited for him.

This potion was painstakingly developed by Hou Shenjiang, and it is a unique existence.

The dragon-eating crocodile saw Li Ming take out a delicate bottle with his palm up, and he couldn't help asking: "This thing in your hand can break the iron chain on my body?"

"That's right, exactly." Li Ming said.

Then, Li Ming didn't talk nonsense with the dragon-eating crocodile, and directly threw the small bottle in his hand to the dragon-eating crocodile.

The dragon-eating crocodile was startled, but Li Ming threw the small bottle over unexpectedly.

However, the dragon-eating crocodile still reached out and caught the small bottle.

Startled, only to hear the dragon-eating crocodile ask: "Li Ming, are you so kind that you can give me this potion for nothing? Are you not afraid that I will kill you after I get out of trouble?"

"Of course it's not that kind. The potion in this small bottle is not enough to break the iron chains on your body. I just want you to see that I have the ability to break the iron chains on your body. As for other conditions, let's take it slowly." Talk!" Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"Talk about conditions with me? What are you?" the dragon-eating crocodile said with a look of disdain.

"Okay, if you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say it and leave!" Li Ming was not a good one, so he turned around and left.

Seeing that Li Ming turned around and left, the dragon-eating crocodile became anxious, and quickly shouted: "Boy, don't go, we have something to discuss."

The dragon-eating crocodile has been trapped at the bottom of this dark sea of ​​flames for tens of thousands of years, and now it finally has the hope of escaping, how could he let Li Ming go.

If it weren't for the iron chain limiting his attack range, he would have captured Li Ming long ago.

Li Ming had expected that the dragon-eating crocodile would keep him, so he couldn't help but stop.

Seeing that Li Ming had stopped, the dragon-eating crocodile breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Li Ming said unhurriedly: "Dragon-eating crocodile, I have something to discuss now? Didn't you just say that I am nothing?"

"You..." The dragon-eating crocodile couldn't help but froze.

Indeed, the dragon-eating crocodile is a majestic god emperor, and Li Ming is no more than a great god. Under normal circumstances, how could Li Ming have the qualifications to negotiate terms with the dragon-eating crocodile?

But, who made the dragon-eating crocodile ask for Li Ming now?

Seeing that the dragon-eating crocodile was silent, Li Ming couldn't help but continued, "Apologize to me first, and then talk about other things."

"What? You asked me to apologize to you, the Dragon God Emperor? Do you want to die?" said the Dragon Crocodile angrily.

It turns out that the emperor of this dragon-eating crocodile is called the Dragon-eating God Emperor!

"Looking for death?" Li Ming snorted, and said, "Then there is nothing to talk about, so leave!"

After speaking, Li Ming turned around and headed towards the sea.

"You... don't go, don't go, there is something to discuss, except for an apology, I can satisfy you with other conditions." The Dragon Eater God Emperor said hastily.

"Apology is a prerequisite. If you don't apologize to me, we can't continue talking." Li Ming said coldly.

"You..." The Dragon-eating God Emperor was immediately annoyed.

Seeing the angry Dragon-eating God Emperor, Li Ming snorted and continued: "However, I have changed my mind now."

Hearing this, the Dragon-eating God Emperor calmed down slightly with a sullen face, and murmured: "Boy, you are a smart person, you just know that you can change your mind. How can I apologize to a great god? If this spreads, I will How can the Dragon-eating God Emperor mess around?"

"You are wrong, I just want to say, even if you apologize to me now, I can't rescue you again, you will stay in this ghost place forever in your life! Farewell!" Li Ming said with a cold expression on his face. Swim to the sea.

"You..." The Dragon-eating God Emperor was about to explode with anger. He is a god emperor who is as high as the sky, and he wants to beg for mercy from a small god. Is there any reason for this?
But looking at Li Ming who was getting farther and farther away, the Dragon Eater God Emperor had no choice but to let go of his posture again, and said: "Li Ming, Wanshi is open to discussing, I was wrong just now, just open it if you have any conditions, I will double promise you! "

However, the Dragon Eater God Emperor had already made a decision in his heart, once he got out of trouble, he would swallow Li Ming first.

No, just swallow the inexplicable hatred in his heart, and slowly cut his flesh off!
Hearing the shout of the Dragon Eater God Emperor, Li Ming couldn't help but stop slightly, then turned around and uttered two words: "Please!"

"You..." The Dragon-eating God Emperor was so angry that he wanted to yell and curse, but he knew that Li Ming would take the soft and not the hard, and if this made Li Ming unhappy, he didn't know what kind of tricks this bastard was playing!

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "Emperor Dragon Eater, this is your last chance. Once I turn around again, I will never come back."

"You...Okay, I beg you!" The Food God Emperor said through gritted teeth.

"Duplicity, no sincerity." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"Li Ming, I beg you." The Dragon-eating God Emperor suppressed the overwhelming anger in his heart, and pretended to be calm.

"The tone is flat, but it doesn't look like asking for help." Li Ming said again.

The Dragon Eater God Emperor was completely enraged, but in the end he still suppressed the surging anger in his heart, pretended to beg, and said, "Li Ming, I know I was wrong, please help me out."

"En." Hearing this, Li Ming nodded seriously, and then said: "Okay, it seems that you are so sincere, I will reluctantly agree to save you, you can try it in a small bottle first. potion."

"How do you use this potion?" Dragon-eating God Emperor Fox asked, putting his anger aside for the time being.

Nothing is more important than getting out of trouble!
He has been trapped here for tens of thousands of years, if he can't escape this time, he doesn't know how many more tens of thousands of years he will be trapped.

"It's simple, you just need to pour the potion directly on the iron chain." Li Ming said.

"So simple? No need for anything else?" the dragon-eating god Emperor Fox asked.

"No need." Li Ming said lightly.

Hearing this, the Dragon-eating God Emperor couldn't help but startled, opened the small bottle half-believingly, and then poured the potion inside to the iron chain tied to the tail.

The liquid in the vial was dark green and thick.

After falling to the iron chain, the iron chain immediately reacted, making a scorching sound.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Dragon Eater God Emperor couldn't help but light up. He had tried various methods over the years, but none of them could change the iron chain.

However, I didn't expect this inconspicuous green thick liquid to corrode the iron chain.

Although the degree of corrosion is almost negligible, it is really corroding.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Dragon-eating God Emperor suddenly became clear. Can he finally get out of trouble?
Heavenly Demon God Emperor, Haotian God Emperor, Longevity God Emperor, you all are waiting for me!

At this time, only the God Emperor Wen Chilong asked eagerly: "Li Ming, is there still this green liquid?"

"No more, just the green liquid you used just now is all there is." Li Ming said.

This is not a lie, Li Ming is indeed gone.

"No more?" The Dragon-eating God Emperor couldn't help being startled, a little disappointed, and then urged: "Then hurry up and refine some more."

"Of course, I said I would save you from trouble, and I will never break my promise." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the Dragon Eater God Emperor felt relieved, this was the most satisfying sentence he heard today.

"Yes, let's talk about the conditions first." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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