The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3184 What to do, what not to do

Chapter 3184 What to do, what not to do
Hitting the top bird with a stick has been like this since ancient times!

At this time, the true god who brought everyone into the hall with a bang door didn't know what to do, so he could only quietly wait for the punishment from the senior.

In fact, Hou Shenjiang didn't really want to punish this true god, or punish him, but just wanted to see other people's attitudes, which was considered a character test.

So far, almost half of the people's true gods are accusing the true god who slammed the door, and a small half of them are silent, and some have an attitude that has nothing to do with themselves.

However, at this moment, a true god suddenly opened his mouth and scolded: "You people, you all shrank your heads and didn't dare to knock on the door just now. Later, someone knocked on the door, and you followed behind one by one to pick up bargains. Now the Shenyan Gate After being held accountable by your senior, if you all blame him, won't your conscience hurt?"

Hearing this, those true gods who accused Hongmen were suddenly speechless and unable to refute.

Seeing this, Master Hou couldn't help but glared at this person.

Not to mention anything else, this person can stand up at this time and speak for the true god of Hongmen. This courage alone is really commendable.

After a pause, Master Hou asked in a gloomy voice, "Do you really want to speak for this person?"

"I'm not trying to speak for anyone, I'm just speaking to be fair!" The man said with a serious face.

"Okay, what a fair word, I'll let you and your justice go to the King of Hades right now!" Hou Shenjiang said in a low voice, releasing a terrifying killing intent at the same time.

Immediately, everyone was so frightened that they fell silent and trembled.

Hou Shenjiang is an existence in the middle stage of the God Emperor, and his killing intent cannot be resisted even by the existence of the God King, let alone these middle gods and great gods.

At this time, I heard that Master Hou asked again in a low voice: "You still don't change your opinion? Persist in supporting the True God of Hongmen?"

"Yes!" The true god said without hesitation.

"Okay, okay! Die!" Hou Shenjiang shouted angrily.

Suddenly, a monstrous breath came.

Immediately, there was a strong wind in the hall, and everyone felt dizzy and blurred.

When everyone regained their sight, the true god had disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

"This... is he dead?" a real god asked lately.

"Really dead?" Another great god questioned.

"Do you dare to question me?" Hou Shenjiang shouted angrily.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.

After a pause, I heard that Master Hou continued to say: "My Shenyan Sect has been hidden from the world for tens of thousands of years, and no one knows about it. Today, you are able to come here because of your fate. I didn't have to kill the leader who took the lead just now." However, since some people have lost their lives because of this, those present are more or less responsible."

"What does it have to do with us? It's not that we contradicted the seniors."

"Yes, we are innocent!"

These people said in a few words, obviously they didn't want to take responsibility.

"Enough! Shut up!" Hou Shenjiang was suddenly annoyed, and his voice was like thunder.

Immediately, everyone dared not say a word.

At this moment, only Wen Hou continued to say, "You guys are all responsible for the death of that true god just now."

Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while.

"You were the one who killed, why should we be held accountable?"

Of course, everyone only dared to think about these words in their hearts, but they dared not say them out, for fear of offending the master craftsman and being killed.

Only Wen Hou continued to say: "All of you will be buried with the true god, but I will give you a chance to live."

When everyone heard that they were all going to die, their faces turned pale.

However, hearing that there was still a chance of survival, his eyes lit up, and he listened attentively, waiting for the senior to speak.

Master Hou continued: "I placed a piece of bright jade in this hall. Whoever can find it and put it in the groove of the hall door will be able to leave this place alive."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Only then did everyone notice that there was indeed an inconspicuous groove on the golden palace door.

"Okay, your time is limited, only three days!" Hou Shenjiang continued to ask.

Hearing this, everyone panicked, only three days?If Mingyu can't be found within three days, they will all die?

Immediately, everyone immediately took action and began to look for the bright jade that the craftsman Hou said.

Waiting for the master craftsman to see the crowd taking action, he ignored them.

At this time, Shen Zha only heard the black wind and asked: "Master Waiting, what do you plan to do with that guy who speaks out of justice?"

"What is speaking out of justice? I think he is a fool asking for trouble!" Ma Liangcheng said.

Hearing this, God Craftsman Hou thought for a while, and Chuan Nian said: "Let me think about it, this person is different from others. However, the act of speaking out just now is not enough to join our Shenyan Sect, let me test him again. "

It turned out that the true god who disappeared just now was not dead, but was taken away by the craftsman waiting for God.

As for the pool of blood on the ground, it was intentionally left by Master Hou, just to convince everyone.

Ma Liangcheng and Heifeng didn't say any more, they had their own tasks, and this matter was left to Master Hou.

In fact, Hou Shenjiang didn't think that anyone would dare to come out and speak for the true god who slammed the door.

After all, the divine power of the mid-stage god emperor that they radiate is not something they can bear.

People always seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but there are always exceptions to everything.

The unconscious guy in front of him is an exception!
Master Hou thought for a while, and then made a formula in his hand to wake this person up.

"Where... is this? Am I dead?" After the true god woke up, he looked around blankly.

Although this place is also in the Divine Flame Palace, the surrounding environment is completely different from that in the main hall, so I thought it was two places.

"Are you awake?" Hou Shenjiang asked.

Hearing the sound, the true god realized that there was another person beside him.

In fact, it's not to blame for his unresponsiveness, one is because he was knocked out by force just now, and his head is still in a daze, and the other is that the master of waiting is standing there silently, which is hard for ordinary people to notice.

After a pause, the true god came back to his senses and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"You broke into my Divine Flame Palace, and you don't even know who I am?" Hou Shenjiang asked in a low voice.

"Ah?" The person was slightly surprised, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Are you that senior just now?"

"That's right, it's me!" Hou Shenjiang replied seriously.

"Senior didn't kill me?" The man was very surprised.

"Kill you?" The craftsman Hou paused, shook his head, and asked, "Why did you speak for that true god who slammed the door just now? Do you know each other?"

The true god shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Since you don't know him, why do you want to speak for him?" Hou Shenjiang continued to ask.

"My man, do something and don't do it. The person who blasted the door dared others to dare. Those of us who have been exposed to rain and dew should naturally do our best to give back." The true god replied.

Hearing this, Master Hou nodded in satisfaction, and continued to ask, "What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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