The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3187 Getting Attention

Chapter 3187 Getting Attention
There are tens of thousands of ways to inspect, but there is only one standard of assessment.

Those vicious and vicious, like Wang Haixiong's generation, were eliminated one by one.

However, Hou Shenjiang, Ma Liangcheng, and Heifeng didn't kill them, they just knocked them unconscious and sent them out of Shenyan Palace.

After these vicious people woke up, they found themselves floating in the sea of ​​flames, and they were all lucky to survive the catastrophe.

They thought they were dead, but they didn't expect to be alive.

So, one by one fled the flames in a panic.

Gradually, the investigation draws to a close.

At this time, half a month had passed since everyone entered the Divine Flame Palace.

Li Ming took a look at the investigation situation, and was quite satisfied with the remaining batch of true gods.

However, the number is not many, only seven people.

At this time, Hou Shenjiang, Heifeng, and Ma Liangcheng brought the seven people to the hall.

At this moment, Li Ming has been waiting on the throne in the main hall for a while.

After everyone came to the main hall, they only heard the introduction of Master Waiting: "This is the suzerain of our Shenyan sect, Xuanqing suzerain!"

"The disciple has met the Sovereign Lord." The seven shouted in unison.

"En." Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Congratulations on passing the assessment, and congratulations on your final choice to join the Shenyan Sect. For the next period of time, Elder Ma will teach you. If there is anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask him. But there is one thing to remember, don’t leave the Divine Flame Palace easily. Even if you want to leave, you have to ask the elder for instructions, understand?”

"Understood." The seven responded in unison.

"Okay, let's go." Li Ming waved his hand and said.

Afterwards, Ma Liangcheng took the seven people out of the hall.

After a pause, Li Ming continued to say: "The first batch of true gods who came in has been inspected, and the second batch is almost here, everyone get ready."

"Yes, Sovereign." Hou Shenjiang and others responded.

Obviously, just seven people is not enough to satisfy the development of Shenyanmen.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the potion refined by the alchemy room requires more than a dozen disciples to help.

Therefore, there is still a need to recruit some disciples.

The Dragon-eating God Emperor hibernates at the bottom of the deep sea, his divine thoughts sweeping across the Divine Flame Palace vaguely.

Although Li Ming and his party haven't started refining the potion yet, the preparatory work has been basically completed, and they just wait for the recruitment to end.

In a few days, the second batch of true gods found the Divine Flame Palace.

Immediately, the second field trip began.

This batch of true gods was far inferior to the previous batch, each of them was very hostile, and in the end only three people remained.

Recruitment can only continue!

After half a year like this, Li Ming and the others finally got their wish and recruited fifty new disciples.

Fifty may seem like a lot, but to the Ten Religions outside the Heavens, it is nothing more than sesame and mung beans.

Li Ming is not in a hurry either. It is not a small progress to increase the number of people in the sect from single digits to ten digits.

After cultivating these fifty disciples, try to continue to recruit new ones.

Afterwards, the Divine Flame Sect began to operate.

These fifty disciples have a clear division of labor, each performing their duties, and no one interferes with others.

Among them, some of the disciples were assigned to the alchemy room, and they followed behind the waiting craftsman.

Of course, the potion cannot be prepared in the Divine Flame Palace, otherwise it will only be peeped by the Dragon Eater God Emperor.

Therefore, before transporting the medicinal materials into the Divine Flame Palace, the craftsman Hou Shen had already prepared some of the materials.

Wait until the alchemy room of the Divine Flame Palace, and then perform secondary processing!
Regarding this, the Dragon Eater God Emperor also turned a blind eye to it, although he wanted to pry into the secret of the potion.

But he didn't mean to force it, not to mention that he had already signed an equal contract with Li Ming, and it was not easy to tear it up now.

Anyway, as long as you can regain your freedom, leave the bottom of this dark sea of ​​fire!

As for the others, he was too lazy to ask.

The days became calm, and Li Ming spent more time in retreat.

As for the operation of the sect, it is all in charge of the Master Hou.

That's right, among these people, except for Li Ming who has the cipher text in his mind, no one else has it.

Therefore, even if they want to retreat and comprehend, they will not get anything!

Li Ming hadn't retreated for many days. Once he had retreated at this time, he first used his spiritual thoughts to spy on the world of green flames.

The last time he refined and absorbed the white ice flame, Li Ming was able to fully adapt to the impact brought by the green flame.

This time, too, there was no discomfort.

"It seems that I have fully adapted to the impact of the green flame world. Thanks to the white ice flame, otherwise, it would take at least several decades for me to fully adapt." Li Ming thought to himself.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much for now, let's see if we can comprehend the cipher text of the way of heaven in the green flame." Li Ming muttered to himself.

Immediately, Li Ming got rid of distracting thoughts and began to try to comprehend the cipher text of the green flame.

These Tiandao ciphertexts are like smart tadpoles floating in the green flames.

Li Ming released his divine sense, trying to get close to these tadpoles.

At that time, as soon as those tadpoles sensed Li Ming's divine sense, they immediately ran away with a look of fear.

"How could this be?" Li Ming secretly disagreed.

Before comprehending the Tiandao cipher text on the Heavenly Dao Pillar, there was no such phenomenon at all.

However, Li Ming was not in a hurry, and continued to try several times.

After a few attempts, these clever Tiandao cipher texts seemed to accept Li Ming, an outsider, and they were not so resistant to Li Ming's prying.

Immediately, Li Ming began to try to comprehend the secrets of the Heavenly Dao in these Tiandao cipher texts.

Comprehension is not an easy task, not to mention that comprehension can be comprehended, you need to reach that state by yourself before you can comprehend.

"Puff... breathe... puff..."

While exhaling, Li Ming gradually entered a state of deep retreat.

In this Divine Flame Palace, no one will disturb Li Ming, and he also does not have to worry about external enemies.

Indeed, with the guardian of a behemoth like the dragon-eating god emperor, even the god emperor would have to stay away when he came here, let alone other true gods.

Those eliminated true gods returned to the coastal area one after another, spreading their experiences vividly one by one.

Not long after, news of the Divine Flame Sect reached the ears of the Huntian Sect.

At this time, the elder who was temporarily in charge of the Huntian Sect heard the news and immediately summoned several other elders to discuss the matter.

"Everyone, you must have heard about it? A while ago, a Divine Flame Gate suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and it seemed to be located in the place where the leader suppressed the Dragon-eating God Emperor. If you have any thoughts, please let me know. .” said the great elder.

Indeed, if it weren't for the fact that the location of the Shenyan Sect was within the scope of the Heavenly Demon God Emperor suppressing the Stone Dragon God Emperor, the Great Elder of the Huntian Sect would not have cared about this matter.

After all, countless sects are established every day, and there are also countless sects that fall.

What is a little-known Shenyanmen?
"Great Elder, the Dragon Eater God Emperor couldn't be the one doing the tricks, right?" An elder said hesitantly.

(End of this chapter)

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