The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3221 The Supreme Way of Heaven

Chapter 3221 The Supreme Way of Heaven
"En." Su Yinshuang responded.

The two of them worked together again and blasted towards the seal.

This seal is really not simple. Under normal circumstances, the full blows of the two half-emperors are almost equal to the blows of the god emperor.

Now, after dealing with the seal five or six times in a row, it was only loosened and not directly broken. It seems that Emperor Haotian put a lot of effort into this seal.

However, in the end the seal was broken by Zhang Xuanxian and Su Yinshuang.

As soon as the seal was broken, a strong cold current blew across the surface, and the surrounding area instantly froze.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanxian's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly used his divine essence to block the entrance.

Seeing this, Li Ming immediately released Dragon Flame and Baibing Divine Flame without any hesitation.

As soon as these two flames appeared, the surrounding ice cubes instantly melted.

At this moment, I heard Li Ming say: "Great Elder, withdraw your true energy and let me in."

"Sovereign, the temperature over there is extremely low, and there may be danger." Zhang Xuanxian reminded.

"It's okay, I've been to any cold place, this coldness is nothing." Li Ming said firmly.

Hearing this, the Great Elder could only withdraw Shen Yuan.

As soon as Shen Yuan withdrew, the cold current hit his face again.


Li Ming shouted loudly, and immediately summoned the seven-headed fire dragon.

As soon as the seven-headed fire dragon appeared, it suddenly fell into the furnace.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanxian couldn't help being surprised, he didn't expect the suzerain to have such means.

Entering the entrance, the front is the ancestral land of heaven.

At this moment, there is a world of ice and snow in the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Dao, which is almost completely sealed by ice.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face couldn't help changing, and he immediately released his spiritual thoughts to find Xiaoliu's trace.

How could Xiao Liu be able to bear such a strong icy and snowy environment.

Li Ming's divine sense swept across, but there was nothing but ice and snow.

"This...quick, help me find my son." Li Ming said immediately.

"Sovereign, what does the Young Sect Master look like?" Zhang Xuanxian asked.

Immediately, Li Ming condensed the appearance of Li Xiaoliu.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanxian and Heifeng immediately released their spiritual thoughts to search for Li Xiaoliu's way out.

Su Yinshuang had nothing to do, so she couldn't help but release her spiritual thoughts to investigate.

The seven-headed fire dragon roared, constantly breathing out dragon flames.

Wherever the dragon flame went, the ice and snow melted.

At this time, Su Yinshuang suddenly heard: "I seem to have found him, he is under the ice of the cliff."

"Huh?" Li Ming was stunned, and immediately asked: "Senior Su, where is the cliff? I still hope to specify."

"Follow me." Su Yinshuang said.

Immediately, a group of people followed Su Yinshuang and flew towards the cliff.

After half a stick of incense, Su Yinshuang led Li Ming and his party to the edge of the cliff.

At this time, only Zhang Xuanxian said: "Sovereign, Young Sect Master is really under the ice of this cliff."

Li Ming released his divine sense, and also saw Li Xiaoliu.

This cliff is ten thousand zhang deep, the ice layer is half the cliff deep, and Li Xiaoliu is just under that ice layer.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face darkened, and he immediately summoned the seven-headed fire dragon, and ordered: "Mel these ice layers for me immediately!"

"Yes." The seven-headed fire dragon replied.

Immediately, the seven-headed fire dragon spit out dragon flames, burning towards the solid ice of the cliff.

The temperature of the Dragon Flame was extremely high, and the solid ice melted quickly.

However, at this moment, a huge wave of spirit swept over and shouted angrily: "How bold you are, how dare you break into the ancestral land of the Dao of Heaven!"

In the blink of an eye, the man came to Li Ming.

"God Emperor Haotian?" Zhang Xuanxian was taken aback, he didn't expect the Emperor Haotian to come so soon.

"Father-in-law?" Li Ming paused slightly.

At this time, the Emperor Haotian also saw Li Ming clearly, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Father-in-law, that's it." At that moment, Li Ming simply explained the matter.

Hearing this, the Haotian God Emperor couldn't help but pause, and then hastily stopped him: "Quickly, put away your fire dragon, you will only harm Xiaoliu like this."

"Ah?" Li Ming was surprised, and immediately retracted the seven-headed fire dragon, then Fox asked: "Father-in-law, what do you say?"

"A few years ago, Yue'er detonated the divine essence for you, Xiao Liu, who had been sleeping all this time, suddenly woke up, and forcibly blocked Yue'er's divine essence with the supreme way of heaven. However, Xiao Liu is only a child after all, how can he bear it? The power of the supreme way of heaven. Therefore, he faced the end of being backlashed by the supreme way of heaven.

However, fortunately these years, Xiaoliu has already integrated with the Pillar of Heavenly Dao.

At a critical moment, the pillars of heaven collapsed on their own, turning into strands of heaven and blending into Xiao Liu's body, and Xiao Liu protected his life.

However, because Xiao Liu's realm is too low, so much heaven entered his body, his body couldn't bear it at all, so I sealed this place, and let the snow god freeze this place, which has eased Xiao Liu's pain with ice and snow. "

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it was so.

Fortunately, Emperor Haotian arrived in time, otherwise he would almost have made a big mistake.

After a pause, Li Ming asked, "Father-in-law, did Xiao Liu save Yue'er?"

"Yes." Emperor Haotian nodded, and continued: "Mother and child are connected, and if Yue'er is in danger, Xiao Liu will naturally feel it, but I didn't expect Xiao Liu to be able to activate the supreme way of heaven."

"The Supreme Way of Heaven?" Li Ming was startled, and asked inexplicably, "Father-in-law, what is the Supreme Way of Heaven?"

"The Supreme Dao of Heaven is the Dao above the Dao of Heaven, and it can only be comprehended and activated by the pure beings of the level of the Great God Pangu and the Patriarch Hongjun." The Haotian God Emperor explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, "My son is so good?"

"It's very powerful, even this emperor sighs that he is not as good as you. It's also thanks to you that you have such a precious son. Otherwise, how could this emperor allow you to be with Yue'er." The Haotian God Emperor snorted.

Hearing this, Li Ming was embarrassed for a while, it turned out that this is how Long Yuan's son-in-law came.

On that day, the giant Jiang suddenly passed the decree, and Li Ming still felt strange, why did the Emperor Haotian suddenly agree to the matter between himself and Yue'er?
Li Ming smiled awkwardly, and then asked: "Father-in-law, since Yue'er was rescued by Xiao Liu, what about Yue'er?"

"Although Yue'er was saved, she was accidentally involved in the turbulence of time and space caused by the urging of the Supreme Dao of Heaven. I haven't been able to find her until now," said the Haotian God Emperor helplessly.

"The turbulent flow of time and space?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled. Although he didn't know much, he had heard of the turbulent flow of time and space.

The turbulence of time and space is very dangerous, and it will continue to shuttle in different worlds until the turbulence ends.

"Okay, don't disturb Xiaoliu's cultivation, let me leave the Ancestral Land of Heaven and Dao before we talk about it." Haotian God Emperor said.

"Yes." Li Ming replied.

At this time, I only heard that Emperor Haotian looked at Su Yinshuang and asked, "Are you going back to the ancient country, or what should I say?"

"I'm not going back, I want to stay with Brother Zhang." Su Yinshuang said.

"Then it's up to you, this emperor is going to seal the entrance." Said Emperor Haotian.

Immediately, the Haotian God Emperor used his magic method to seal the passage that Li Ming had opened before.

Afterwards, the group left the ancestral land of Heavenly Dao and headed to the God Realm first.

(End of this chapter)

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